What To Do If You’re Fired: Tips From Resumes Writing Compan


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The phrase “You’re fired!” can immediately cut the ground from under your feet. It’s so easy to get emotional and to say or do things you’ll later regret saying; still, you need to manage your feelings.

Getting fired is an unpleasant experience as you immediately lose all those benefits you’re used to: the usual rhythm of life, a paycheck, professional communication and development. If you were a workaholic (see the signs of workaholism here: https://resumeperk.com/blog/main-differences-between-workaholic-and-hard-worker), you’ve probably lost more than just a job. Nevertheless, a termination doesn’t mean the end of your career, professional resume writers say. It’s possible to recover and find a job which would suit your personality and demands even better. See the advice from best resume writing companies of what you need to do after you were fired.

Also in this section:

Getting things settled with your former employer:

  • Find out the reason for termination
    You need to know the official reason of why you have been fired. So, find it out – and research whether the termination was legal. However, that’s a rare case. Most often, employees are getting fired because of ongoing disagreements with their bosses or personal reasons. However, if you suspect that you were fired because of the race, sex or national origin, consider consulting the employment attorney.
  • Resigning or being fired?
    If the idea of being fired makes you feel uneasy, you may discuss the perspective of resignation to avoid the image of ‘fired’ employee. However, if opt for this, you’re unlikely to receive the unemployment package.
  • Get your severage package
    When the company fires you, you’re eligible for a severage package – so make sure you’ve received everything that’s due. If you’ve never been fired before, research the average package in your industry and negotiate your exit. Make sure you’ve received the extension for health benefits. Here’s another hint: don’t sign anything without giving it a careful read; getting distracted and emotional can be costly in a long run.

Managing your emotions:

  • Give yourself time to overcome the stress
    Losing a job (especially if you enjoyed it) is extremely stressful. And you need some time to manage this stress. Give a little time to yourself (no more than a week) to cope with your stress and frustration. Don’t start searching for a new job straightaway, as feeling depressed will reflect in the image you are sending. Have a rest for a few days, and only then start searching for a job.
  • Don’t burn the bridges
    Even if it’s a severe argument between you and ex-boss that led to a termination, don’t bad mouth neither the manager nor the company. Resist the temptation to share your opinion on the situation via social media. In today’s digital world, you never know where your paths cross again. Moreover, your prospective employer will probably call for a reference – that’s why you’re not interested in burning the bridges.
    Announce your leave to former colleagues as well, don’t go without saying goodbye. Leaving a job in the right way is an art, here you can check how to do it right: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-to-quit-your-job-in-the-right-way)
  • Have lunch with someone you haven’t seen for ages
    When you are overwhelmed with the news, you need to use every opportunity out there to re-focus on positive things. Consider inviting someone you haven’t seen for 1-2 years (an old friend, a former coworker, etc.). A casual conversation will refresh your thoughts and will help look at the situation under different angle.

To-do list after you were fired:

  • Reconsider your budget
    The absence of stable, regular income can significantly hurt your financial well-being. You can’t know for sure for how long you’ll be unemployed, so you’ll need to reconsider things and cut off most of expenses you used to take for granted. This applies to brand new clothes, coffee to go, going to clubs every weekend, traveling, etc. Try restricting the spending to necessary things.
  • Write a list of ideas
    Since you are not engaged in work for 10 hours a day, it’s time to let your imagination and ideas out. Write down the names of people you’d like to work with, the companies you’d want to join, and maybe the ideas of career change you’ve always wanted to pursue. Then, outline the realistic ones and those that can help you earn money. This simple step will help you clear your thoughts and focus on possibilities, not at the job you’ve lost.
  • Keep a journal or start a blog
    Expressing your thoughts and feelings in written can help you a lot during the tough unemployment period. First, writing will help you cope with the termination faster. Second, you may discover that you have a passion for writing and this passion can transform into a popular blog on any subject which is of interest for you.
  • Renew old professional relationships
    One thing that can do you a lot of good in your searching for a new job is personal connections. When you know many people in your industry (especially hiring managers) this opens a countless opportunities for you. For example, you can be the first to find out about the openings which aren’t published in the web, or to be recommended for a job by a friend. If there are important people you didn’t communicate with for a while, don’t miss the chance to renew those relationships.
  • Don’t hide the fact that you were fired
    Of course, the fact that you’ve been fired implies that you might have a negative image. Nevertheless, don’t hide the fact of termination. First, they’ll contact your ex-boss and the truth will pop up, labeling you as a liar and you won’t get the job. Second, you can always explain your being fired in a neutral way, such as “I’ve had different opinions on work with my ex-boss” or to provide another reasoning which won’t doubt your professional competencies. During the interview, you’ll also benefit from the list of interview questions which will show you as a proactive and job-focused candidate.
  • Update your resume and cover letter
    A few days after the termination you’ll likely want to start sourcing the new employment opportunities. And the attractive, achievement-driven resume and cover letter are a must to find a new job as soon as possible. You don’t need to say that you were fired, but do focus on your biggest strengths and enthusiasm for work. Use free examples of cover letters https://resumeperk.com/blog/manager-free-cover-letter-example  as reference if you don’t know how to effectively compose your letter. You can create the application documents on your own or use the help of professional resume writing companies if you don’t know how to sell your strengths in the best way.

Getting fired is a tough experience. However, if you pull yourself together and use the resources you have effectively soon you will find a challenging job that’s likely to be even better than your old one. Don’t forget to keep your skills up-to-dated during the unemployment and take care of your health to have enough energy for a job search.

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