I Need A Resume: Staying Competitive In A Job Market


The digital age and globalization have changed the nature of job search and application. Today, geography is no longer a restriction; and the most lucrative corporate opportunities attract hundreds of resumes from the US and overseas applicants. Under these circumstances, it’s getting harder to get a chance for the role. So, how do you stay competitive? First and foremost, you need to create your resume in a way that markets you as a perfect candidate for the role. To do this, you need to be aware of newest resume trends, HR requirements and basics of keyword optimization. If you lack resume writing skills, the best option for you to keep up with the fast-paced hiring process is hiring a certified resume writer.

The resume writers of our team have all what it takes to give your job search a head start – over 9 years of expertise in the market, exclusive quality of writing and individual approach. You won’t need to rack your brains about the length, format and the content of your resume. The writer will release you from all your worries and create the document which presents your skills and experience in the most favorable light. All you’ll need to do is to provide the writer with the requirements and the detailed information about your work history and let our professional resume writing proofreading services do the rest. Moreover, our pricing policy and discounts will pleasantly surprise you. And after that you’ll feel free to look for ways to distribute resume online.

Make Me A Resume: 10 Reasons To Go Back To School

Colleges and universities are mostly associated with young people who entered them right after the high school. However, the demography of higher education is now changing. More and more adults, often with stable career, choose to continue their education by getting a master’s or doctorate degree or to get an education in a completely new field.

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Maybe, you need to follow their example as well? Here we’ve collected the common reasons why adults choose to go back to school:

  1. To stay competitive on the labor market
    Building a long-term career is a challenge even for highly motivated individuals. After a few years in the same industry you may feel a burnout caused by the work routine (learn here how to handle routine at work: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-to-get-away-from-work-routine). You may face the glass ceiling due to lack of knowledge, expertise or opportunities in your company. Or, you may decide that working for someone is not for you and consider becoming an entrepreneur. One way or another, getting a degree will help you breathe new life into your career or help you with changing it.
    By the way, if you’d like to get a degree in your 30s or 40s, you’re not alone: surveys show that times when a person had got an education and worked in the same field for the entire life, are far gone. So if you feel the need for the change, you most certainly should follow it.
  2. To make more money
    Although it may sound stereotypical, in some industries advanced degrees really pay off in the long run. If you already have years of experience, maybe it’s only a university degree that prevents you from getting higher paycheck. So, do the simple math: calculate how much a degree would worth you and the anticipated salary on the new role. If the difference between the money you make now and the money you could make with a degree is significant, it’s high time that you build your resume online and enrolled at the university.
  3. To start a new career
    Professional burnout, economics trends or lack of satisfaction with the current role often makes people think over starting a career in new field. Some choose modern, well-paying opportunities (such as programming), others decide to pursue a dream of youth or transform their hobby into a full-time job (if that’s about you, see how to succeed on this path: https://resumeperk.com/blog/tips-how-to-turn-your-hobby-into-a-dream-job). One way or another, a new career often requires a relevant academic background. With a number of remote and online learning opportunities, you can get a degree quite comfortably and then start researching new opportunities.
  4. To fulfill the employers’ expectations
    As jobs get more sophisticated due to complexity and specialization, employers tend to prefer applicants with advanced degrees over those with bachelor’s or no university degree at all. Therefore, not only a university degree allows you to request higher salary, but also it gives you more chances at the resume stage. The best employers are also willing to pay for all or part of the coursework as they realize that up-to-dated knowledge and approaches to problem solving translates into higher profitability for their business.
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  5. To learn or advance skills
    Lifelong learning isn’t something special these days – it’s a must for those looking to make a stellar career. In the digital economy, new tools, professional software and even the entire industries pop up all the time – and you need to keep up this pace if you want to be successful. And some sophisticated, theoretical knowledge and concepts are better gained in academic settings rather than in the process of self-study.
    Moreover, the employers’ demands constantly change. Today more than ever they value soft skills. If you feel that lack in some skills slows you down, it’s high time that you’ve signed up for the necessary course to facilitate your professional growth.
  6. To expand your business network
    Since enrolling at the university is optional, best full-time and online learning programs attract determined and career-focused individuals. In addition to improving your knowledge, lectures and study groups are excellent opportunities for meeting new people and expanding your professional connections. As they say, it’s important who you know, now what you know. Making acquaintances with influential professionals in your field will help you build a career or find a job faster as you’ll have someone to recommend you for the role.
  7. To secure your professional future
    In some industries, it’s possible to get hired without a college degree and work your way up to the management role. Major companies offer career growth opportunities, so you may not even feel the need for continuing your education. Nevertheless, if you decide to change the job, you’ll feel more vulnerable comparing to applicants with advanced degrees. Again, other things being equal, an employer will prefer someone with bachelor or master’s degree over an applicant with relevant experience only.
    Education gives you better job security – not only you’ll be the last person to resign, but also if you decide to make a career change within your field, you will be able to build on your concentration instead of starting from scratch.
  8. To learn from established experts in your field
    The best way to gain new knowledge and skills is to learn from those who are at the top of their area of expertise. University professors are typically aware of the newest researches and practices in their field, and you will have the access to the first-hand information. In this regard, learning from top industry experts cannot compare to learning on your own from time to time. Another feature of relevant, up-to-dated university courses combined with best tutors is that they provide you with structured and applicable knowledge rather than just theoretical background. Therefore, you’ll be able you to use what you’ve learned on practice immediately.
  9. To gain confidence
    Just a few facts: a degree (especially the advanced one) allows you wider job options. It allows you to make more money than someone without a degree. It opens you opportunities to get promoted, as there won’t be a glass ceiling which people without university education often face. All in all, you can use this knowledge to give private lessons or teach at college or school. The number of options a degree gives you access to will inevitably help you feel much more confident and make your future securer. Confidence, in its turn, is necessary to get a new job fast if you’re looking for one and to succeed in the long run.
  10. To increase the value of your resume
    The key points hiring managers pay attention to when screening your resume are: your summary, company names, job titles, and university names/degrees. Therefore, a name of the reputable university and a degree automatically put you above the applicants who didn’t bother to get a relevant education. You’ll win even more points if you apply for a management role.

Ready to win the competition?

The more competitive job is the larger number of resumes from the entire country and abroad it attracts. Nevertheless, if you have what it takes for the role, the only thing that holds you back from getting an interview call is a properly written resume. Our blog provide a number of significant insights into resume writing that you can use completely free of charge. Nevertheless, if you want an individual approach, quality writing and fast delivery of your resume, feel free to contact us anytime. Learn more about what makes us unique and how we can help you succeed. The assistance of our writer is quite affordable – click here to find out about deadlines and prices and to get a discount for your first order with us.

Have you returned back to university as an adult? Did your career benefit from it?

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