Update My Resume: Expert Help


Your old resume looks pale comparing to those attractive documents you see in the web. Your resume doesn’t have any information about your most recent job and you don’t know how to approach this task. Or, you believe your resume looks fine but still no interview calls even despite that you match all the required qualifications… Sounds familiar? If so, then it’s high time that you updated your resume.

Updating your resume can be quite a challenge if you’ve never written them before (or, if you’ve only written them based on the advice you’ve learnt from the web). There are so many points to consider, i.e. recent resume trends, HR demands, usage of powerful resume words, keywords and more. If you feel that despite all your efforts your resume is still far away from perfect, consider contacting a professional resume writer for help.

Make my resume better: why hire a professional writer

 A resume professional can not only update your resume, but also take its quality to the next level. We will look at your resume from the HR perspective and eliminate everything that prevents it from bringing results. Our writer will apply the structure and format that presents your achievements best and provide you with 100% original writing. Moreover, if you would like any corrections, the writer attends to you until you are totally satisfied with the final product. Learn more about our packages and prices – as soon as you choose, we’ll get back to you shortly.

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Why my resume doesn’t bring results? 10 Tips from resume improvement services

Have you gone to an extra mile to make your resume perfect but still can’t find a job? Probably, your resume isn’t written in a way that markets you as the best candidate for the role. Or, you simply make one or huge mistakes and your resume end up in a NO pile. Below you’ll find the most popular reasons that turn off the hiring manager – check if your resume has one of them and correct if you want to get a job.

  1. Your resume format doesn’t look professional
    Your resume looks dull and pale, with only one font type used and no clear layout. Or, on the contrary, it’s overly bright with multiple colors used and plenty of graphic elements. One way or another, it doesn’t look like a professional document.
    If you don’t know where to get started, start with aligning the text and highlighting the section names. Use the same formatting for the entire document (i.e. if you choose to boldface position names, make sure to do so from the beginning to the end). And keep in mind to use no more than 2 colors in resume. For in-depth guidance on resume formatting, check here: https://resumeperk.com/blog/significant-tips-how-to-format-your-resume.
  2. Content of your resume is poor
    A resume is the document where the words should speak for themselves. Ideally, it should contain strong bullet statements written in a clear and concise way and supported with figures. However, resumes often consist of such statements as ‘Answered phone calls and met visitors’ which don’t present you well to the potential employer. Since resume is a marketing document to some extent, it should position you in the best possible light. In its turn, poor writing can close doors even for the best qualified and experienced candidates.
    Rewriting the statements using PAR (problem-action-result) method can significantly improve your resume. If writing isn’t your cup of tea, take advantage of content writing tips to understand the principles of effective writing.
  3. One of the must-have sections is missing
    Basically, your resume should contain the information about work history, education, and summary/objective. However, everything depends on the situation. For instance, if you’re applying for a tech role, you need to specify your technology stack and relevant skills. If you are in the middle of career change, you should include any unpaid/voluntary experience that highlights your familiarity with the new field of work. And when applying for a management role, it’s helpful to indicate that you have a Master’s degree. If you miss this critical information, you’ll unlikely even be considered for the role.
  4. No relevant keywords
    Today the job application process is so automated that without keywords, your resume won’t even be read by a real person. The automated selection software weeds through resumes based on pre-set criteria which typically describe skills, qualifications, education and other requirements. The more your resume matches required qualifications, the more chances that the hiring manager reads it and invites you for an interview.
    Where to get those keywords? Use the job posting (must-have qualifications are usually keywords) or browse job boards and labor websites for keywords relevant for your industry and career level. Or, you can use the methods of keyword optimization offered by our writers: https://resumeperk.com/blog/why-keywords-are-so-important-for-successful-resume.
  5. Inappropriate information
    In the US, resume is all about your professional life. That’s why any indication of your private information should be left off resume. Your picture, date of birth, and ethnicity are not only unprofessional, but also can become the grounding for discrimination. Employers typically don’t even consider resumes with private information to avoid discrimination claims. Including sensitive personal data such as driver’s license number, in its turn, can lead to identity theft if you decide to post your resume in the web. So, when updating your resume next time remove any irrelevant details.
    If you haven’t quit your job but already look for new employment, you might be interested in most common workplace issues of quitting job.
  6. Inadequate resume length
    There are many arguments on how long a perfect resume should be. However, every hiring manager will agree that a student applying with a 3-page resume or an executive director with document 1 page long look odd. The longer your career history is, the longer your resume should be – but be sure not to exceed 3 pages. A resume which is above 3 pages is called a CV and is only appropriate for academia and law.  Although it’s not a mistake, it’s recommended that you keep your resume length appropriate. If you have doubts about your perfect resume length, see our tips on resume length.
  7. Not being thoughtful about job dates
    When the hiring manager reads your resume, his/her eyes stop at resume summary, position names, company names and dates of employment. While everything is clear with the first three elements, stating employment dates may be confusing. Of course, if you have a stable work history without gaps and had been on each job for at least 2 years, you have nothing to worry about. For most of us, nevertheless, the situation isn’t that cloudless. Employment gaps should be explained either on resume or on your cover letter (for instance, you can write about your volunteering or part-time job). If you changed jobs frequently, consider removing jobs you’ve had for 1-2 months.
  8. Generic objective statement
    Although summaries are taking over across all industries, there are still applicants who write vague objectives. ‘To obtain a position to ensure company success’ isn’t the best way to use precious space on your resume. Generally, it’s always better to use summary instead of objective – but in certain cases it’s okay to use an objective provided that it’s tailored for the role. If you’re a graduate who needs to convey your career goals or a career changer, be sure to use an objective.
  9. Lack of focus
    Apart from minor errors in writing and formatting, one of the most popular resume pitfalls is lack of focus and tailoring. Creating one copy of your resume with generic description of all your qualifications, skills and work history almost never leads to getting hired.
    Why it’s important to have a tailored resume? By hiring you, the employer is looking to get specific targets achieved or problems solved. They are interested in what you can do to help them succeed. And the fastest way to find this out is to check how you handled similar issues in the past. That’s why your resume should specifically highlight the skills and achievements which are most relevant for every specific job. And yes, this almost always means that you’ll need more than one copy of resume. With a resume that is written specifically to draw the attention of a particular employer, your chances for an interview increase dramatically.
  10. Not proofreading the document
    After your resume is written, it needs to be edited and proofread thoroughly. Don’t neglect these stages as carelessness to detail can cost you an interview. Why? In addition to presenting your work history and strengths, your resume serves as a sample of your writing and demonstrates your attention to detail. Some hiring managers are especially picky when it comes to resume content – one typo here, a missing comma there, and your resume is no longer considered for the job.
    To make sure your resume makes excellent impression in all regards, be sure to proofread it carefully. Use the most effective proofreading techniques which are used by professional writers. Or, which is even better, have a second pair of eyes to take a look at it. Perfect if you can get a professional writer to do it, but asking your friend or colleague to help you out will work as well.


In terms of growing competition, your resume needs to be perfect to get the attention of hiring manager. If you are not ready to experiment with formats and styles and put your career at stake, getting professional help with your resume is exactly what you need. Our writers have huge expertise in the resume writing field so they know how to write an effective resume which will generate more attention to you. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority – the writer will work with you as long as you are happy with the finished product. Whether you are looking to make a career transition, update your current resume or want to create a brand new one – we know how to help you so that your career would benefit from this collaboration.

Ready to take your career to the next level? Learn more about our packages, prices and discounts or contact us via support chat to discuss your needs in deeper detail. We are open 24/7!

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