How To Update A Resume - 12 Tips From Resume Update Services


Successful job search starts with a quality resume update. Before the hiring manager sees you in person, they make judgments about your professional skills and personality based on the resume you submit. If your resume and cover letter lack accomplishments, focus or fail to show your value over other job seekers, you might be overlooked for an interview.

Moreover, employers have short attention spans. 40% of hiring managers spend under a minute reviewing each application, and your strengths need to be instantly visible to them. In today's guide, our resume writer will show what to include in a CV to make it a truly powerful marketing document that positions you well for a job.

Want a flawless professionally written resume? The experts of can rewrite your resume and give you a competitive edge over other applicants. We offer direct communication with your writer, unlimited revisions and work with professional writers from English-speaking countries. Our expert will target the resume towards your dream job to boost your interview chances.

3 strategies to update your old resume

If you haven't upgraded the resume for over a year, it probably needs significant changes and improvements. There are three ways to improve an old resume for an upcoming job search:

• Rewrite a resume on your own. This method is free of charge, yet, it's pretty time-consuming. You'll have to spend hours studying writing tips and rules, writing a resume and then tailoring it for each job. If you have strong writing skills, there's a chance you can compose a great resume. On the flip side, if you don't have experience in recruitment, you may make serious resume mistakes without even realizing it.

• Use an online resume builder. Builders are very popular among job-seekers these days. At a small subscription fee you get access to a variety of templates and paste the resume into one of such templates. Sounds convenient, right? The problem is, hundreds of job-seekers have already used the same template, so your resume will not look unique. Also, if there are any shortcomings in resume content, resume builder won't fix them.

• Hire a resume writing service. Working with an expert offering resume writing services is the most reliable way to improve an old resume. Resume writers have the needed experience and certifications, therefore, are knowledgeable about how a perfect resume should look. Moreover, they deliver a custom resume which means it's written and designed exclusively for you. A quality professional resume writing service can be costly, but the investment quickly pays off.

Not sure if you need a professional resume service? Send it to us for a free resume review. Our expert will evaluate the resume using the same criteria that hiring managers look at. In 2-3 business days, you'll receive an email covering the strengths and weaknesses of a current resume, and get recommendations on how to make it better.

12 resume update tips from a resume writing service

1) Use a professional email address. Ditch your student email that sounds like "". Some recruiters reject candidates because of such emails. Use an email address that contains your first and last name.

2) Remove an objective statement. If an objective sounds like "To land a challenging position with a rapidly growing company where I can utilize my management skills", remove it whatsoever. Such statements sound like 1990s to employers!

3) Add (or improve) a resume summary. The best resume writing services recommend using a summary since you can market key achievements and skills to an employer instantly. Keep this section to 3-4 sentences, and only include qualifications that describe you as an ideal candidate for a particular role.

4) Skip "References upon request" at the end. This phrase sounds obsolete as well. If the company wants to do background check, they can request references via email or during job interviews. Prepare a reference list on a separate sheet.

5) Keep it under 2 pages. Entry-level professionals should apply with a one-page resume, and if you have 10+ years of work history, it's okay to add a second page. If the resume is longer, consider removing irrelevant or dated jobs, job functions that don't relate to your target job, or other secondary information.

6) Add the Skills section. Using a bulleted list of skills draws the readers's attention and is ATS-friendly at the same time, says professional resume writer. Use between 8 and 16 skills, focusing on those relevant for your industry, software proficiencies, and foreign languages.

7) Adapt it for applicant tracking systems. If you don't adapt a resume cover letter for applicant tracking system, a human recruiter might not see it. Use keywords from the job posting and describe your qualifications using the same language that a job ad does. When in doubt, contact professional resume writing services to get help with keywording.

8) Focus on accomplishments over job duties. Apart from career evolution and daily responsibilities, include accomplishments as well. For example, "Introduced a new correspondence system, decreasing communication gaps by 45%". Figures catch the reader's attention instantly.

9) Attach a link to LinkedIn profiles. Employers will look up for you anyway, so ease their life and add a link to your LinkedIn page. Make sure your profile is complete, advertises your strengths and has published samples of work (if applicable for your profession).

10) Upload your resume using the method suggested by employer. Sometimes a resume might be overlooked because you didn't follow the application instruction. If the company asks to apply via email, corporate LinkedIn or Careers section of their site, follow their directions.

11) Proofread carefully. 77% of hiring managers disqualify resumes with errors and typos. Certified professional resume writers recommend proofreading it to ensure perfect grammar and punctuation. You may use an online spell checker, for example,

12) Prepare other job-search documents as well. A keyword-rich LinkedIn profile, inspiring cover letter and a polite thank-you note increase the chance to land your dream job. If you struggle composing these documents, you can order a full resume package with our resume services.

5 tips to get prepared for effective job search

Create a list of target companies

Relying on job boards only isn't the most effective method of job search. You have to compete with thousands of job-seekers globally. There's a better strategy. In addition to writing a new resume, make a list of companies you'd like to work for. Connect with these companies directly, either via website or LinkedIn, to wonder if they are hiring. Such a targeted approach will help you land more interviews.

Clean up your social media presence

An arrogant Facebook post from 2015 or party pictures may cost you an interview. Our top career advice in this regard is: review all social media pages, and delete/hide content that doesn't look professional. Try and Google yourself to check what kind of information pops up. Employers will scan your personal profile, so make sure that everything you post publically aligns with your career goals.

Work on your persuasive speaking skills

A professional resume writer may compose a strong resume for you, but you'll need to continue selling yourself on the interview anyway. Thus, it's time practicing interviewing skills. Research common questions and practice answering them in front of the mirror or with a friend. Practice confident body language and tone of voice in order to make a strong impression using body language and nonverbal cues.


Research has shown that up to 80% of positions are filled through networking. So, before you head to job boards, connect with your alumni, former colleagues and recruiters in your LinkedIn contacts. Ask if they can recommend you for some position where your skills and expertise might be of service. If a person working in the company recommends you, it gives you a much higher chance for a job than if you were applying online.

Do your research on salary

Learn how much companies pay in your area and what benefits and perks are typically offered. The matter is, if you were working for the same employer in years, you might not be aware of the situation in the job market and get a lower salary than your skills and qualifications are worth. If you want a salary above average, also research for what skills and responsibilities employers are willing to pay extra, and prepare to negotiate.

How to find the best resume writing services?

If you consider buying a professional resume, check what makes our resume writing services an optimal choice:

• Affordable price for resume service. Our prices start at $87 per resume, and all new clients are eligible for a 20% discount. You can save even more on buying resume packages.

• Convenient resume writing process. We don't schedule phone consultation with your resume writer - you can talk to them anytime via email and save time.

• Always in touch. Our support team is online 24/7, so you can get a consultation or receive help anytime.

• Approved by thousands of customers. We offer a keyword-optimized top resume and give a satisfaction guarantee. 98% of customers gave us 5-star rating.

Don't wait another day - contact us ASAP to find out how we can improve your resume.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech