How Internet Is Essential for Career Building


Internet has become an essential part of our working life, starting from landing a new job to maintaining professional network and climbing up that corporate ladder. Given that, if you are dreaming of becoming a CEO one day, you need to take advantage of the opportunities that global network offers you. Building a successful career depends on many factors. You need to possess the right blend of expertise, relationship building skills and personality traits that employers value to succeed.

Today, the Internet can provide you with a competitive advantage on the job market – provided that you know how to use if efficiently. Our professional resume writers NYC have prepared some hands-on advice on using Internet to find a new job, learn new skills, create a positive online image or get a promotion.

Why look for a new job on the Internet?

According to the stats, 79% of job-seekers use online resources in their job search.  And there’s no surprise: sourcing new jobs via Internet has a few undisputable advantages:

  • No more geographical restrictions – you are not restricted by your area when browsing jobs. You are free to seek employment in different state or even overseas. Some of these jobs offer relocation – perfect for those who were looking to live somewhere else.
  • Convenience – you can browse new openings at any time convenient for you, from the laptop or smartphone. Whenever you have a spare minute, you have the opportunity to check recently posted jobs and apply on the go. Some job websites also offer convenient apps to apply from your smartphone.
    Are you a writer who uses the smartphone to make notes? Then, you might find one of these apps convenient:
  • Less stress – applying for jobs online, as well as the first steps of recruitment process, often don’t require face-to-face interactions with company representatives. If you experience stress or anxiety connected with the job-hunting process, you’ll significantly minimize them by handing interactions through email and online platforms.

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Finding a new job online: 10 tips

Looking for jobs online has its rules of the game. It is your internet literacy, knowledge of online application rules as well as the sources most lucrative jobs come from that determine the success of your job hunting process.

  1. Start with biggest job aggregators
    New to online job hunting? Then, start browsing on such worldwide known and most popular job boards as, and These websites allow you to browse jobs by titles, industries, or area. There are also a lot of advanced search options such as keyword search or desired salary range. The competition for the best jobs is fierce there; however, such websites are perfect if you want to understand the situation in your industry and typical requirements for candidates in your industry.
    Have been applying for jobs for a while and still no results? Check out our tips to speed up job search or get your resume professionally done.
  2. Research niche job sites
    If you are already familiar with the industry and know your exact career expectations, it’s far more efficient to browse jobs on the industry-specific website. For instance, such websites as or only offer opportunities in specific fields. There are also online resources for jobs assuming relocation or high-paying jobs only. If your industry doesn’t have such a resource, try researching the key industry players – major companies always have ‘Careers’ section on their websites. You can apply for the jobs posted there or sign up for updates so the right opportunities would be delivered to your inbox.
  3. Job title isn’t everything
    If you currently work as a copywriter, it seems sensible to search for jobs under this title. However, in different organization job titles may vary and different titles often assume similar responsibilities. For example, a copywriter should also check the opportunities under content creator, content strategist and editor titles. Read job postings carefully, and if you match most of the requirements, don’t hesitate to apply even if the title doesn’t seem familiar. Don’t limit yourself by the same industry either – check what other industries have to offer.
    Are you a writer who is seeking the high-paying opportunities? Check out which types of writing jobs pay the highest rates:
  4. Hone your online communication skills
    When you apply for jobs online, your business communication skills as well as e-mail etiquette contribute to the impression you make on a potential employer.  During your online job-hunting you’ll have to apply for jobs in different forms: through job boards, online forms, and company websites or by directly contacting the employer via e-mail.  In all types of interactions, follow the employer’s guidance strictly (if they ask you to apply with a specific file type or attach the samples, be sure to do so). When writing an e-mail or covering letter, be sure to keep your writing style concise and professional.
    Want to know how to craft an interview-winning cover letter? Read here:
  5. Use a common font and file type
    For your resume and cover letter, use one of the widespread fonts (such as Cambria, Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman) and file types (.docx or .pdf). Maybe, you’ll want to stand out by using a fancy font on your resume; however, if this font isn’t installed on a hiring manager’s device, all your efforts will come to nothing. Whether you write a resume on your own or hire a professional writer, be sure to apply with a file which is convenient for an employer.
  6. Keep a record of your applications
    If you’re actively seeking a new employment, you might be applying for dozens of jobs. With an ease of online application process, it’s also easy to forget which companies and postings you’ve applied for. And this can sometimes lead to curious situations such as applying twice for the same role. Or, if an employer gets in touch with you on the phone, you’ll probably have no clue which company representative you’re talking to.
    To avoid the confusion, always keep a track record of your applications. A company name, job title, contact details and a few words about the job are enough. You can keep the record in a Word document or in your notebook, whatever is convenient for you.
    Does writing and designing your resume look stressful? Then, you might want to use a resume builder – check our reviews of the most popular resume software here:
  7. Sign up for job updates and RSS feed
    As you get involved in job-hunting across multiple job boards and websites, it’s becoming difficult to track all the jobs appearing out there. And the early application matters – statistics show that in most cases companies hire someone who has applied during the first week since the job was posted.
    To never miss the recently posted jobs, it’s a good idea to register and receive e-mail alerts to your inbox (most job boards have this option). You can set up the search criteria and the jobs that meet it will be delivered to you daily or weekly. Signing up for RSS feeds is a good option, too. RSS allows you to receive updates from many job websites in an easy-to-read format. By subscribing for updates, you’ll save yourself time from browsing multiple websites every day and will be one of the first to know about the best fitting jobs and apply.
  8. Do a research before reaching out to the employer
    For a successful job search, quality is always better than quantity. In other words, it’s more efficient to send in one tailored, relevant resume than ten generic ones. Luckily, Internet gives you an opportunity to find out more about the prospective employer and create an application that is tailored for their needs. Check out their corporate website, LinkedIn profile and other resources. If during the conversation with a hiring manager you highlight the awareness of their goals and challenges and your ability to add value, you’ll immediately get one step ahead of the other candidates.
    If targeting a resume sounds like Greek to you, consider ordering professional resume assistance to get a resume that generates better results.
  9. Post your resume online
    In addition to sending out your resume in response to job postings, why not let the right opportunity to find you? Job boards and corporate websites often offer the opportunity to post your resume so the prospective employers could review it and get in touch if your profile matches their job requirements. However, be sure to hide your confidential information and avoid including personal details to protect yourself from identity theft. For more guidance on posting your resume online effectively, see here:
  10. Be sure to follow up
    Just like sending a thank you note after the interview is critical, it’s important to follow up after job application if you haven’t heard back from the hiring manager. Since it may take companies around a month to fill the job opening, it’s a good idea to get back concerning the status of your application in a week or two. However, don’t be annoying – one email or phone call is enough to show your interest in the role. If you feel that your writing skills leave much to be desired, check our content writing tips for amateurs to craft better business letters and emails.
  11. Leverage the power of social media
    Social media has become a great outlet for posting and filling jobs as well. Start with using the power of LinkedIn which is specifically designed to find jobs and expand your network. Fill out your profile completely to get more visibility and appear in search results more frequently. Other social media such as Facebook and Twitter can be used for job-hunting, too – you can let your friends know that you’re searching and ask them to share your post. Social media also allows you to find jobs by keywords and use hashtags for a faster job search.
    If you still don’t think that social media is that important, see how it can make or break your career:

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Don’t forget about resume keywords

Applying for jobs online is closely connected with enriching your resume with relevant keywords. All the digital resumes big companies get are run through the applicant tracking system which weeds out irrelevant applications. If you don’t get much feedback from prospective employer, the problem might be that your resume lacks relevant keywords.

What are resume keywords? Typically, they are the position or company names, credentials, skills and personality traits that the employer expects to see in a perfect candidate. If you don’t know how to pick the right keywords, use the job ad as your guide. Try using the same words and phrases that the employer used in the job listing. However, don’t just copy and paste the list of responsibilities into your resume – keywords should look natural.

Want to master the basics of resume keywording? Check out how to use resume keywords effectively.

Building your personal brand online

Upon reading your resume, nearly 70% of prospective employers will look up for you online to understand the way you represent yourself online and evaluate your cultural fit. That’s why, if you take your career seriously, you should get serious about your online presence as well.  Luckily, the Internet offers you enormous number of opportunities for self-promotion, and you should only use them right. Strong and professional online image can be very helpful in advancing your career.

Creating a personal brand is beneficial not only for business owners and freelancer. Even if you are seeking a full-time employment in a corporation, having strong online presence will help you stand out from the midst of other applicants. Here are a few hints for you to get started:

  1. Define your value proposition
    Creating a strong brand starts with identifying what your biggest strengths are and what makes you different from other candidates with the same education and experience. Maybe, you’re an expert at resolving disputes and handling difficult clients, or excel at implementing creative marketing campaigns that generate new clients, or can uncover hidden reserves of profitability growth. Write down your competitive advantages and choose those which are most beneficial for the company looking to hire an expert in your field. The statements left will frame your value proposition.
    Tip: it’s important to include your value proposition in a resume as a Summary of qualifications. Here are some more tips on what a modern resume should contain.
  2. Give your social media a professional makeover
    Since the recruiters will look up for you online, you need to clean up your social media for any inappropriate information. Your party pictures and weird posts, even old ones, should go. Update your privacy settings to make sure that private pictures are only visible for your friends and cannot be found via Google.
    Even your private social media profiles such as Instagram and Twitter should make a positive impression. In the future, when sharing your posts, think about which impression it can make on your current or prospective employer.
    Do you have a suspicion that your boss is spying on you? Here’s how to check whether the employer tracks your actions.
  3. Get a professional e-mail address and photo
    Needless to say that pictures from the vacation or a coffee shop don’t belong to your professional profile. For your LinkedIn and website, take a few professionally-looking pictures. The ones where you wear professional attire taken at work or during professional events are best. LinkedIn profiles with pictures are viewed more frequently, and those with professional images get even more attention.
    As for your e-mail, create the one which contains of your first and second name. Leave fancy e-mail address for friends and family. Consider registering a professional domain – this will contribute to your professional image as well.
  4. Create a personal website
    Creating a professional website is a great way to promote yourself on a professional level. Basically, a good website has information about your career history, projects, contributions, and other significant facts from your professional life. You can also upload your resume there (if you don’t have one, get a resume written by an expert) and add testimonials from your former clients or employers to boost credibility. It’s also helpful if a website contains information about your social media profiles.
    The layout and sections of your website depend on what your expectations from this website are. Usually, it is to give the prospective clients or employers more information about your background and expertise. However, if you plan on starting a blog or generating extra business, you might want to hire a professional to help you out with the website launch.
  5. Choose the right media channels
    To build a positive online presence, it’s not obligatory to create and manage profiles in all social media out there. If you plan to use social media to connect with your audience and expand your network, choose the social media depending on your industry and the audience’s preferences. For instance, for older professional audience LinkedIn might be enough. However, if you are in a creative industry, you might benefit more from connecting with your audience on Instagram. If you are a photographer or jewelry designer, it will open more opportunities for you.
  6. Engage the audience with helpful content
    Once you’ve polished your social media and removed all inappropriate and irrelevant information, it’s time to let it contribute to your professional image. The best way to do so is through sharing engaging, relevant and informative content with your network. This works best for LinkedIn which is designed specifically to foster creating professional network and sharing helpful information. Moreover, if you manage to start a dialogue, it will allow you to build professional network and maybe one day you’ll work for a boss friend.
    If you want to use your profile to promote your services, don’t overdo with it. Here’s the rule: only 20% of your postings should be promotional, and the 80% should be helpful for the reader. Don’t know what kind of information to share? Recent industry news, analytics, interviews with influencers, and your opinion on recent events are good ideas to start with.
  7. What’s your story?
    C-level professionals are often asked to provide their biography along with a resume and cover letter when applying for a job. However, even if you aren’t a top manager, having a professional story at hand will significantly help in growing your online brand. Your story might contain your value proposition, your motivation for choosing this line of career and expand on what drives you most in your professional life. For instance, if your motto is to educate young professionals by organizing trainings and events and you share the information connected with personal development at the workplace, you’ll create a holistic image for your prospective clients or employers.
    Having a ready story at hand is also helpful when you are writing a cover letter. Cover letters written in a form of a story typically are more engaging for the hiring manager and are often read through, generating more attention to your candidacy.
  8. Start a blog
    Having a professional blog is not mandatory; yet, it’s an effective way of promoting your professional skills. Blogging allows you prove your professionalism online, expand your network and even bring you lucrative professional opportunities. Moreover, as you establish your expertise and develop tone of voice, you might even consider blogging as a full-time career.
    If you’ve never blogged before, start small – one post a week is a good idea for a busy professional. Share the samples of your work, helpful professional insights and case studies. The sole fact that you blog about your expertise will add you points in the eyes of a prospective employer. If you want the blog to become popular and generate extra business for you, check the tips for becoming a popular blogger.

Now, imagine that the hiring manager looks up for your name online and sees a complete LinkedIn profile with hundreds (or thousands) of connections, a professionally designed personal website with a professional blog and a Facebook page which only evokes positive associations. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Taking care of your online personal brand in advance helps you build a positive professional reputation and increases employability. Your ability to use digital tools and understanding of online career building principles will make a positive impact on your career.

Passing interviews online

The internet made it possible not only to apply for jobs online, but also to be interviewed through video conferencing tools. Skype interviews are especially popular to evaluate the candidate before the ‘real’ interview or when the candidate is located in different state or country. Moreover, remote interviews are less costly for the companies as they don’t need to pay transport expenses and they help the employers evaluate the prospective candidates quite quickly.
Video interviews are less stressful than face-to-face ones; however, they also require thorough preparation. Check out our personal vs Skype job interview comparison to find out which interview type is better for you and how to get ready and win each one.  

Get your resume written online

Have you established your online presence but still don’t know how to craft your resume effectively? A resume expert of our company is ready to write a compelling professional resume that will represent your skills best. All you need to do is to fill out a quick questionnaire, choose your resume package and stay in touch with your writer. Your documents will be delivered to you right on time and you’ll be able to request free update if something doesn’t match your requirements. No phone interviews, no office appointments – for your convenience, we work online 24/7. Feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions.

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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