Powerful Words To Describe Yourself In A Job Interview (+ Examples)


Top 15 Words to describe yourself Out of 250+ resumes sent to a company, a hiring manager only selects 4 to 6 candidates for an interview. If your resume does not match the job description or lacks the right words, your chances of being selected are rather low. And the employers usually run 2-3 rounds of interviewing before they choose a candidate. You will be asked to describe yourself during in-person and virtual interviews, and many candidates stumble upon this seemingly simple question. ...Continue reading

Should You Use A Fake Resume And What Are The Consequences?


Fake resume: Should you lie on a resume?Resume lies is a frequently debated issue. Many candidates believe that with today's tough competition there's nothing wrong in embellishing facts here and there to get the job. On the flip side, many HR managers warn about negative consequences of using fake resumes. In today's article, we are going to research how exactly people lie on resumes and is it acceptable to submit a resume that isn't 100% true.According to the statistic, a whopping 85% of ...Continue reading

How to Answer “What Is Your Desired Salary?”


When considering a particular job opening, you take many factors into account. You pay attention to the job responsibilities, corporate culture, company’s values and mission, and, of course, pay. The latter is a major consideration, yet most openings won’t share their salaries straightaway. Which brings you to the need to negotiate that pay, and that’s what often confuses even the top-tier professionals.The question about your desired salary will inevitably arise during the ...Continue reading

How Long to Hear Back After Submitting a Resume?


According to the survey, 48% of job-seekers say that waiting to hear back from employers is a frustrating experience. And frustration happens for a reason, as often job-seekers are simply unsure of what to do next. How long should you wait for response and should you keep applying for other jobs in the meantime? Should you reach out to the company to find out the status of your application? Keep reading to have all these questions answered.One of the proven ways to increase the response rate ...Continue reading

Top 15 Video Interview Tips


Perform excellently during the next video interviewThe coronavirus pandemic is causing radical changes in the way we live, relax, and work. And the job interviews aren’t the exception. Even if you haven’t been invited for a video interview before, chances are that your next interview will be moved online. Video interviews aren’t better or worse than traditional ones that take place in the employer’s premises. Yet, they do require slightly different approach to ...Continue reading

Going Back to Work After Baby: Tips for Parents


Returning back to work after maternity leave is definitely a challenge. It’s challenging emotionally – you may feel sad and uneasy about leaving your baby for long hours every business day. On the contrary, you might also feel pangs of relief as you’ll get busy with other tasks than breastfeeding and talking to other moms. And, in addition, it’s physically and mentally tough to concentrate again on time-pressing tasks, difficult clients and annoying boss after the relaxed ...Continue reading

Passing A Work Personality Test: Top 3 Tests & Pro Tips


How To Pass Personality Test For Employment: Top 3 Tests & Foolproof Tips The growing number of companies evaluate not only the skills of the candidate, but also their personality and aptitude. Employers rely on such tests to reveal the true personality of the applicant and predict their performance in the workplace. Moreover, they want to make sure in advance that the potential hire will fit in well into the team and share the company's values. Today, our ...Continue reading

“Why Should We Hire You?” Sample Answers & Tips


Some job interview questions are tough.Imagine that you are sitting in front of the interviewer in a cozy office. You’ve already told them what sort of projects you worked on as well as thrown light on your accomplishments. The conversation is going smooth, until all of the sudden:“Why are you qualified for the position?” Sounds a bit overwhelming, right?The thing is, this is one of the interview questions which are hard to brilliantly respond to without preparation. ...Continue reading

10 Signs That the Job Interview Went Well


For most job-seekers, interviews are associated with a great deal of stress and uncertainty. We go to great lengths to impress the hiring managers and would like to know whether they consider our candidacy. Job search in itself is a very stressful event. And what stresses us even more is that potential employers can keep us waiting for weeks until they make a final decision about the job interview. Things would have been a lot easier if you could know in advance ...Continue reading

10 Things to Change in Your Resume to Get More Interviews


The primary goal of the resume is to land you an interview. Yet, not all resumes serve this goal equally well. Sometimes you might be amazed that, despite years of relevant experience and skills, your phone isn’t blowing up from recruiters’ calls. If that’s the case with you right now, your resume must be to blame.It’s not an easy task to create professional resume that will turn the employers’ heads. Yet, there are certain things that you can improve in your ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech