66 Positive Character Traits For Workplace (With Definitions)


Image courtesy of Pexels.comWhen hiring new employees or deciding who to promote, companies look for certain positive character traits and personal attributes. These positive traits include your analytical abilities, interpersonal traits, leadership abilities, and the essential knowledge and skills for your profession.In this article, we've collected the top 66 character traits and personal skills for every job-seeker. Be sure to highlight these qualities and how you used them at work. ...Continue reading

9 tips for managing remote employees


Lead your new remote team like a proHave you been ready for a new reality of work as dictated by coronavirus pandemic? Both new and experienced managers have suddenly found themselves adapting to managing their teams remotely. And, if you’ve never supervised remote employees or freelancers before, this can feel overwhelming. You may feel completely out of control over what your employees do and puzzled over making the processes run smoothly.Leading a remote team may feel unusual and ...Continue reading

Productivity Tips for Work That Every Remote Employee Should Know


17 pro tips to work from home effectivelyProductivity at work determines how fast we get the things done, how we progress in our careers as well as how fulfilled we are at work. Getting more things done in less time not only helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance, but also helps us feel a better version of ourselves in the office.Keeping highly organized and productive in the office is quite challenging as it requires us to develop a specific approach to managing time and tasks. ...Continue reading

10 Signs It’s Time to Look for A New Job


What are the main signs that it's time to update your resume?On average, Americans change jobs every 4.2 years. And, since we spend over 8 hours a day at the office, the working environment should be comfortable and stimulating, and the job itself should give you an opportunity to advance in your career. Unfortunately, not all jobs are like this, and you may find yourself wondering “Should I look for a new job?”.Changing jobs is a serious decision, and it should be ...Continue reading

Got Promoted to Manager? Follow These Leadership Tips


Getting your first promotion to a managerial role is exciting. You realize that your hard work and dedication were recognized. You make the huge step up on the corporate ladder. At the same time, as you dive into the working processes in a new capacity, you begin to realize that leading people is not as simple as you expected.Managing a team requires a whole different set of skills. Even if you excelled as an employee and outperformed, chances are that you’ll find it challenging to ...Continue reading

9 Things to Do in Your First Month On a New Job


The first month on a new job sets the tone for the rest of your tenure with the company. The impression you make from day one will determine how others perceive you. It can also lay the foundation for your future success if you are planning to build a career here. So, it’s better to put your best foot forward from the very beginning.Whether it’s your first job or the fifth, the first month is always overwhelming. New people, new corporate culture, new processes and a lot of ...Continue reading

Teamwork Tips for Introverts: Advice from A Resume Writer


How to function effectively in a team if you’re an introvert?Most of today’s workplaces are perfectly designed for extraverts. Most of the career advice is about speaking up, showing off and taking initiative. The lion’s share of office work is done in teams, which means ongoing discussions, meetings, brainstorming, and cooperation. And even the cubicle office spaces are perfectly designed for extraverts.However, this regimen of work is just not suited for everyone. The ...Continue reading

Pros and Cons of Working Remotely


In 2019, remote working is no longer a luxury. According to Forbes, 50% of the American workforce will be remote soon. People value teleworking for the opportunity to work at their own pace and have a better work-life balance. And the statistic reflects these preferences as well: nearly 90% of US employees would like to work from home at least a few days a week.Are you considering finding a remote job or would like to talk to your boss about more flexibility? Take a closer look at the ...Continue reading

10 Tips to Run Productive Meetings


Meetings have a reputation of productivity killers among the employees. They take too much time, they are often off-point or simply don’t achieve the purpose they were called for. The executives consider over half of the meetings be failures. Ineffective meetings take time, energy and turn out to be pretty costly for any organization.On the flip side, meetings are extremely helpful when it comes to bonding the team together, finding new ideas or solutions of a complex problem. Properly ...Continue reading

12 Workplace Motivation Tips That Actually Work


Even those of us who love our jobs sometimes experience a drop in motivation. You probably have the days when you hardly crawl out of bed, come to the office and sit in front of the blank screen, struggling to start writing an email or calculate the expenses. Motivation is the fuel that helps you get the job done, and you feel completely exhausted and distract all the time to have a coffee or check how many likes your recent Instagram post has.Sounds familiar? The good news is, although ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech