Personal Or Online Interview: Choose Wisely


Personal or online interview

Online interview isn't a new practice. Many companies prefer it when interviewing candidates located outside of the city or for other reasons. However, the candidates' views have divided: while some are fans of getting interviewed through Skype, others value face-to-face contact. So, who is right, and which kind of interview will land you a job faster?

If you are 100% confident in the quality of your resume or received a free critique from resume services, let's consider the pros and cons of all types of interviews so you can choose the one that is more convenient for you. Boost your video interview skills by reading this article!

Skype interview

Skype interviews are fast, convenient, and definitely take less effort than face-to-face ones.

Pros of video interview:

  • It's more effective than phone screening
    You've probably had to pass phone screening at least once in your life and know what it's like (if you want to learn how to master phone interviewing, click here: In comparison with phone interviewing, an interview with videos has a number of advantages. First of all, it allows you to use body language and gestures for clearer communication with the interviewer. Moreover, if the job requires a good physical appearance, Skype allows doing it as well. Video calls have the advantage of face-to-face interviews by allowing eye contact and reading facial expressions.
  • It saves the employer's money
    Reputable companies usually pay the travel expenses if the prospective employer's office is located far away from you. Thus, by video interviewing you, they save money. Video conferencing is cheap, while remote interviews are very frequent, especially in large companies. A video job interview is a cost-saving option.
  • It saves time for both parties
    When you pass the interview on Skype, you only spend time on the interview itself. You don't need to commute, wait in queues, and carefully choose outwear to impress the interviewer. The hiring manager, in turn, can conduct an interview from any place convenient for him. This allows both of you to save time. Just be sure to have a good internet connection, a neutral background, and no family member running behind your back!
  • Interviews can be recorded
    The advantage of Skype is that it allows you to record the interview and later show the recording to other team members and department heads so they can evaluate you. This practice can replace several rounds of interviews. Virtual job interview is very convenient for job seekers as well! You will definitely take a few notes from a record.
  • You can talk from a place where you're comfortable
    The place you've never been to is another source of stress during the interview. However, if you receive a video call at a home in an environment that is comfortable and familiar, it reduces stress and makes you feel more comfortable. Moreover, you can prepare a list with clues and use them during the conversation. Online interviews are perfect for remote work!

Cons of video interviews:

  • There are often connection problems
    During the Skype or Facetime interview, connection problems may arise surprisingly. You or the interviewer can mishear something, which lays the grounding for further misinterpretation of questions or answers. Thus, an online job interview should be an option when are comfortable with your internet.
  • You may not feel comfortable speaking on camera
    If you have a shy personality, the necessity to speak on camera can embarrass you. As a result, you may come across as a reserved and closed person and won't perform as well as you would during a face-to-face interview. Job interviews may even imply sharing your computer screen to illustrate your work and you need to be prepared.
  • Skype interviews don't work well for top management positions
    Soft skills and body language are critical for senior managers. In spite of the video, it's impossible to fully access these qualities in a distance. That's why top managers are interviewed face-to-face only. Virtual interviews are rarely selected for jobs that do not imply remote work arrangements.
  • It's more difficult to build rapport
    During the face-to-face interview, it's easier to build rapport with an interviewer and make them like you. And, as you perform better during face-to-face interviews, your odds of getting a job offer increase. As follows, a Skype interview gives you fewer chances to win the job. Video platforms do not fully empower you to present your personality.

In-person interview

In spite of the technology taking over, face-to-face interviews are still popular. Check their pros and cons:

Pros of in-person interview

  • You can see the office and understand the corporate culture
    One of the biggest advantages of an in-person interview is that you face the other representatives of the company (receptionist, secretary, etc.) and can get valuable insight into the corporate culture. The style of communication, dress code, the happiness/unhappiness of other employees – all of the above helps you understand if the company is actually a good fit.
  • It's the best way tomake a great impression
    Skype and phone don't give you so much opportunity to impress the interviewer as the traditional interview does. In-person conversation allows you to be spontaneous, creative, and present your best self. You don't need to worry about whether the interviewer understood your message or your body language right as no technology is involved. Moreover, as was mentioned above, in-person interviews lead to job offers more often.
  • You can track how well the interview is going
    face-to-face interviews allow you to take full advantage of body language and nonverbal clues. In particular, you can follow the interviewer's reaction to understand whether they are truly interested or just wait until the interview is over and correct your behavior or answers accordingly. The opinion about your candidacy is immediately apparent.

Cons of in-person interviews

  • It requires much preparation
  • You'll spend a lot of time preparing for the interview – much more than on the interview itself. You'll have to learn about the company, find out how to properly dress for the interview (you can find some hints here:, and closely follow your gestures and body language.
  • It's stressful
    Face-to-face interviews involve a great deal of stress. The necessity to be on time at the place you've probably never been to before, look for the company's office in a huge business center, let alone the various surprises… For example, you can suddenly find yourself on a stress interview which is quite different from the regular one, or get interviewed in a group. Video chat can be less stressful for some candidates.
  • If you are employed, you can have problems scheduling
    If you work full-time, it won't be an easy task to find time for an interview in another organization. The earlier they interview you, the better; but if you're fully engaged with the current work, they might offer a job to someone who had more free time and was interviewed faster. Thus, even if you are the right person for the position, you may find it challenging to find the time to attend a face-to-face interview.
  • It's time-consuming for you (and costly for the prospective employer)
    Imagine that you got an interview invitation from a company that's located in another state. You'll have to spend hours traveling, and the whole process can take days. On their side, the employer will need to pay for your travel and accommodation (most reputable companies do). Provided that an interview doesn't guarantee a job, it's a significant investment, isn't it?

Video Interview Tips

At the end of the day, it depends. However, if you are really interested in a job, always opt for an in-person interview. Like no other interview type, it will enable you to build rapport and evaluate the corporate culture.

Skype interviews work better as a preliminary stage before the ‘real' interview. If the company is located in your city and only offers Skype interviews, they probably don't seriously consider your candidacy or use the video interview stage to weed out the candidates that don't fit.

Keep in mind that any kind of interview requires thorough preparation. You should practice answering the interview questions and do research about the company – it will help you to excel in the interview.

What if you get little interview calls?

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