Professional Military Resume Writing Service

Start your civilian career on the right note. Hire an experienced military transition resume writer who speaks the language of your target employers. Get your career story fully prepared for an effective job search and enjoy more interviews!

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Professional military resume writing services:
our advantages

  • 100% original writing - we don't use templates or pre-written job description. Your resume writer composes a resume from the ground up focusing on your unique side and traits that other professionals don't have.
  • Effective resume packages - get 100% ready for the next opportunity with a resume, cover letter and a LinkedIn profile that tell the holistic story about you and highlight the best details from your military background. Save up to 20% on all-inclusive packages.
  • Timely delivery - applying early increases your chances to be shortlisted. Our resume writing service deliver every order according to deadline you've chosen. And in case of late delivery or non-delivery you can claim a refund.
  • Highly-skilled writers - your military to civilian resume will be composed by a resume writer with 1+ year of experience and rich expertise with military resumes. Our staff writers combine excellent writing skills and understanding of HR practices.
  • Free amendments and updates - each resume package comes with a 14-day free revision period. In case you would like something improved or paraphrased in the newly written document, the writer will incorporate the changes shortly, and for free.
  • Unparalleled customer support - our support team works 24/7, no days off. It is our pleasure to help military veterans and current professionals obtain their dream positions, so we are online to answer any questions and provide top-notch service to every customer.

Our military resume writing services are dedicated to your ambitions


The mission of ResumePerk is to help professionals at all levels to get noticed for their dream positions. To achieve that, our resume writing pros create compelling resumes that reveal the skills, competencies and potential value of every candidate. We work on writing style, keywording, layout, general structure and design to provide you with a resume that beats expectations of most hiring managers.

What makes writing military to civilian resume so challenging? Military and private sector resumes differ in length, content, writing style and audience. Military personnel often use specific jargon and acronyms that civilian recruiters often misunderstand. As a result, your rich leadership experience and other amazing skills are simply not noticed by companies.

A good military resume writing service can save the day. Military resume experts who understand both military jargon and the requirements of civilian hiring managers can rewrite your career story in a way that better appeals to non-military organizations. We will transform the style, language, structure and looks of the document to make it an eye candy for your target jobs. As a result, with a new professional resume you'll get more visibility and better results!

Figures & Facts

  • 3,978

    military resumes

  • 100 +

    written in-house writers

  • 4.7/5

    average customer rating

Is our military resume writing service right for you?

We serve professionals leaving military careers in favor of a civilian position. Our experts write resumes for both active and transitioning members of the military. You'll benefit from our services if:

  • You have a specific dream job in mind but aren't getting interviews despite being qualified for this job and having all the necessary skills;
  • You are invited for interviews for lower-level positions, or for roles outside of your target industry;
  • You feel that the resume misrepresents you, but have little idea of how to rewrite it in a way that would interest the recruiters;
  • You believe that writing isn't one of your biggest strengths and would like to have a resume composed by a professional who specializes in it;
  • You're not sure how to describe your accomplishments from military career to businesses or non-profit organizations.

An experienced military resume writer will develop the strategy to help you enter the civilian workforce. We will analyze your background to create a competitive resume that proves the value of your skills to civilian employers in a language they understand.

How does it work?

Show off your transferable skills to employers. Order a new resume in a three quick steps:

  • Step 1. Place an order

    Tell us about your military experience or upload an old resume. We will ask you to send links to your target job if you want a tailored resume for a particular position.

  • Step 2. We assign a writer

    We connect you with a writer experienced with military-to-civilian resumes. You can talk to your writer anytime using a messenger.

  • Step 3. Download the ready document

    Download your new resume before the deadline and ask for a free revision if necessary. Apply for jobs confidently with your new winning resume!

Ease your career transition with an all-in-one resume package

When it comes to landing a competitive position after military service, a resume alone is often not enough. Our resume writers compose all the necessary documents for military professionals wishing to enter the civilian workforce:

  • A custom resume, tailored to your desired position and optimized with keywords;
  • A concise cover letter that explains your fit for the role and showcases your personality;
  • A keyword-rich LinkedIn profile that helps you get found by employers online;
  • A polite follow-up letter after the interview to show your excellent business etiquette;
  • A professional bio that presents your career story as a compelling narrative;
  • Interview tips to get you prepared for challenging interviews.

You can order these documents in a package or separately so that you don't overpay for services you don't need.

Military transition resume: Why choose us?

  • Resume rewriting for civilian jobs

    We serve military-to-civilian clients looking for government or private sector jobs. Our writers translate your military experience for civilian employers, helping them understand your strengths and potential, and distinguishing you from other job-seekers.

  • Interview-winning formats

    In addition to content, our resume writers use a custom layout and design that showcases your experience in seconds. With a professional resume design, you'll have a higher chance to stand out in a competitive job market.

  • Achivement-driven writing

    Our experts focus on your achievements and successes in the Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and other branches of the military. Thus, we emphasize your potential to succeed in the chosen civilian job.

  • Attention to detail

    All resumes are written by experts with excellent English language skills and then checked by a professional editor. Get a truly personalized, error-free resume that persuasively describes your strengths for employers.

Our writers have vast expertise with military resumes

The team of the ResumePerk comprises 100+ professionals, and military to civilian resume writers are among them. Each federal resume maker has a BA or MA degree, 1+ year of writing experience, or is a certified professional resume writer. We work with writers from the United States, United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries who can compose great resumes fast and exceed expectations of our clients.

Our selection process is very strict, each applicant takes English proficiency and resume writing tests before getting accepted to our resume writing team. If you were looking for a certified veteran career strategist, you can turn to our experts. Every person in our civilian resume writing services takes the necessary training to stay up-to-date with the best practices.

Here's why clients with military experience choose us:

  • Rich expertise - all resume writers have 1+ years of experience with resumes or as HR managers;
  • Professional formats - we use proven resume formats that work best for career transition;
  • Knowledge of military occupational specialties - we understand military jargon and specializations;
  • Personalized process - the writer works one-on-one with you until you are satisfied.

Our team offers solid guarantees

Our resume services are trusted by thousands of professionals

  • 100% original writing

    We create each military resume from scratch and don't use AI tools or templates. The writer analyzes your military service experience to showcase it for civilian jobs.

  • Optimized for ATS

    98% of Fortune 500 companies use an applicant tracking system to vet candidates. We optimize each resume with keywords to help you pass electronic screening.

  • Free revisions

    Our military-to-civilian resume writing services offer 14 days of free revisions. The writer will adjust the written resume until you are happy.

  • 100% Confidential

    Your personal information is safe with us. We never disclose information about our clients, and all payments are properly encrypted.

Types of military resumes we write

Our company creates customized resumes for all military service members including:

  • Air force captain
  • National guard machinist
  • Army officer
  • Navy operations specialist
  • Squad leader
  • Military spouse
  • Combat
  • Cybersecurity analyst

What former military members say about us

  • "I received an excellent resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile from this resume service. My writer Sarah listed my military experience concisely and removed all jargon to make it easier to understand. Prices are also pleasant, plus I got their special military discount. I already have two job interviews scheduled, all thanks to my new resume."

    Connor C., Louisian

  • "The resume created by Resumeperk amazed me. I was looking for a transition into the civilian sector, and I can tell these guys know their way about military resumes. My new resume highlighted my skills in leadership and training, setting the stage for a successful translation into a career in retail. A very well-rounded company, highly recommended!"

    Samantha K., Texas

  • "I had hesitations at first but the writer exceeded my expectations. They have rewritten my resume for the civilian world and described my experience in the armed forces, positioning me as a result-oriented professional. The writer was super attentive and responded to all my questions, which gave me a confident boost I needed for the job search."

    Mason D., New York

What differentiates our resume-writing services on the market?

At ResumePerk, we help service members to transfer to civilian life smoothly. We offer military transition resumes with a streamlined process, providing each client with the following advantages.

  • Simplified order process - no lengthy phone consultations and endless questionnaires. Attach your old resume and additional documents to get started. It takes 15 minutes to place an order and you can do it anytime as our service works 24/7.
  • Direct contact with the writer - to compose the best military to civilian application, the writer will ask questions to learn more about your military skills, awards on military service, and your career goals.
  • Truly individual approach - if you need a resume sooner than in 24 hours or have other specific request, don't hesitate to reach out. Everything is negotiable, and we are always willing to meet the demands of our clients.
  • A platinum resume service - to receive a resume of an exceptional quality, try our platinum service. We will assign one of our Top 10 writers on your resume, and then our PhD editor will check it for mistakes and consistency of writing style.
  • Discounts and special offers - all new clients get 20% discount for military transition resume. Moreover, returning customers receive progressive discounts from our company.
  • 98% customer satisfaction rate - according to our internal survey, most customers gave us 5 stars. Clients like us for ongoing customer service, high quality of writing and timely delivery.

How to compose a strong military to civilian resume?

  • Pahraphrase all military jargon. Whether you worked in air force intelligence, navigation or as a government contractors, jargon probably sounds natural to you. However, jargon and military acronyms like SNOIC, 2MarDiv or AAA may be not familiar to a civilian hiring manager. Such specific language needs paraphrasing in more general terms.
  • Target a specific position. Generic resumes don't bring much results in job search. Military resume writers recommend that you write with a specific type of position in mind. This includes using keywords, emphasizing skills which are important for this type of position, and downplaying military knowledge which is less relevant.
  • Give figures and tangible results. When it's possible, support your job descriptions with figures and provide context. Specify how many people you managed, what kind of problems solved, which process improved, etc. Employers are more likely to consider a resume that displays specific examples of success rather than a generic one.
  • Keep the job descriptions concise. Whether you worked in Marine Corps or Army, remember that in civilian resumes it isn't mandatory to list your job duties in full. Only include the descriptions relevant to your desired position. Therefore, the document will come out shorter which is also a plus for a private sector resume.
  • Use an attractive format and layout. Visual appearance matters for civilian resumes, so use the font which is easy to read, organize content in a chronological order and keep the document to 1-2 pages. Format the sections consistently, and use some color to emphasize the most important points or to divide different sections.
  • Use a professional email. Your email address should consist of your first and second name, career coaches recommend. An unprofessional email is more likely to be rejected by hiring managers. Check the accuracy of the phone number and other contact details so that the company would easily reach you.
  • Emphasize security clearances. Your security clearances can be valuable for security and law enforcement jobs, therefore, it's important to mention it. Don't go into much detail - just specify the level of clearance. Even if the job posting doesn't require security clearance, it's a plus anyway as it shows the employer that you can be trusted private information.

Let our military resume writers give your resume a boost

Our resume writing service staffs seasoned experts who understand the HR practices, principles of keywording and know how to describe your military background most effectively. The writer works with you until you are 100% satisfied with the written document, according to our Revision Guarantee.

Our military resume writers improve your application in every aspect, from word choice, jargon, and tone of voice to general strategy, layout and structure. With a resume that clearly lists your skills and emphasizes your past accomplishments, you are more likely to receive an interview and more job offers. Explore all benefits offered by resume pros. Try our services today with a special 20% discount for orders of any amount.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The cost of a resume for former service members depends on the deadline, the complexity of work and the writer's qualifications (for example, hiring a contest-winning resume writer is more expensive).

    At ResumePerk, we offer affordable resumes for civilian transition and military spouses. The price for a resume starts at $117, which is lower compared to other resume services. We strive to maintain the high quality of writing while keeping our fees affordable.

  • Unfortunately, it is hardly possible to get your resume done for free. Professional resume writers invest time, effort and knowledge into your resume and they need fair compensation.

    Our company offers affordable resumes for professionals at any career level. Plus, we give a 20% welcome discount to the former military as a small thank-you for your service.

  • You are welcome to review resume examples on the Samples page. Take a look at the written resumes by our writers to evaluate the quality level and writing style. We write a custom resume for every customer to highlight your unique strengths.

  • Our military resume writers are trained in the best practices of composing this type of resume. They know how to efficiently translate military jargon and create a masterpiece resume that will get you noticed. Each writer has 1+ experience with resumes and has a college degree.

    The process is quick and fully remote, with no phone calls. You upload the old resume, fill out the form, the writer gets back to you for more details, and you receive a brand-new resume that positions you for a target civilian job.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech