Professionally written resume at a fair price - where to find it?

Difficulties in landing a new job, a dramatic career change or a desire to get hired for a role that assumes more responsibility motivates professionals to seek external help. Yet, it's not easy to find a reliable service provider among the dozens of CPRW writers and big online companies. Since a single resume can cost from $50 to $1,000, the choice becomes even more confusing.

So, should you ultimately opt for the most expensive service that comes your way, or is it okay to buy a cheap document from a freelancer? Where to purchase the package that fast-forwards your career? If you are puzzled by these questions, keep reading. Below, you'll find a detailed analysis of what contributes to the final price and how to choose a reliable company that will deliver quality without charging you a fortune.

What predetermines the resume writing services cost?

The final charge for resume writing is influenced by the breadth of factors. And the quality of the final product isn't directly connected with the price. You can get a good writer at $200 and not-so-good one at $300. Here's what contributes to the final charge:

  • Writer’s qualifications. A beginning resume writer from a freelancing website will obviously charge less than someone with 5+ years of experience and dozens of returning clients. Nationally recognized certifications such as NRWA, CPRW, or ACRW usually add up to the final price you’ll pay.
  • Writer’s fame and recognition. Resume writers featured on authoritative news websites, who have thousands of followers on LinkedIn, as well as award-winning writers, have higher prices than those who are less known to the public.
  • Company’s location. Online-based companies or those located in small towns keep their prices lower than those operating from the crowded office in a metropolis such as New York or Chicago. They can keep expenditures lower, and their clients benefit from it.
  • Terms of service. Does the company offer customer support round the clock via phone or chat? Does the resume package include a one-to-one phone interview with the writer? Do they provide an urgent delivery service within 24 or 48 hours? These benefits typically come at an extra price.
  • Additional features. In some companies, resume packages go with a cover letter or a LinkedIn profile by default. It means that you’ll be charged for a package of services even if need a resume. Paid features may also include the extended revision period, or document check by a PhD editor.

Choosing the optimal price range for your resume

Option #1. Resumes that cost under $80

Frankly speaking, it’s possible to pay $50 or even $30 for resume writing. However, we recommend that you avoid the low-end agencies. Such charges assume that your resume will be done by a beginning freelancer who has no idea about how the recruitment process works. Or, they could also mean that you are dealing with an overseas ‘resume mill’, and the writer will simply insert your resume into a template and use cookie-cutter phrases.

Such a writer can stamp a dozen of resumes per day and won’t devote enough time to write a custom document for you. So, stay away from the suspiciously underpriced resumes.

Option #2. Companies charging between $80 and $350

Most service providers operate within this range. And that’s an optimal option for candidates, as you can find a qualified expert who understands the employer demands and adjusts resume accordingly. Most importantly, you can expect customization – the writer builds the resume from scratch, adapts for applicant tracking, and sprinkles with strong action verbs.

Our company charges around $100 per resume. At this reasonable amount you receive one-on-one communication with the writer, unlimited edits, and progressive discounts for all-inclusive packages.

Option #3. Resumes that cost from $350+

In fact, the upper price range has no limits. The market is full of extravagant writers charging $1,000 and beyond for a resume. As a rule, award-winning resume writing ‘stars’ work in this niche. But for you as a customer such price may be reasonable if you apply for a C-level position such as CEO, CFO, and more. For mid-level managers, office employees and clerks, it’s barely reasonable to pay through the nose. Lots of resume makers will write a persuasive, keyword-rich, properly formatted and targeted resume for much cheaper.

Corporate job openings attract 250+ resumes, and only 6 applicants get interviewed. A minor investment in resume writing can open a breadth of lucrative opportunities.

What is a reasonable fee for a cover letter?

The situation with a cover letter is similar. Price varies from $15 for dirt cheap resumes to extravagant $500+ documents. Similarly, we recommend that you stick to the average prices to receive quality writing without overpaying for it.

At, not only you can receive a good resume arranged as per your demands, but also a great letter and a LinkedIn online page. By purchasing an all-inclusive package from resume services, you boost your chances for jobs as professionally looking documents show your extreme interest in the role. 45% of recruiters reject resumes without letters – submit one to get considered.

Is professional resume writing service worth the investment?

Not sure if it’s worth it to work with a resume writer at all? If you’ve never hired a resume maker before, there are three main reasons to give it a shot.

  • They know the employers’ expectations. Resume professionals understand how recruiters scan resumes and what information they pay attention to in the first place. Hence, they can adjust your resume accordingly to help you look like an ideal candidate.
  • They save your time. Crafting a resume isn’t an easy and quick process – most likely, you’ll spend long evenings writing, editing and tailoring it. A resume writer will save you long hours and nerves as you’ll get an attention-grabbing resume at no effort.
  • They deliver quality. If you struggle to find the right wording or to frame your accomplishments, a professional can help. Through high-impact, persuasive writing, they will communicate your professional value to the target employers.

If you feel like writing a resume on your own, do give it a shot. But in this case, we strongly recommend that you show it to a resume editor to exclude mistakes. Our writing services offers help of a PhD editor at a highly affordable cost of under $50. This includes fixing mistakes, improving grammar and style, and rearranging the formatting and design.

Not everything in our life goes as planned, but in case with career, you can easily turn the situation in your favor. A prolific writer can get you noticed at the cost less than your day’s income.

Secrets to writing a winning executive resume

Hesitations aside - the competition for executive positions is much stronger than for lower-level ones. As you move higher on the corporate ladder, it gets really tough to get an interview, says a professional resume writer. Let's take a look at the elements of executive resume writing.

First of all, for C-level job seekers, accomplishments should absolutely prevail over job duties. This means showing off your organizationwide impact, such as processes reorganized, costs cut, profits increased, technology implemented, and more. Years of experience matter, but results are your real asset. Example: "Conceptualized and managed 15 Google Ads campaigns with an average ROI of 35%".

Another extremely important piece of advice is to improve your media presence. Check every social page so that it's free from controversial content. As a potential CEO or CFO, you should translate a flawless professional image, including your core values and career interests. An executive résumé writer recommends that you highlight your personal brand everywhere: in employment documents, online profiles, and letters.

And finally, focus on the future, not the past. In your quality resume, focus on how your skills can help this particular organization thrive. If the company is working on expanding your product range, show what kind of strategy you would use to achieve this target, or list similar successes from your work history.

Our in-house professional resume writers can prepare a distinct resume that communicates your value, leadership and impact. CEO job search lasts between 4-8 months, and a strong resume facilitates this process. Moreover, we offer assistance at below average cost and offer free amendments until the resume fully meets your demands.

Affordable professional resume writing for entry-level candidates

Should a graduate get their entry level resume written by resume services? The answer is "yes" for many reasons. Firstly, the beginning marketers, accountants, salespeople, and web developers often lack skills to produce a quality resume that will please the recruiter and the applicant software. Secondly, a professional in resume writing expert can spot errors that the young aspiring professionals could have missed. The writer from resume services can point out the weaknesses and thus help them enter a desired position faster.

For students and graduates with limited income cost is the major consideration. At the same time, it makes no sense to overpay for expensive resume writers. Our website offers to create a quality resume that meets the highest standards. The resume writers offer such benefits as free edits during 2 weeks and refunds in case of non-delivery. Employers scan resumes for 6 seconds only – make sure yours is distinctive.

Selecting resume writer services provider

Given the variety of services and self-employed writers, it’s hard to make an informed choice. To get stellar result for your money, follow the steps below:

  • Do in-depth research. Don’t order immediately from the very first site that popped up in Google. Learn more about the company and the writers, seek testimonials and feedback from previous customers. Consider the pricing policy to ensure the cost is fair.
  • Talk to the writer (or a support rep). Reach out to them to inquire about the process, writer’s qualifications and certifications, and guarantees. If they give you unrealistic promises such as the guarantee of an interview or even a job, it’s better to stay away from them.
  • Understand that it’s a two-way street. The writer does a lion’s share of work on your resume, but he cannot make a quality document without your input. So, be sure to give detailed response to writer’s questions and provide them with breadth of information. Only in this case it's possible to receive a resume that is helpful in your job search.

So, what's your ideal investment in professional resume writing?

Having considered all subtleties and pitfalls of differently priced professional resume services, we suggest that you follow these tips:

  • Never entrust your resume writing to suspiciously cheap or unknown companies or freelancers. In most cases, it results in money wasted and no results for your job search.
  • Count your money when dealing with executive writing experts. Most of them are hugely overpriced as they're owned by resume writing stars. But select carefully - you can find the same level of quality with cheaper companies.
  • Don't overpay for entry-level resumes. They don't require complex research, analysis and personal brand development. An average writer can compose one for you for cheap if you manage to find a good company.
  • Find a highly-qualified resume maker. At, we only staff writers with a university degree and constantly train them in the resume field. As a result, we are confident in the positive outcome for you as a client.

What is the best resume writers service? offers custom resume writing and works hard to help with other career documents and fit your professional needs best. We balance between moderate prices and high quality of writing, and you can choose the right package for your needs. We stick to individual approach, so you can choose a package and deadline that appeal to you. Also, we give a 20% off for your first order – contact us on chat to claim your code.

100% custom resumes, offered at a moderate fee offers customized resumes for 60+ industries. With an extensive team of writers and editors, we can help any professional who is struggling to get interviews for their dream positions. We offer ultimate set of features you won't find anywhere else. Firstly, we let you choose the deadline. If you order the document by tomorrow, we're on it. Secondly, we write resumes from the ground up. Your document will be completely unique, no pre-written text or copy-paste. All rights are transferred to you. And finally, all packages come with money-back guarantee. In case of non-delivery, we'll refund your payment in full.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech