Our New Service: Custom Infographic Resume Writing


Custom Infographic Resume WritingWant a resume that will certainly turn heads? Then, apply with an infographic resume. A popular trend over the last few years, infographic resume presents your career history and skills in forms of pictures, charts and graphs. Its biggest advantage is great design: recruiters no longer have to read long pages of text to get the grasp of candidate’s experience and professionalism. Thanks to the YouTube and social media, we perceive visual information faster than the text. But will the infographic resume work for your unique career situation? Our customer service professional resume writers throw the light onto the matter. Hire our infographic resume creator today!

How infographic resume writing is different?

Infographic resumes present your usual resume information in the form of graphic elements and use less text. Usually, resume writer professional uses a timeline to demonstrate the candidate’s academic and professional experience, indicates the level of proficiency in each skill and displays other information graphically. Icons, graphs, charts, pictures, timelines – everything you cannot imagine in a traditional resume is widely used in graphic one to help your resume show up.

This type of resumes is on the rise, especially for those in IT and creative industries. However, programmers, web designers and copywriters aren’t the ones who will benefit from this brand new resume type.

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Core advantages of using a graphic resume

Great visual appearance

Traditional resumes with the standard set of sections look pretty similar and don’t allow much space for creativity. On the contrary, the infographic format allows creating an eye candy that will capture the attention of decision makers in seconds. Thanks to the attractive design and logical structure, infographics are more pleasant to read than a traditional text resume. Don’t know where to submit your newly created resume online? Check here for an answer: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-to-submit-your-resume-online.

It sets you apart from the crowd

Despite the fact that infographic resumes have been popular for years, not many job-seekers have taken advantage of this format so far. It means that you might be the only person who applied for a job with a graphic resume – and this sole fact will generate a lot of attention to your candidacy. Everything that differentiates you from the competition in a positive key boosts your chances for an interview!

It shows that you’re tech-savvy

The growing number of roles require technology skills and creativity. A graphic resume helps you highlight both skills. Firstly, since you’ve gone far beyond composing an ordinary resume, it shows your creative approach to solving problem. And secondly, your ability to organize the information and communicate it graphically points out at the excellent design and communication skills.

It makes the important career facts pop up

Many text resumes (especially those job seekers write on their own) are cluttered and inefficiently organized. As a result, hiring manager spends a lot of time seeking the specific information. In infographic resume, your key career information is visible at a glance – and the reader won’t miss a thing from your rich professional biography.

It’s easy to publish or share online

Infographic resumes work perfectly if you are looking for job online. They can be easily shared via your private social media or LinkedIn. Due to the original looks and attractive design, they’ll attract more attention just like the pictures in social media usually do. Moreover, you can publish the graphic resume on your personal website and share the link to it with a potential employer.
By the way, if you care about your social media presence, you might also be interested in the resume service to improve LinkedIn.

The cons of using this resume type

An infographic resume is a superb tool for your job search if used right. However, there are a few aspects you should consider before applying with it:

  • Not suited for all kinds of jobs
    Some conservative industries just don’t welcome infographic resumes. For instance, if you are going to apply for a government job where there are many regulations for creating a resume, a visual resume can remove you from the competition.
  • Not all employers might be open
    Applying with a graphic resume, be ready that not all employers will appreciate your creativity. Some of them might view this resume as less professional or not take it seriously – especially if they are not used to this type of resume.
  • Might be ATS-unfriendly
    Resumes in form of pictures and graphics aren’t good with most ATS, that’s true. So they might be weed off before a human recruiter mentions a great design.

All these risks are easy to mitigate by using a graphic resume along with the text one. In this case, if the recruiters aren’t ready for your burst of creativity, they’ll simply focus on the text version.

Can I create an infographic using free writing company examples?

Thanks to the undisputable advantages we’ve just listed above, visual resumes are great helpers when it comes to increasing your chances for interviews. So, you might be asking yourself “Can I create an attractive graphic resume on my own?”

Just like with any other types of creative resumes, to help your ambitious career plans, a graphic resume should look perfect. An amateurish infographic resume with wrong choice of colors, improper formatting and weak logical structure are likely to ruin your chances for the job. Hiring managers don’t tolerate low-quality creative resumes. So, if you want to benefit from a graphic resume, make sure it’s done professionally (if you are a graphic designer by trade, ignore this advice – you know how to make your resume shine).

Where the infographic resumes can be used?

Graphic resumes aren’t viewed as the replacement of traditional text resumes by most companies. Thus, our pro tip is: use an infographic as a supplementing document to a good old text resume. Here are a few ways you can benefit most from an infographic resume:

  • Attach it along with the text resume: when sending your DOC resume via e-mail or form on the corporate website, attach the graphic resume as well.
  • Publish it on your professional website so your clients and prospective employers could access your qualifications and appreciate the creative approach.
  • Share it on social media. Looking for a job? Publish your graphic resume and ask the friends to share it. Graphic resumes look innovative, so chances are that lots of people will read it. By the way, here’s a short guide to preparing your social media for job search: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-social-media-can-build-or-ruin-your-career.
  • LinkedIn profile – show your creativity and seriousness in finding the job. Publish the infographic resume along with the samples of work.

Where to get a professional online infographic CV made?

For 10+ years, Resumeperk.com has been offering resume writing help to North American and European job-seekers. Now, we are happy to introduce a new feature: infographic resume writing.

Our experienced resume writer partners the staff designer to build a visually attractive application. The writer ensures that your experience, education, skills and timeline help you come across as a great candidate. A graphic designer visualizes your background in a way that is compelling for the prospective employer. If you work in (or plan on entering) the creative industry, are brave enough to brag your accomplishments and want to be noticed, graphic resume is exactly what you need to succeed.

Can I browse the infographic CV timeline style samples?

Unlike many other services offering the development of an infographic resume, we don’t offer cookie-cutter graphic solution for everyone. We build individual design and layout for every resume using a vast array of graphic design tools. The graphic designer picks the appearance and the structure of your resume based on the information you provide – and works with you until you’re satisfied with your new resume’s looks.

How does the process work?

  1. You place an order for infographic resume with our website, attach an old resume or fill out a questionnaire if you don’t have one.
  2. A resume writer gets back to you for more information and creates a traditional text resume for you.
  3. Graphic designer visualizes the key aspects of your newly written resume and provides you with a picture you can use along with the traditional resume or separately.
  4. That’s it! Download your graphic resume and impress your target employers with your creative approach to job application.

The best infographic design resume writers are at your disposal

Infographic resume markets your skills and experience through the use of graphic elements such as icons, pictures, charts, graphs, and many more. As not many job-seekers use this kind of resume, this is an excellent way to showcase your creativity, genuine interest in the role and stand out from the competition.

Use data visualization to show off your experience and skills

The key concept of an infographic is to communicate the information through the visual elements rather than text. Infographics are designed to give a reader an easy-to-understand overview of a topic through the use of images, charts, graphics and minimal text. Since we tend to grasp visual information much faster than text, a resume infographic can be perfect for communicating your skills and accomplishments visually.

Since recruiters are busy and don’t have time to read your resume top to bottom, an infographic will communicate the key milestones of your career to them in seconds. As a result, you have every chance to get noticed. Let alone the fact that infographics are typically easy on the eye and pleasant to look at comparing to traditional text resumes.

Show your creative potential 

Infographic resumes are still new to many industries, and you have a chance to get noticed simply thanks to the fact of using them. But it’s not the only reason to give an infographic resume a shot. Creating an eye-catching visual resume requires imagination, creativity and design skills. Using an infographic resume is a perfect way to show your creative side and non-trivial approach to handling everyday tasks. This approach is likely to be welcomed by employers, especially in creative and technology industries.

Not sure that the colored resume is what you need?

A graphic resume is the proven way to get noticed from the midst of other resumes. Yet, if you’re not sure that this resume type will be approved in your industry or simply would like to stick to a traditional text resume, contact us. Our resume experts will help you determine the appropriate resume type for your job level and industry. We will also assist with the creation of the custom resume of any kind, and you can be sure that your resume will be one of its kind and present your professional value in a favorable light.

At Resumeperk com, you can get a custom infographic resume developed in accordance with your requirements. Also, check out our full list of services in case you are missing a cover letter or order other documents which may help you land a job faster. 

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech