Resume Polish Service - Get a Dream Job Faster

Resume mistakes, typos, poor formatting or lack of knowledge of modern resume standards can jeopardize your chances for employment. Our team of 100+ resume writers and editors can build a powerful professional resume that clearly emphasizes your accomplishments and skills. Get a resume that markets you for your dream career and make your job search more enjoyable!

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What can offer you?

  • 100% custom resume writing - the writer composes each document specifically for you and in line with your requirements. No software or templates used - the work is done by a well-trained resume expert in your industry.
  • Qualified writers - we pose strict requirements on our writers. Each writer is fluent in English, has 1+ year of experience with resumes, a certification, or experience as an HR. You can rest assured that your documents are prepared by qualified professionals, not random freelancers!
  • Free revisions - if you believe the newly written resume could be improved, ask for a revision for free. The writer will update the document to your comment, and will keep working until you are satisfied.
  • Convenient deadlines - our deadlines vary from 24 hours to 5 days, and you will receive the first draft on time. In case we fail to deliver your order timely, you can claim a refund and get money back to your account.
  • Affordable pricing - since we work with clients remotely, we manage to keep our prices one of the lowest in the market. Resume writing starts at $87 only, and a cover letter is $33. You can order an all-inclusive package and get an additional discount.
  • Client support 24/7 - we serve clients across the globe and therefore we don't have days off. You can get a consultation or place your order at any time, day or night, and the writer will attend to it immediately!

Who will benefit from our resume writing services?

For 12+ years, we have been providing every client with professionally polished resumes, serving all types of job-seekers:

  • students and graduates looking to land their first 'serious' full-time job;
  • mid-career professionals looking a higher salary, employment with a prestigious company or a promotion;
  • executive level professionals looking to emphasize their business process impact and get hired for an ultra-competitive six-figure position;
  • career switchers who need help presenting their skills for a completely new industry;
  • professionals returning to workforce after a gap year, maternity leave or COVID-19 drop of employment.

For every client, we prepare a high-quality tailored application based on their current skillset and goals. Write us, and we will help you go through the complexities of job-search with a persuasive resume that will impress every hiring manager!

All job-search and career writing services in one place

Did you know that 40% of hiring managers spend under one minute reviewing each resume? Thus, every document you submit should be impeccable and highlight your strengths from the very beginning. The experts of offer an effective resume package that includes:

  • Resume tailored for a specific job with keywords and focused on your accomplishments and results;
  • Cover letter that exposes your personality traits and motivation for working with a particular company;
  • Thank-you note expressing gratitude after a face-to-face meeting and a hope for further cooperation;
  • LinkedIn profile that boosts your online presense and helps you get found by recruiters;
  • Interview tips with a handful of professional advice for preparing for the most stressful interviews, both in-person and online.

Why order a full resume package? Firstly, it maximizes your chance for an interview. 45% of recruiters reject resumes that go without a cover letter. 37% of employers reject candidates who didn't send a thank-you note. Moreover, the writer aligns your documents with each other so that they tell a holistic career story and emphasize the right professional traits. And if you've visited our website for the first time, we've got a huge discount for resume writing services! Contact us on chat to claim your 20% off any order.

We offer a cost-effective resume writing service

There's a common myth that professional resumes are expensive. In fact, you needn't overpay for resume polishing services. You can find quality resume writing services under $200. Of course, there are comanies that can charge you $700 or even $1,000 for a single resume. Yet, they are mostly aimed at senior executives and include such services as personal branding, interview coaching and more.

At, you can purchase a professionally written resume at under $100. The price is fixed and doesn't depend on your career level or word count. This price includes custom writing, addition of keywords, formatting and design. Edits and revisions are unlimited for 2 weeks. If you are happy with your current resume and only would like to polish it, choose a Resume Editing service. Our expert will check the document for mistakes, improve the word choice, formatting and presentation.

Is it possible to get a resume for free?

On the internet, you may come across the websites that offer free resume writing. Yet, no qualified resume writer will offer their services for free! In most cases, these are resume builders that offer nothing but bright templates for your existing resume.

Although our website does not provide free resume assistance, you can take advantage of a free resume review service. Send us your resume, and one of our professional writers will check it for mistakes and respond you with a detailed critique. Moreover, our blog offers plenty of resources and how-to articles on resume writing, job search and career building.

How to polish a resume on your own: 10 Tips from our experts

Use a modern font

Fonts like Times New Roman are considered outdated. Use a simple and readable sans serif font such as Arial, Helvetica or Verdana to give the resume content a fresh look.

Remove 'References upon request'

This statement is simply pointless. If the recruiter wants references, they will ask. If you want to provide reference list immediately, prepare them on a separate sheet of paper.

Edit the document and check spelling

59% of hiring manager reject resumes with typos and grammar mistakes. Read the document several times to ensure it's free from errors, improve readability and word choice. To get rid of minor errors, use an online spell checker.

Change the document's name

Make sure your resume file contains the job title and your name, for example, "Mary Levistein - Key account manager". In this case, the recruiter will easily find your application on their computer.

Add links to professional social media

Since the employer will look up for you online anyway, add links to professional resources. These may include a LinkedIn profile, personal website, online portfolio or even Facebook/Instagram groups if they are related to your work. Clean up your personal social media to make sure they don't have anything inappropriate.

Remove cliches and filler words

Cliches like hardworking, go-getter, team player, and natural leader turn off the recruiters since they're highly overused. Instead, give examples of situations where you demonstrated these qualities.

Ask for opinion from the outside

Taking a distant look at your resume is important, but it's far more effective to hear a professional opinion. Show your resume to a friend who works as an HR or a recruiter and ask what they think about it. Or, send a resume to us for a professional resume critique and receive well-structured feedback from our writers.

Update your list of skills

Make sure your list of skills is accurate and up-to-date. Remove the outdated software, skills and knowledge and add the ones you've acquired recently. If you have a long skills list, consider dividing it into categories, for example: languages, software, remote work, etc.

Get rid of contractions

Avoid contractions, especially those that are not widely known. For better ATS optimization, it's best to spell out the term and use an abbreviation in brackets (or vice versa).

Review the formatting

Check the capitalization, section headings, and fonts for consistency. Use the same type of formatting throughout the document. Opt for bulleted lists over paragraphs - they are easier to skim through.

11 Remove outdated jobs and projects

If you have 10+ years of experience, you needn't indicate all jobs you had. Focus on the last 10 years of experience and consider removing early jobs to make the resume shorter. Employers are mostly interested in recent and relevant jobs, so you can omit the rest.

Reduce the list of responsibilities

Write no more than 6-7 bullet points for each job. You needn't include all responsibilities and accomplishments. Focus on the most relevant ones to make the document more concise.

Check the first impression

Look through your resume, paying special attention to the first paragraphs. Think about what the recruiter might think about you. Do you use strong verbs, examples and figures when describing your accomplishments and skills? What catches your attention in the first place? You might want to change something at this point.

Remove the graduation date

If you graduated from college over 5 years ago, career experts recommend removing graduation year. Also, if you have a college degree, remove any information about high school.

Get assisted from top experts from our resume and cover letter writing service

Polishing your resume is a tough task, especially when you realize that your further career depends on it. Don't risk your future employment and turn to resume and cover letter writing services! Our American and English writers can polish your resume to local standards and in line with your industry demands. Among the guarantees we provide, we offer

  • direct connection with your writer;
  • full confidentiality of your order and payment data;
  • premium services - getting one of our Top 10 writers to work on your order;
  • an editable version of your resume in DOCX.

Questions? Let us know - we are open round the clock!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech