Professional Sales Resume Writing Service

Have you heard that a resume is a marketing document? Our resume writing experts prepare persuasive, well-written resumes for sales professionals. Let us emphasize your strengths, get you noticed and boost your interview chances!

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Why is it time to invest in a professionally written resume?

Sales professionals are always in demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic, jobs for sales managers are projected to grow by 7% by 2030. Businesses need skilled professionals who can promote products and services to clients, negotiate contracts, and grow customer loyalty. With this positive job market outlook, investing in a pro resume will quickly pay off by making you visible to more employers. Here's what we have to offer:

  • Custom writing

    Our sales resume services create resume individually for each client. No templates or pre-written text! As a result, your professional sales resume will present the unique accomplishments and traits that your competitors don't have.

  • Resume design and keywording

    Unlike other sales resume writing services, we don't have a database of templates. Your writer uses a customized design that highlights your work history most effectively. Moreover, we can adapt the resume for an applicant tracking system by adding valuable keywords.

  • Expert writers

    We have 100+ of experienced and certified writers, and don't work with third-party freelancers. Our writers have vast experience in writing resumes and understand the hiring process, and it helps them to create truly effective documents for you!

  • Free edits and updates

    Thinking that your new resume could be improved? Just let us know, and the writer of our resume writing service will make corrections. We offer 2 weeks of free revisions, and you can ask for amendments until you're satisfied.

  • Complete resume packages

    In addition to a resume, you can order a cover letter, LinkedIn profile and a thank-you note from our professional resume writers. We will sync the design and content of all documents and emphasize the same qualifications to help you land the next sales job!

  • Non-stop customer support

    Our support chat works 24/7, no days off. Don't hesitate to get a free consultation or ask your questions. Moreover, after placing the order, you can talk to your sales resume writer directly - they typically respond in under 30 minutes.

What types of sales professionals do we help?

We offer customized resumes for every professional in the sales industry including:

  • Sales Associate
  • Account Manager
  • Advertising Sales Representative
  • Enterprise Software Sales Rep
  • Regional Sales Director
  • Sales Engineer
  • Business Development Representative
  • Real Estate Agent

The elements of a professional sales resume

If you are looking to impress the hiring manager, make sure your resume meets the following requirements:

Include the correct contact information

Double-check your contact deails, as in case of the typo, the hiring manager might not be able to contact you. Make sure you are using a professional email address that consists of your first and last name. According to the statistics, 35% of employers may reject your resume because of unprofessional email address!

Add links to online resources

If you have an online portfolio, a professional Linkedin profile, or other resources that can make you more likeable to an employer, be sure to share links. Don't add links to your personal social media as it is of little interest to employers.

Focus on most recent experience

List it reverse chronologically, from newest jobs to oldest. Do not indicate experience older than 10 years. New sales techniques and software emerge all the time, so the experience you had 20 years ago might not be relevant. Also, avoid simply listing your daily duties. Instead, focus on results you managed to deliver. Keep in mind the standards of business English writing to make sure every sentence sounds persuasive and professional.

Create a catchy summary

Writing a summary that would fully demonstrate your potential is challenging. Avoid the cookie-cutter statements and unimportant details. Every statement you make here should confirm your qualifications for a specific job posting. Resume experts recommend that you list only relevant qualifications and talk about successes and career progression. Remember that each claim you make should be supported by specific accomplishments or figures.

Show off the accomplishments

In sales professions, you have to be assertive. Don't be shy to brag about your strengths and what you've accomplished for the previous employer. If you don't know how to get started, use the formula "Used the skill or completed an action to handle the project or task, and this led to specific result". Think about showing the "before and after" dynamics. Resumes with measurable resutls get more views and lead to more job interviews!

Here are the examples of accomplishments:

  • Increased monthly sales by 15% by preparing training programs and teaching modern selling techniques to sales associates
  • Closed 83 contracts in FY2021, resulting in $1.4M new revenue

Add the Skills section

Skills section help you pass the ATS and grasp the attention of a human hiring managers. If you have plenty of skills to show off, consider breaking them into sections: soft skills, software proficiency, foreign languages, etc. Some good examples of skills for a sales resume are: product knowledge, competitor research, pipedrive & salesforce, buyers' psychology, negotiation, client relationship management, and sales team supervision.

List relevant education

Include your relevant academic degrees as well as corporate training, licenses, certifications, and courses. If you have a college degree, no need to include the high school. If you graduated less than 3 years ago, you may list relevant coursework, university accomplishments and other details about education.

Write with your target job in mind

Expert resume writers recommend that you adapt the resume for each particular job description. Read the job ad carefully and highlight the skills and qualifications that the company requests. Then, use the same words in your resume. Such an approach will make the resume look relevant, help you impress the recruiters and eventually bring better results in your job search.

Include relevant or unusual hobbies

Generic and ordinary hobbies such as "Cooking, dancing, cycling" won't bring much attention of recruiters. Yet, if there is an extraordinary hobby that can “sell” you as a candidate, indicate it. "Mountain marathon running" or "Modern poetry writing" are good examples.

Proofread carefully

More than a half of recruiters will reject a resume that contains typos or grammar mistakes. Sales professionals have to interact with diverse clients a lot, so strong writing skills are a must. After you've written the resume, read it line by line to fix writing issues. You may also use an online software. If you want an excellently written resume, consider hiring a proofreader.

Our website offers a Resume Editing service that includes not only the correction of grammar and punctuation, but also the improvement of style and structure. Your editor will fix the design as well.

What is the fair price for sales resume writing services?

If you look for prices online, you'll notice that a sales resume writing service costs from $100 to $700+. Such a difference may look confusing. In fact, the price depends on such factors as:

  • how many years of experience the writer has;
  • where the sales resume writing company is located (inside or outside the US);
  • what additional services are offered with a resume (some companies also offer interview coaching or other documents);
  • the company's pricing strategy;
  • turnaround time, etc.

In fact, the most expensive doesn't always mean the best. Here are the main things you should pay attention to if you want the best quality for your money:

Look for a certified professional resume writer

Or, a writer with at least one year of experience. Beginning writers cannot bring much value and won't get you noticed by hiring managers. At, we carefully check each writer's skills before hiring them. Each writer has to provide sample resumes and take an English test. Moreover, we only hire applicants with college degrees. Since all our resume writers are educated and skilled, you can expect the highest quality.

Check the guarantees

Every reliable sales resume writing service provides guarantees. For example, our website offers standard 2-week revision period. It means that the writer can further correct your professionally written resume according to your demands. And in case if we fail to complete the work on time, we offer partial and full refunds. Our resume writing services also offer full confidentiality for every client - your personal information is always kept in secret. If the company hasn't such guarantees, it shouldn't be trusted! Our pricing

You've come to the right place as you won't find such a combination of affordable price and good quality anywhere! Our resume prices start at $117 only. The price includes custom writing, addition of keywords, design and direct contact with your writer. As you see, you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars to receive a quality service! Moreover, every new client gets 20% off any order. Contact us on chat to claim your code.

If you aim for excellent quality or want to apply for a senior management position, we offer premium resume writing service. We will assign on of our Top 10 resume writer to work on your paper, moreover, it will be double-checked by a PhD editor.

Additional services that will maximize your interviews

In addition to providing professional resume writing, we help with other job-search documents as well:

  • Cover letters - the writer will emphasize your motivation, personality and culture fit to prove you're a perfect candidate for that dream job;
  • LinkedIn profiles - we will strengthen your online profile and help appear higher in search results, thus helping the recruiters find you;
  • Thank-you notes -37% of recruiters reject candidates for not following up after the interview. So, send this short letter to stay top of mind;
  • Personalized career coaching in the form of interview tips that explain how to get prepared best and beat nervousness.

If you order a resume package, we guarantee that all documents will tell the same career story and create a holistic impression about you as a candidate.

Use the chance to sell yourself for the dream job!

If you were looking for a help of a certified master resume writer, search no more. At, we have professional sales resume writers who can prepare a resume for both a college graduate and a Director of Sales. We have helped thousands of job-seekers land more interviews and will be happy to assist you as well!

We use result-oriented writing and focus on the results of your work and accomplishments rather than job duties. In this way, we show your unique competencies and career milestones. According to our satisfaction guarantee, writer keeps working until you are satisfied!

Still hesitating?
Email your resume to us for a FREE in-depth review. Our consultant will point out the strengths and weaknesses of your sales resume and tell what kind of a resume service will work best for you.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech