Despite the fact that we've designed the test to be engaging, results are usually accurate. You will get a description of your key strengths and weaknesses and how you typically act in various situations. Plus, you will receive suggestions of possible career paths for your personality type.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you set realistic expectations for yourself. In other words, if you're a deeply introverted person, you can stop comparing yourself to that super sociable coworker who can give a speech at the meeting without preparation. And if you work on a clerical job but have a knack for intellectual tasks, you might want to pursue a more analytical, complex, and well-paying job.
You can use the test result as a starting point for self-reflection and analysis. Think about how the key strengths give you energy and influence your life positively, and how you can possibly mitigate the impact of weaknesses. Below, we will share some suggestions on how to work with your weaknesses and strengths.
How to use your strengths and weaknesses to achieve goals
Making the most out of your strengths
According to the results of the assessment, your strengths are your ability to do something faster and better than others. For example, your superpower might be handling analytical tasks, coming up with creative ideas and inventing something new, influencing and affecting others, or building relationships with harmony and empathy.
Yet, if something is your strength, don't take it for granted. You need to constantly develop it and work to improve it if you want to make the most out of your natural talents. Consider professional development courses, workplace training, and other ways to improve your skills.
Work on your weaknesses
First, keep in mind that a weakness is not necessarily something bad. Yet, it is one or multiple character traits that might hold you back from realizing your career potential. You need to recognize it and work on it to achieve success at work or in personal life.
After reading the assessment result, speak to your supervisor, coworker, and gather their feedback. Think about how you can work on your weakness and how it can potentially improve your life. If necessary, partner with them to create a personal development plan and use a structured approach to improving yourself.
Take a free quiz to improve your life and career
Taking our simple quiz can give you direction in life and help find ideas for professional growth. Plus, you will know what to focus on in your daily life and develop empathy for others.
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