15 Tips to Instantly Get Organized at Work


If you work in a fast-paced environment, staying organized becomes a real struggle. Papers pile up on the desk, the inbox fills faster than you can handle it and you often can’t find an important note or a phone number. The constant clutter both in your cubicle and in your head prevents you from being productive, as you spend lots of time looking for something important or urgently completing a task you’ve forgotten about.So, how do you become organized and stay purposeful at work? ...Continue reading

15 Most Popular Employee Benefits


In an attempt to attract and retain the top talent, employees offer not only a competitive salary, but also various benefits and perks. And the latter has increasing importance – according to the survey, 60% of people see benefits as a major factor for accepting a job offer. Although not all employers can afford the benefits similar to those offered by Google or Amazon, certain job flexibility and more days off are something that nearly any employer can provide.If you actively look for a ...Continue reading

Make The Most of Your Commute: 9 Tips from a Resume Writer


Resume writer’s tips for a productive commuteUnless you’re a freelancer or a remote employee, the commute is inevitable. According to the statistics, an average American spends 26 minutes to travel to work. If you sum up this time, you’ll be curious to learn that you spend over a week each year simply getting to the office and back home.Commute time is a great untapped reserve of time. And you don’t have to waste this time browsing Instagram feed or listening to a ...Continue reading

7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For


Check out the types of organizations to stay away fromWriting a resume is only half of the success of your job search. If you want a stable and fulfilling career, you'll also face the challenge of finding a reputable and trustworthy employer. And during the interview stage you should be evaluating the companies either to avoid ending up in a toxic environment or a dead-end job.  Some companies will fit you better than others. Yet, there are a few company types that you should never ...Continue reading

7 Morning Routines for Better Productivity


Starting your morning productively sets the right tone for the rest of the day. However, many of us snooze an alarm clock for a few times, drink hot coffee for breakfast, get ready in a rush and often run late to an office. And the rest of the day goes just as messed up and your energy levels are down. Meanwhile, it’s easy to change everything for better simply by introducing a few morning routines.Our resume writer online is going to share the most effective yet simple morning routines ...Continue reading

Secrets for getting a job at Apple, Google or Microsoft


Thousands of aspiring software engineers, designers and IT managers dream of getting hired by Google, Microsoft or another tech giant. Young professionals are attracted by the opportunity to contribute to challenging projects that change the world as well as lucrative salary and impressive perks. However, since the major tech companies are huge attractions, the competition is also fierce – some job postings receive thousands of resumes.If you have always dreamed of becoming a part of ...Continue reading

Achieve Better Work-Life Balance in 12 Steps


A healthy work-life balance sounds fantastic in the modern world. According to Harvard Business School, 94% of employees work more than 50 hours a week. Due to technology, people consider it normal to be always available for late night calls and emails. The lines between work and time off blur, leading to cumulative stress, lack of quality rest and damaged relationships.In fact, due to constant stress and burnout, you might even feel that you hate your job, even though you’ve always ...Continue reading

Top 7 Company Offices in America


The world's largest and most profitable companies do their best to attract and retain the top talent. They offer lucrative compensations, provide extravagant benefits and supply the employees with delicious snacks. One of the top ways to stimulate staff productivity and creativity is creating fascinating office spaces. No more open spaces with eggshell paint and standard dull desks – game rooms, large kitchens, fresh designs and sports areas are quite common for the modern offices of ...Continue reading

Stress Shall Not Pass or Effective Stress Management at Work


Tight deadlines, heavy workloads and unbearable boss – all of these routine work factors invisibly contribute to our workplace stress. According to the reports, over 8 millions of Americans experience serious psychological stress, and this number continues to grow. The problem of stress in the office cannot be ignored, as it leads to professional burnout, behavioral problems and health issues.However, if you experience serious stress, don’t hurry up to write my CV and quit that ...Continue reading

How to Work with People You Really Hate


Our coworkers are rarely the most pleasant people in the world. Personalities clash, the working styles vary, leading to inevitable arguments and conflicts in the workplace. For most of us, good relationships with colleagues are the important component of work satisfaction. However, what if you don't see eye to eye with your boss, subordinate or coworker? Or, what if you have to work closely with someone you really hate?The quality of workplace interactions affects us more than we think. In ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech