
I Need A Resume: Staying Competitive In A Job Market


The digital age and globalization have changed the nature of job search and application. Today, geography is no longer a restriction; and the most lucrative corporate opportunities attract hundreds of resumes from the US and overseas applicants. Under these circumstances, it’s getting harder to get a chance for the role. So, how do you stay competitive? First and foremost, you need to create your resume in a way that markets you as a perfect candidate for the role. To do this, you need ...Continue reading

Money, Money, Money: How to Make Ends Meet


One of the most important things job gives us is the sense of financial stability. We need regular source of income to make our living and provide for the family. However, anyone can face the time of life when money is just not enough. Termination from your previous work, health issues, and family problems may lead to significant drop of income. Or maybe, you're not used to planning your budget and tend to spend more than you earn, so the bills and credit card debt snowballs over time. Even if ...Continue reading

Students’ Guide: How to Find Job After Graduation


Are you a recent graduate looking where to start your career? Well, you are not alone. In the United States, 4 of 5 graduates leave college without a job or can't get a job after college. Although some of the large employers recruit through campuses, it’s far not enough to provide all students with work. Therefore, finding a job after college and landing your first job is your own responsibility, and you should take it seriously, as the company you’ll join and the ...Continue reading

Climbing Career Ladder: All Is Fair?


For most of us, professional success and recognition is a dream come true. On our way to career success, we spend years in college, develop a career plan and even refer to professional resume service to help us land better job.  Striving to grow up to an executive role one day, we are willing to go to great lengths, work as hard as it takes and even sacrifice the work-life balance. However, as you may have noticed, the knowledge and hard work alone rarely lead to breathtaking career ...Continue reading

Career Crisis: Why Does It Happen and What to Do


In our career-centered society, the matter of professional growth and developed are the top priority for many. Successful career presumes that you create a plan (for effective strategies and stages of career planning, see here: ) and then gradually learn new skills and gain the extra responsibilities. However, in real life, the path to success is quite different.These days, not only middle-aged professionals ...Continue reading

Top Weirdest Jobs You'll Be Curious To Discover


Ever complained about your job being dull and monotonous? Wondered if there are fancy jobs beyond offices, calculations and negotiations? If you’ve planned a radical career change (read more about the top reasons why people leave their jobs here: and want to know about unusual, non-typical jobs that the world has to offer, you’ll find them in our list. After creating a professional resume, you’ll be able to ...Continue reading

Why Professional CV Resume Can’t Get You A Job


Many job-seekers see a professionally written resume as a rescue from their ongoing employment problems. They believe that once a professional resume maker gets his hand on their resume, things will go smooth with landing a new job. This is true to some extent – a professional CV resume can really generate more quality interview calls. Nevertheless, even the best resume can hardly ever warrant you a job. Why? Choosing the best candidate is influenced by too many factors, and a good ...Continue reading

Why Start A New Career At 30: Tips Of Best Resume Website


You don’t have to be in the same career path for a lifetime. Times change, and so do you: your priorities reshape, and the things which enticed you ten years ago don’t look that attractive any longer. And the question “Maybe, I need to switch career?” arises in the back of your head. Should you listen to the voice of your heart? The best resume website’s answer is Yes – and here’s why. Despite all the misconceptions about the career change (such as ...Continue reading

Planning a Future Career: Are You For Or Against?


What makes a brilliant career? Years of hard work, an expanded professional network, a bit of luck and, of course, effective career planning. Although it is a controversial question whether you need to create a strict career plan, without the plan at all your career will likely be going nowhere.Whether you are a recent graduate, a mid-career professional or someone who is looking to make a radical change of career, the plan helps you identity the steps you need to take to reach your ...Continue reading

Freelance: Yes or No?


If you are a professional who works in the office, you have probably experienced the downsides of a job from 9 to 5. Getting stuck in a traffic jam while commuting, annoying boss or coworkers, inability to manage your working schedule… Under these circumstances, many office workers see freelancing as a synonym of freedom and independence. However, is it really so?When speaking of freelancing, you probably imagine the ability to work from anywhere and choose the tasks that really ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO