Workplace Stress - Manage It Efficiently


Today’s workplace is impossible to imagine without stress. Excessive workloads, demanding management and the necessity to multitask keep us tense during the working day. Due to the expansion of internet and technology we are more productive – on the contrary, we have to do more and more work in the same period of time. As a result, feeling stressed becomes almost inevitable. Stress can be useful in small doses – for instance, when you need to report in front of a large ...Continue reading

15 Good Employee Qualities That'll Get You Hired In 2025


Image: January and February is a high season for recruitment, so take your time! Companies have fresh budgets and ambitious goals, and would be happy to have a qualified, skilled new employee on board. No matter the industry, most employers look for specific personality traits that make a great employee. These qualities of a good employee include dependability, positive attitude, teamwork and more. Showcasing ...Continue reading

Lifeline for Newcomers: Unspoken Rules of Office Etiquette


Workplace etiquette is an essential part of successful communication in today’s business world. Its major purpose is to enable people co-exist and collaborate productively in the busy office. Some may assume that the rules of etiquette had had their days; however, that is totally not true. The rules and norms of etiquette change as our society evolve, regulating the manners and norms which are most appropriate in each certain case. Moreover, kindness, respect to others, both clients and ...Continue reading

Importance of Personal Development in the Workplace


If you care about your professional success, then constant development is nothing new to you. In the information society, it’s the individuals that are committed to ongoing learning that reach the career heights. The huge success is closely connected to personal development as well – the subject that gets less attention than the development of certain skills needed to get the job done. Nevertheless, when employee personal development at work is given the attention it deserves ...Continue reading

Simple Ideas to Regain Motivation for Working


What really the workplace motivation is? Often described as a combination of external and internal factors keeping the employees engaged in their professional activity, motivation is seen as the key element of reaching happiness at work and achieving professional goals. As long as we feel motivated at work, we feel productive, appreciated and stress-free. Nevertheless, motivation isn’t stable, and under specific circumstances we can face loss of motivation, varying from slight ...Continue reading

Effective Ways To Face Criticism At The Workplace


Getting feedback at work is a gift as it gives you the chance to understand your weak points, improve them and continue learning from your mistakes. Criticism at workplace in inevitable as it’s a way to communicate to you what has been done wrong and what should be done better. However, in most companies the culture of giving (and receiving) constructive criticism isn’t well developed. Thus, you might be reacting wrong to a valid feedback. To learn how to accept criticism and use ...Continue reading

How to Get Away from Work Routine


For many of us, office work is the synonym of routine. Monotonous circle of responsibilities, the same colleagues around and routine course of actions throughout the day are the real challenge for your creativity. The routine is safe and predictable as you are not stressed; you know for sure which steps to take to achieve certain results. Nevertheless, routine is your enemy in the long run. Since you have developed the approach to resolve problems, you are not motivated to come up with the new ...Continue reading

Professional Executive Resumes: Habits Of Successful People


Achieving professional success takes years and decades of hard work. First, you need to build a career plan and strategy for reaching your goals (see our guide to career planning here: Then, it’s necessary to constantly improve your skills and use a creative resume to get hired for new jobs and get extra responsibility. However, all of the above it’s not enough. It’s not a surprise that our everyday ...Continue reading

Subtleties of Love Relations in the Workplace


Do you work for the same company as your spouse does and aren’t comfortable with being gossiped about near the water cooler? Or, you have a crush on someone working in the other department and think over whether flirting at the workplace is appropriate? Well, you are not alone.Workplace romance tends to become more and more popular thing, especially within the big corporations with developed corporate culture. With lots of stressful tasks and necessity to work late hours, it’s ...Continue reading

Brief Guide to Achieving Work Success


How to achieve professional success and build a dream career? Here and there they say that all you need to do is to work twice as hard as everyone does, learn new skills constantly and show positive attitude at work. However, this is not entirely true.If you work in the office, you can think of a coworker who works really hard but hasn’t been promoted for quite a long time – or wasn’t promoted at all! So, you don’t have to be a workaholic to have huge career ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech