12 Resume Secrets From A Scientific Resume Writer


Science attracts the most talented, educated and hard-working professionals across many industries. People who have chosen science as their profession have the opportunity to drive their field forward through innovation and research. However, universtity researchers, professional scientists and professionals on entry-level positions all need an effective resume to land the position with the organization they want.

Resumes for science and academia jobs have their pecularities and look differently from traditional private sector resumes. Today, the experts of ResumePerk.com will share simple, actionable resume secrets to help you polish your professional resume for the company or insitution you want.

Want a resume that will boost your interview chances? Our website offers personalized resume writing services for professionals across many industries. We will connect you with a writer who can build a resume for a particular job opening, emphasizing your research accomplishments, professional history and skills. To make sure you're satisfied, we offer a 2-week free revision period, meaning our resume writers keep revising your document until you're satisfied.

Tips to write an effective science resume

Know your preferred document type

Before you get down to writing, find out exactly what type of application your employer expects. Some employers will ask a basic resume whereas others will need a detailed multi-page CV. The main difference between the two is that the CV covers your academic experience such as publications, conference speeches, teaching experience, patents, grants and professional appointments. On the flip side, resume for a job search is mostly focused on work experience, achievements and education. Submitting the wrong document may lead to rejecting your application!

Put the education first

Degrees are a real asset of every science resume. Most science career positions have strict requirements when it comes to a degree and disqualify job-seekers who don't have a graduate degree - Master's or a PhD. Place the education above the employment so that the hiring managers will instantly see your academic credentials. It is also recommended to include your awards, thesis, and coursework if they are relevant to the job you're targeting. Training and courses are also important, yet our professional resume service recommends that you create a separate section for them.

Include all mandatory resume sections

Resumes for any industry should have a certain structure. The document should start with your name and contact info. You may include a LinkedIn profile or a personal website as well. Write a catchy summary that would advertise your background and accomplishments to a reader. Then, you'll need to include education and work experience. Any additional sections are optional, but don't be shy and include all experience that positions you well for a target job. This may include foreign languages, community engagement, and academic accomplishments.

Focus on science-related skills and competencies

Resume skills work as keywords and help you pass the ATS. Moreover, Skills section quickly informs the company about your areas of excellence as a scientist. Here are some examples of skills for a science resume from our resume writing services:

• Data collection and analysis

• Laboratory equipment knowledge

• Software and computer programs for researchers

• Grant writing

• Advanced research

• Data visualization

• Laboratory analysis

• Problem solving

Make it easy to read for non-technical professionals

Science professionals often overload their writing with specific terminology, abbreviations or professional slang. Yet, your application may be reviewed by a hiring manager with limited knowledge about your industry. You need to simplify your writing so that the resume content, accomplishments and skills are understandable for secretaries or associates. Use short sentences, bullets instead of paragraphs, and spell out phrases instead of using abbreviations. Your goal is to compose a science resume that is understandable.

Speak through your accomplishments

List professional achievements along with job duties on your science resume. You may place the accomplishments in career summary, work history or create a separate section for them. Keep them specific and use figures and percentages where applicable. Here are some good examples of science resume achievements:

• Led research and development of a technology that generated $5.6M in revenue for ABC client.

• Researched into 12 project topics assigned by professors. Commended by 2 professors for high-quality research.

Adapt it for ATS

Applicant tracking systems are used by most private sector companies. Such software scans the resume for the presence of specific keywords and eliminates resumes that doesn't meet the criteria. Say, if your desired position requires 3+ years of chemical biology research and experience supervising lab technicians, the resume should reflect these qualifications. The fastest way to optimize for ATS is to read the job posting and use the same language. However, since the process is confusing, you can use our resume writing service which includes ATS optimization for free.

Proofread attentively

59% of hiring managers will reject a resume that contains typos or spelling issues. Moreover, scientists and researchers are expected to have utmost attention to detail, and mistakes in writing communicate that you're inattentive. So, check the resume and a cover letter before you submit it. You may use an online spell checker, such as Grammarly.com. But keep in mind that spell checkers can fix only typos and small mistakes. To correct advanced issues, read the resume text aloud. In this way, you'll fix advanced issues such as vague statement, incomplete sentences or phrases that sound too conversational.

5 tips to become a successful scientist

When it comes to building a career in science, make sure you are following these principles:

  1. Build a social network. The best jobs, both in academia and commercial organizations, are filled through referrals and networking. Build connections with researchers, scientists and investigators as they can open doors and facilitate your job search.
  2. Be open to criticism and feedback. When you're passionate about your project or invention you may think that your work is perfect. Yet, if you listen to feedback from other, more experienced researchers, you'll be able to detect shortcomings and improve your work further.
  3. Have clear goals. Define your goals in advance and set deadlines for them. For example, if you plan to defend your PhD dissertation this year, break your work into small milestones so that you start working on it early and meet the goal on time.
  4. Step out of your comfort zone. Extraordinary ideas are far beyond your comfort zone. Take reasonable risks and explore the new, as this approach may lead you to new inventions, fresh ideas and recognition of your peers.
  5. Hone your writing skills. Researchers and other scientists have to write a lot. When you draft grant proposals, research papers, thesis or book chapters, you need to display strong writing skills to be taken seriously.

Boost your employment chances with professional resume writing services

Keeping ahead of the competition for lucrative science positions is tough. Our science resume writers can help improve your resume in line with the current industry standards. Each writer has a university degree and vast experience with science resumes and academic CVs. Therefore, you can expect excellent writing and support from your resume consultant. Focus on your research and other job search activities and let professionals take care of your job application documents.

At our website, you can order a resume or all-inclusive science resume package that will help you get noticed faster. Try our services today with a 20% off. Contact us via chat to get your discount code. Not sure what type of service you need or would like to make a career transition? Send us your resume for a free review.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech