Custom Resume For A Customer Service Rep


Customer service professionals serve as a connection between the company and its clients. The customer care specialists are always in demand and this type of job usually offers excellent opportunities for career growth. However, in order to join a good organization and start climbing up the corporate ladder, you need to receive a job offer. An excellently written customer service resume is what you need to take the first step to your future.

Each industry has its peculiarities when it comes to resume writing, and customer care is not the exception. The high-priority task set before customers service resume is to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to represent a business to the customers and increase customer loyalty to the brand. If you already got a resume, continue reading to find out if your resume has got all necessary elements; and if you don’t, it’s high time you created a new one.

  1. Target your resume for a position
    If you create a resume to apply for several types of jobs, and customer service is just one of them, get ready to receiving little feedback from hiring managers. The more your resume is customized for a customer service position, the higher are your chances to be invited for an interview. Thus, your resume should show off at a glance your willingness to work as a customer service rep and the skills relevant to this type of job.
  2. Emphasize your customer care experience 
    Even if you haven’t worked as a customer service representative before, you probably held the position which assumed regular business interaction with customers. Whether you were a waiter, a salesperson or a consultant, if you directly dealt with company clients, this can be transferred into customer service experience. The same goes for social workers in nonprofit organizations: you listen to people facing different issue, identify their needs and come up with a solution. A basic customer service resume should highlight your ability to understand customer needs and meet them.
  3. List your technical skills
    Today, a set of software skills is necessary in any industry, let alone the customer service representatives who often handle client inquires via various software and manage data entry. If you dealt with any specific software previously, mention which exactly (i.e. SupportCenter, Blazedesk, etc.). It will do you any harm if you also specify the operating system, mail clients and any other software you are familiar with. Although software proficiencies aren’t the key elements of your resume, the employer will more likely choose the candidate who is already familiar with software he/she will be operating at the workplace.
  4. Highlight interpersonal skills
    Writing that you are a “people person” isn’t the best way to demonstrate your developed communication skills. Nevertheless, they have to be shown on a resume to persuade the hiring manager invite you for an interview. Think of your communication style, how well you resolved conflicts at your previous work, how you handled the stress which is typical for this type of job, etc. Make sure all the above aspects are reflected in your resume or cover letter.
  5. Impress with measureable results
    To make your resume a success, it’s important to demonstrate where and how you exceeded the expectations and contributed to company’s success. As stated by, many customer service professionals don’t even realize their accomplishments. Maybe, you improved customer satisfaction rating, or increased the number of returning customers because of excellent service. Think about which information can be presented as an accomplishment.
    It’s also helpful to quantify the amount of work done by you. For example, instead of “handled incoming correspondence and calls” you can write how many calls and letters you responded per day, as well as the number of clients served.
  6. Show your reliability and stability
    For customer support representatives it’s important to demonstrate steady employment and the company loyalty. Use the reverse chronological format to highlight it. However, if your changed jobs every few months, you can state only years of employment instead of putting month and year, and even ditch the jobs which only lasted 1-2 months.
  7. Illustrate your initiative and management abilities
    As a customer support professional, you have to deal with non-standard situations which require you to be calm, patient and come up with win-win solution. Have you ever developed a solution to some problem which increased customer loyalty or sales in general? If some of your efforts benefited to the company financially, it’s important to include that in your resume.
    The ability to lead and manage other team members is also valued high even if you’re not applying for a management position. If you trained new team members or offered the initiative that reduced time loss for the whole department, it makes you a more attractive candidate.

The top 5 skills every customer service professional needs

In addition to the above skills, your task is to persuade the prospective employer that you have the right mindset for the job. In other words, it’s good idea to highlight personality traits which are valued at the customer service positions. So, here are the top qualities to include on your resume:

  1. Patience – according to, great service beats fast service. As some of the problems the company clients face may take a while to resolve, show that you work closely with the customer until he/she is satisfied and not just try to get rid of the person.
  2. Knowledge of the product or service offered – it’s obvious that without a deep and versatile knowledge of how the product works, you won’t be able to troubleshoot in case something goes wrong.
  3. Attention to detail – this quality embraces the ability to pay attention to what the customer is saying to assist or resolve his/her issue better and faster and the overall ability to watch your language, tone to ensure quality interaction. Being attentive to detail also means that you can collect feedback to improve the service in the future.
  4. Time management – the ability to prioritize tasks is crucial when you have to work with people. Make sure your resume stresses your ability to manage your time efficiently when you have to deal with several customers at a time.
  5. Keeping calm under pressure – when you have to deal with frustrated, dissatisfied, or sometimes even angry clients, no doubt that it affects your mood and behavior. However, your professionalism is determined by how well you can work under pressure and by your capability to manage your level of stress.

Customer service professionals are in demand countrywide in any industry from retail sales to IT. Now, as you are aware of what makes a good customer service rep resume, you can review your old resume and edit it in accordance with the above advice. If you highlight the sets of skills and personality traits mentioned above, it will turn you into a more valuable candidate in the eyes of a hiring manager.

Social Media Power

Have you incorporated the power of social media into your job search process? Lots of jobs are advertised on Twitter or Facebook these days, and all you need to do is to conduct a search using the relevant hashtags. If your profile is filled out properly, your chances for a job will only increase.

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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