Build A Designer Resume With A Graphic Design Resume Writing Service


Graphic designers work in advertising, public relations, media and web design industries, creating visual concepts to communicate their client's ideas to a wide audience. This job is considered highly creative, as it allows graphic designers to express their vision and unleash their potential. Graphic designer career is projected to grow 3% by 2030. Although this is slower than the national average, it means that you have an opportunity to build a rewarding career. 

When drafting a professional graphic designer resume, people tend to make two mistakes. The first is ignoring the specifics of the field completely and submitting a boring black and white application. And the second is going overly creative and sending in a bright pieice that is hard for hiring managers to understand. In today's article, our career and graphic design resumes experts will help you find the balance between creativity and professionalism and build a persuasive resume for an effective job search. 

Need a surefire way to stand out? At, we offer an infographic resume writing service. Our in-house design professional resume writers will develop a visual resume that tells your career story through charts, graphs, and timelines. You can publish a visual resume on your personal website, LinkedIn page or send to a hiring manager directly. A resume writer works one-on-one with you, incorporating any changes and suggestions until you are satisfied. 

10 tips for a winning graphic designer resume 

Composition of a graphic designer resume takes attention to detail, ability to understand what your selling points are and a touch of creativity, just to point out what makes you different. If you're not sure where to get started, follow these tips: 

Keep the formatting plain 

Even though design professions are considered creative, remember that a resume is a professional document, not an advertising banner. Choose simplicity in structure and layout. Use unobtrusive colors and fonts and a clear structure with sections clearly divided. Make sure that a professional resume is easy on the eye and comfortable to look through. Hiring managers often blame designers for submitting color-heavy, difficult to read applications - make sure you're not maknig this mistake! 

Give your graphic design resume a logical structure 

Present your career history in a logical order. Start with a brief summary to subtly introduce yourself to a company. All jobs or projects should be listed chronologically starting with the most recent ones. Make sure you've included other important work-related milestones such as a college degree, online courses, winning a design contest or volunteerting for a nonprofit project. Everything that could highlight your value for employers deserves being mentioned. 

Add a link to your online portfolio

Graphic designer is a profession where it's best to show, not tell. Therefore, our professional resume writing service encourages you to attach a link to a portfolio of past works. A portfolio is a great way to showcase real-world skills and abilities to a company you'd like to work for. Include the most successful, impactful and original projects in your resume. Mind the overall design of the portfolio - all projects should be organized by industry or type of work and include a caption. 

Tailor the resume for a job description 

"Graphic design" is an umbrella term that may include varying responsibilities with different companies. It's important that you vary resume content depending on what the job posting requests. For example, if the company seeks someone to develop print media design, emphasize your experience in this area. If they seek a person to manage client negotiations, put your communication skills in focus. By the way, this approach will also help you pass applicant tracking systems. 

Keep it under 2 pages

The ideal length for a graphic designer resume is 1-2 pages. Going beyond that length will discourage the recruiter from reading. Your resume needs to present the most important facts only, and do it succinctly. Leave out irrelevant jobs and jobs from the beginning of your career if you're an experienced candidate. Even if you apply for a director-level position, staying under 2 pages maximizes your chance for an interview. 

List graphic design related skills 

A graphic designer should indicate all skills related to the work directly or indirectly. For example, proficiency in Spanish or German or a command of software such as Adobe Photoshop that is not directly related to the profession may be helpful. Depending on your specialization, you may list such technical skills on a graphic design resume: 

• print development and outdoor advertising

• logo development

• proficiency in Adobe software (InDesign, Illustrator), Corel, 3D Max;

• client communication

• development and design of websites 

• social media design 

• photo processing and photo content creation 

• basic digital marketing and software development skills 

• 3D design and interior design

Highlight the accomplishments 

In advertising, social media or graphic design resume, it's best to speak through accomplishments. Describe what exactly you have done for the company, using context and figures. Example: "Developed 270+ graphic design projects including brochures, website designs and presentations, boosting client satisfaction by 20%." Such facts are more informative for a hiring manager than vague statements that you are hard-working and have design thinking. 

Proofread carefully 

To make a strong impression, your professional graphic design resume should be error-free. According to the stats 59% of hiring managers will reject a resume that contains typos or grammar mistakes. Check the text top to bottom before submitting it. You may use an online spell checker or check the resume content manually to fix advanced issues in style, flow and word choice. Ideally, hire a graphic design resume editor to make sure that the text is absolutetly correct. 

List recommendations 

Resume writing experts insist that you don't include references in a resume. Instead, prepare a separate reference list to provide it to employer upon request. If you have references from a previous jobs, positive comments from clients on LinkedIn or any freelance platform, be sure to list them. Employers are interested in hiring the best candidate possible, and positive testimonials from other people serve as a social proof of your professional skills. 

Is it expensive to hire a resume writing service? 

If you browse the internet, you'll find out that a professional graphic designer resume writing service costs from $100 to $800 and beyond. The price depends on what kind of design resume writing package you choose as well as on the writer's qualification and credentials. 

If you need advanced resume services such as career counseling, personal branding or similar, it probably makes sense to buy an expensive resume. Yet, quality resume writing can be found for much cheaper. 

At, professional writers offer a strong resume plus cover letter service at $99 only. This includes custom writing, addition of keywords, and formatting of your resume. In addition, you can add a LinkedIn profile and a thank-you note to your package. All documents are written from scratch - we don't use the same template for everyone! This will help to impress potential employers and stand out among other candidates. 

Specially for graphic design and other creative professionals we offer an infographic resume service. This means the development of an attractive visual resume that contains charts, graphs and pictures rather than text. Such a resume helps attract the reader's attention and showcase your creativity. 

Land your dream job with professional help 

Our team of resume writers has been offering graphic design resume writing services for over a decade. Each writer has a college degree and 1+ year of experience with resumes. In addition to developing the content, we design resumes to communicate your skillset and accomplishments. Contact us today and work with a design resume writing expert who knows how to present your credentials to key employers and design agencies. We give a 20% discount to every new client - use our limited offer! Talk to us on chat to claim your code. 

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech