10 Best And Worst Questions To Ask Your Interviewer


Interview Questions

There’s a common opinion that it’s the interviewer who asks the questions and the candidate who is trying his best to answer them in a way that would guarantee him/her a job. However, it’s not like that.

A candidate can – and should – ask the questions of his interest during the interview. The best time to ask is at the end of the interview when you’ve already discussed your skills, personal traits and capabilities. If you don’t ask any questions or ask something that just came into your mind the hiring manager may think that you’re not very interested in the job opportunity. So, here’s the list of questions you can ask during the interview – and make sure, some of them might make the hiring manager feel uncomfortable!

10 Best Interview Questions

  1. Where do you see the company going in the next five years?
    The employers always ask, ‘Where do you see yourself in the next five years?’, so why not ask the same about the company? In addition to surprising the hiring manager, you’ll find out more about company strategic goals.
  2. Is there any question you really wanted to ask me but haven’t?
    This question is perfect to make sure that the hiring manager hasn’t reservations about you. Maybe, something in your resume or your answers confused him/her, so it’s a great opportunity to discuss.
  3. ‘I have reviewed your annual reports and noticed that…’
    By asking something that relates directly to company operations, especially in your professional area, demonstrates that you have done a research and are already thinking how to contribute to the company.
  4. What skills and experience would make someone a success for this role?
    Here’s the chance to hear what exactly the employer expects from a candidate for this position. If you haven’t covered something he/she says, now it’s time to do that.
  5. What is the biggest problem the company is currently facing and will I be able to solve it?
    This question demonstrate your orientation on the result, and the fact you are thinking how to contribute to the company from the very beginning encourages the hiring manager give you more consideration.
  6. Which aspects of the job do you enjoy most?
    You can understand the level of job satisfaction in the company by asking this. If the interviewer rejects to answer this question or looks embarrassed, it’s a sign that something goes wrong in the company. If he/she shares their ideas and feelings, this will help you establish more personal connection.
  7. Do you offer any education/training opportunities?
    First, you need to ask this to clarify whether you will need to pass the training before getting down to work. Secondly, you’ll find out about your opportunities to grow with the company and position yourself as an ambitious individual.
  8. Can you tell me more about the team I’ll work with?
    Interpersonal relationships on the workplace matter a lot to your productivity and job satisfaction. So, try and find out more about the people you’ll work closely with.
  9. Do you have any hesitations about my skills and qualifications?
    This question is to demonstrate confidence in your capabilities. Secondly, if the hiring manager does have any concerns, you can give more information to support your qualifications.
  10. Who held this position previously?
    The information about the person who worked there before you can reveal a lot of things. Was he/she promoted, or fired, or quit? Thus, you’ll learn if the organization provides opportunities for growth, level of employee satisfaction and if there is employee turnover in the company.

10 Worst Interview Questions

  1. Can you tell me more about what the company does?
    This question shows that you are totally not prepared for interview. It can make the hiring manager think that you’re not that much interested in a position.
  2. Do you often work after 5 pm?
    By asking that, you demonstrate you’re not the kind of person who will work hard and will be dedicated to company’s success. Thus, your chances for a job significantly decrease.
  3. Which benefits/how much vacation time will I receive?
    Never ask this question during the interview until the HR brings it up. All these details will be discussed. By raising this question too early, however, you’ll show you think of your personal interests and benefits on the first place, not of work and the company’s growth.
  4. Who are your competitors/clients?
    Another question that demonstrates you didn’t do a research on the company before coming for an interview. Unprepared candidates usually get less consideration.
  5. How soon will I get promoted?
    You haven’t worked a single day in the office and didn’t show your value, so how can the conversation about the promotion arise? Again, if the HR touches on the subject, you can ask something like “How soon does the typical employee get promoted?”
  6. How important is attendance/is there a chance for telecommuting?
    Attendance is always important. When you apply for a job that assumes a full-time employment, then yes, you should arrive at office on time and leave when the work is done. If you want to work from home sometimes, you can discuss it with your manager when you’re hired. If you ask the HR, you will unlikely be employed.
  7. Is the relocation necessary?
    If you ask about relocation with such a negative spin, the employer might think you’re not much willing to relocate. When you apply for a job that assumes relocation to other state, it is automatically assumed that you’re ready for relocation, and no need to bring up this subject.
  8. How much will I earn?
    Forbes.com recommends never asking this, especially during the first interview. You’ll have a chance to discuss the salary range when the interviewer asks you about how much you earned before or say how much they can offer you.
  9. Saying ‘No, I don’t have any questions’.
    An interview should be a conversation. Even if you got most of your questions answered, reserve at least 1-2 questions to ask when the interviewer says “Do you have any questions?” Ask the right questions from the block above to leave a positive impression.
  10. How long will the interview last? I have to rush somewhere after we’ve done.
    When you’re going for an interview, reserve a plenty of time and make sure nothing will interrupt you. Glancing at the cell phone to see the time isn’t the best idea as well. The longer interview lasts the better, and if you don’t want to invest your time and get the job, why should they hire you?

As you see, asking questions can make or break your success at the interview. Do the research on company to avoid confusion and ask the best interview questions to show yourself as a motivated, dedicated individual who wants to contribute to the organization. And make sure you’ve got your resume written professionally in advance to increase the number of interviews you’re invited for.

Have you ever asked ‘wrong’ questions during the interview? What did it lead to?

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