10 Signs That the Job Interview Went Well


job interview

For most job-seekers, interviews are associated with a great deal of stress and uncertainty. We go to great lengths to impress the hiring managers and would like to know whether they consider our candidacy. Job search in itself is a very stressful event. And what stresses us even more is that potential employers can keep us waiting for weeks until they make a final decision about the job interview. Things would have been a lot easier if you could know in advance if the interviewer seriously considered you for a role, wouldn't they?

Although it's hardly possible to predict that the company will offer you a job, there are a number of subtle signs indicating that you made a good impression on a hiring manager during a job interview and your odds of getting a job are pretty high. The professional of our executive resume services will list those signs below.

Struggle to get interview calls despite the fact you've got the necessary experience and skills? Your resume probably fails to represent your strengths and experience accurately. An expert resume creator of Resumeperk.com can fix this problem and provide you with some valuable career advice to reinforce your job hunt efforts. Our American writers understand employers' expectations and will put your accomplishments into the spotlight, increasing your interview chances.

The surefire signs an interview went well

1. The interview took longer than planned

If you agreed to meet for 30 minutes, yet the interviewer doesn't hurry up to call it a day, that's a good sign. Looks like the hiring person seriously considers hiring you, and wants to access your background comprehensively to make sure you're the right fit. If the conversation runs smoothly and you feel some sort of bond with an interviewer, it's a good indicator either. Even if this person isn't directly responsible for hiring, if they liked you, they'll likely put in a word for you.

2. They introduced you to other people

Although the first interview typically goes face-to-face, the interviewer might suggest that you meet the potential boss, co-workers, or other decision-makers. Meeting with other team members is a very good sign! It is done to see if you can feel a company culture. So, if you've shown up for a face-to-face interview and ended up meeting a supervisor, associates, and guys from IT and marketing teams, it's a good sign. It means that they want to check how well you'll fit into the corporate culture and if other department heads will approve of you. This is an especially good sign if a tour around the office wasn't planned.
Do your current colleagues freak you out? Check out how to make office interactions more pleasant and effective: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-to-be-on-good-terms-with-colleagues.

3. The interviewer acts interested

Do yourself a favor and watch the interviewer's tone and body language. Do they smile, look engaged, use open body language, and ask extra questions? Or maybe, they seem distracted, uninterested, and not paying much attention to what you're saying? Watching these subtle clues will help you understand what kind of impression you really make.

4. They are detailed about the benefits of the position  

Are they walking an extra mile trying to lure you in and get you excited about the role and the company in general? Maybe, you're one of the few candidates that impressed them. In this case, the interviewer suddenly becomes overly detailed about their long parental leave, paid gym, awesome team, and the team-building activities the company organizes to break everyday routines. Thus, they want to persuade you to choose their company over your other options. Detailed information about the benefits is a positive feedback and implies a successful interview.

5. They educate you about what the role entails  

Typically, the initial interview only includes a brief description of the target role. However, if the interviewer particularly liked you, they might go straight to the point. You'll find out that this business analyst role mostly includes interaction with developers and improving processes rather than communicating with clients, and learning what it takes to be successful in this position. You might also hear about corporate culture and opportunities for promotion. Does it sound like your recent interview? Then, they envision you in the position already and want to make things clear for you in advance. It is a positive sign the interview went well and you are very likely to get the second interview soon.

6. The interviewer brings up the salary issue

The rule of thumb is not to raise the money issue and wait for the interviewer's initiative. If they start talking about money during the initial interview, they want to know if hiring you fits into their budget. Consequently, they might be interested in seeing you as a part of the team. If your follow up questions are answered properly and the interview resembles a natural conversation, you are getting positive responses and signs that your interview went well! If you have dreamed about pursuing a creative career, here's how to do it quickly and seamlessly: https://resumeperk.com/blog/your-pathway-to-a-creative-career-from-scratch.

7. They didn't express concerns about your experience

Little job-seekers have perfect career histories that 100% fit into the target role. Thus, the interviewer might express concerns about one of your past roles or inquire about your skill set. If they don't show any concerns or express a few but are quickly satisfied with your clarifications, chances are they didn't see anything that could prevent you from succeeding in the role. If the interview ended early and no additional interviews scheduled, it signs your interview went not very well.

8. Questions about other job prospects

Another question that might indicate that you've managed to impress the interviewer is the one about your other job prospects. The interviewer might ask you about other scheduled interviews and companies you're considering to evaluate how much time they have to send you a job offer. They'll also get curious about how soon you can get started to understand how to integrate you into the company's processes faster. HR manager is highly interested and offers company perks, illustrates positive body language, and maintains eye contact - you are safe! Want to become an in-demand professional? Then, don't neglect the importance of personal growth in the workplace

9. They ask you for references

If the employer asks for references during the first interview, it's a good sign showing they liked your candidacy and are interested in speeding up the process. However, don't forget to contact your references and get their permission. Also, choose the former boss or coworkers who can say only positive things about you.

10. They schedule the next interview during the hiring process

Probably, the clearest sign that the company is interested is that you don't hear the standard “We'll get in touch with you” in the end. Instead, the interviewer will schedule the next interview or make the next steps clear for you. Such clarity indicates that they put your candidacy above other applicants and you are top of mind for them.

The more of the above signs you notice during an interview, the higher the chances that the company wants to see you onboard. It is also helpful to listen to your intuition during an interview. Different hiring people have varying interviewing styles, so follow your instinct to determine whether they liked the conversation. Also, don't forget to follow up to strengthen the positive impression.

How to make your interview process more successful?

Attending job interviews is stressful and confusing. Be ready for your next job interview with our help! To find a suitable job faster, follow the tips below:

✓ Don't put all eggs in one basket. Even if you are excited about that finance consultant job with a Fortune 100 company, don't stop searching and visiting interviews until you receive a job offer. Focusing on only one opportunity can cost you weeks and doesn't guarantee that the job will be yours.

✓ Prepare thoroughly, every time. It might sound boring, but nothing turns the interviewer off more than the candidates who hardly know the basic facts about the company. So, learn the key things about the company and the challenges it's facing, and you'll be able to have a more productive discussion with an interviewer. For example, you can suggest how would you handle those challenges.

✓ Expand your network. The faster and most efficient way to look for jobs is through your professional network. If you were referred by someone who is already working for the company, the interviewer is likely to be more loyal to you and give you more consideration. So, expand your network through business events and conferences, or use LinkedIn.

Get noticed by a hiring manager with a professional resume

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