21 Positive things about yourself for a brighter future


Your thoughts about yourself influence the way you feel and the actions you take throughout the day. Staying positive and expressing self-love is essential for moving forward, especially when you are facing challenges in your professional or personal life.

Seeking other people's approval may help, but it is much more important to support yourself and talk to yourself in a positive way. Saying amazing things to yourself every day will help you be more positive about the events in your life and build a brighter future.

To help you stay inspired even in the tough times, we've put together this list of 21 positive things to say yourself every day. You may use it to make positive affirmation cards, write them down in your journal, or simply repeat to yourself to boost your self-esteem.

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Why is positive self-talk important?

Evidence shows that we talk to ourselves every day, either silently our out loud. Things we say to ourselves makes a major impact on our emotions, actions, and overall well-being. Here is why it is important to say positive things to yourself:

Improve physical and mental health

Positive self-talk makes you feel good about yourself, which will inevitably reflect on all areas of your life. When you say a positive thing to yourself, it improves your mental health and your relationships with others. Thinking positively can reduce your anxiety and depression. Speaking of physical health, positive thoughts might also make a major impact on your well-being even if you have chronic conditions.

Reduce stress

Talking to yourself positively re-frames things you think about yourself and therefore helps us better cope with stress and difficult situations. A person who thinks positively is more likely to get out of the comfort zone and use active coping strategies to deal with stress. Why? When you feel better about yourself at the moment, you don't beat up yourself for having a bad day or not meeting expectations. Instead, you spend time finding ways to improve your life.

Practice gratitude and appreciation

When you are grateful for everything you have and don't constantly think that you have a bad life, you focus on good little things. As a result, you form the habit of feeling good and being thankful. As you keep saying good things to yourself with your inner voice, you focus more on the things that make you feel better and can faster achieve beautiful destinations in your life.

Bolster confidence

Approaching life with optimism and positive outlook is essential for success in any area of life. People who express self-love and think positively about themselves tend to achieve their goals faster. For example, if you say positive personal things to yourself before the job interview, you are more likely to ace it than if you spend time feeling nervous and thinking negatively. If you choose hope and focus on positive things, you'll feel more confident in any situation.

Why avoid negative self-talk?

Negative self-talk means focusing on the ideas that you are not good enough and your life is not as good as it could be. It goes hand in hand with comparing your life to someone else's life - not in a good way. As you stop negative self-talk and say positive words to yourself every day, you replace the negative messages in your brain and focus on good things, which subtly changes the way you think about yourself and the way you act.

21 Positive things to say to yourself every day

Here are some great things to say to yourself to find peace and feel better:

  1. I love and approve of myself
  2. I embrace change
  3. I am open to new things in my life
  4. I view challenges as opportunities
  5. I have everything I need in my life
  6. I am open to true love
  7. I trust the world around me
  8. I look to the future with faith and hope
  9. I see the good in every situation
  10. I am thankful for everything in my life
  11. I can take good care of myself
  12. I dream big and find new opportunities everywhere
  13. I see mistakes as opportunities to learn
  14. I find joy in simple things in life
  15. I am proud of myself and I support myself
  16. I see good things in people around me
  17. I forgive myself and don't regret things I did in the past
  18. I support myself just like I support others
  19. I am fearless and have hope for the future
  20. I believe that I can make my dream life a reality
  21. I am excited about new opportunities in my life

Saying all these things to yourself helps you focus on the positive and fosters a sense of gratitude. If you approach your life with feelings that you are enough and you are happy about everything that happens, you fill find more joy in every day and achieve your goals with little effort.

How to practice positive self-talk?

Now that you know what positive things to say to yourself, you need to make this a new habit. Here is how you can practice saying positive things to yourself:

Use statements that resonate with you

Don't use every single affirmation you find or hear from someone. Pick those that resonate with your current state of mind and your goals. For example, if you have challenges at work, repeat to yourself that you are skilled, confident, you are a good professional no matter what, and that you can address all challenges effortlessly.

Write them on sticky notes

You can write positive things about self-love and appreciations on stickers and place them everywhere in your apartment: your desk, refrigerator, mirror, and other locations where you will frequently notice them. As you come across each sticker, slow down for a moment, read the affirmation so that it soaks into your brain, and smile. Focus on these notes every time you feel down and need reassurance.

Use a journal

Another great technique to practice good self-talk is journaling. Write each affirmation in your diary and re-read them when you have a free minute. Write that you deserve the best things in your life, you accept the change and respect yourself just like the others. Alternatively, you may devote 5-10 minutes a day to writing down things that you love in yourself and appreciate about your life. Thus, you will better focus on each affirmation and encourage your brain to remember it.

Speak affirmations out loud

The great place to practice positive self-talk is at home, in front of the mirror. Look at yourself in the mirror, smile, and take a confident posture. Verbalize and say out loud thoughts you'd like to make your new reality. Remind yourself about your strengths, abilities, and your willingness to achieve things you want in life.

You can use this technique when preparing for job interviews, too. Dress up, smile, and rehearse speaking about your successful projects, skills, and abilities. Thus, you will feel more confident during the actual interview.

Think about things you are grateful for

If you don't know where to start to practice affirmations, think about good things you have in life and how you are grateful to have them. Even if you feel that your job, your house, and your relationships are not as good as they could be, find things to be grateful for anyway. By subtly focusing on positive side of things, you will eventually build a better life you'll be happy with.

Set reminders

Another convenient way to practice inspiring self-talk is setting reminders on your smartphone. You can use mindfulness apps or simply set notifications in your calendar with affirmations that will make you feel better throughout the day. You can set reminders about avoiding negative thoughts, being your own best friend, or taking proud in things you've done during the day.

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