12 Best Paying Jobs for Career Changers


The world of work dynamically changes, creating jobs and careers that didn't even exist 15 years ago. Having spent over a decade on the same career path, many professionals start questioning themselves if it's what they really want. These are only two of many reasons why people decide to pursue a career change.

It is frustrating to stick to the same career for a lifetime if you no longer find it stimulating and rewarding. Luckily, you don't have to and can easily consider a career change if you are no longer satisfied with your current position. Switching careers has become common, so you can easily retrain and start a new page in life. If you are yet to figure out which career you'd like to choose, today's digest from our top resume writers is right for you. We've collected the most popular and higher-paying career options for switchers. Whether you are looking for a job in business administration or want to be a data scientist, the key is to make the decision!

Writing a resume for a career change is a huge challenge – you need to translate your skills for the new industry and compete with experienced people in this field. An experienced resume writer from Resumeperk.com can handle this task for you. The writer will adapt your skills and knowledge for a new field and highlight your flexibility and soft skills.

12 best job ideas for career changers

1. Salesperson

What makes sales a perfect option for career changers? Low entry barrier, ongoing demand, and the opportunity to work your way up relatively fast. The starting salaries are not very high. However, if you have active listening skills, business acumen, and love communicating with people, you'll manage to grow to a sales manager or higher position. The barrier of entry is quite low - many jobs offer on-site training or you may want to obtain a CSP certification to increase your chances. You just to conduct research and be ready for on the job training.

2. Software engineer

The tech industry grows tremendously, so people with different backgrounds (including career switchers) are welcomed. It even doesn't take a college degree to start a career in tech: Google, Apple, and other tech giants don't require a college degree anymore. What it does take, though, is a quite specific set of skills. To acquire them, you might want to take online or offline training, attend a BootCamp, or learn programming languages, frameworks, and other skills by yourself. The internet offers an abundance of resources for learning how to code, and many of them are free. needless to remind you that developers earn good money and demand stays strong. The average salary is rather high, while further career transition is highly possible. Big tech companies often have amazing offices which are a pleasure to work from: https://resumeperk.com/blog/top-7-company-offices-in-america

3. Data analyst

The amount of data available for analysis grows exponentially, which creates the demand for people who analyze and visualize this data. Data analysts and scientists process the information to derive the insights that help businesses to be successful. This type of career is perfect for people with an analytical mindset who prefer working with facts and logic. Many data jobs don't require a college degree as well – part-time classes and workshops will be sufficient to break into this career. A proper understanding of one or several industries would be helpful, though. You do not need strong organizational skills and get good work life balance in this industry.

4. Social media manager

As businesses are increasingly building their social media presence, it creates demand for people who would speak on the brand's behalf, engage prospective customers, and increase brand awareness. Social media managers do exactly this: Getting started doesn't require any kind of formal training, provided that you have practical skills in managing business accounts. If you don't, consider offering your services for free to some organizations or help your friend grow Instagram for her small business. This career is easy to start and perfect for those who love communicating through social media.

5. Digital marketer

Digital marketers promote businesses through multiple online channels. This career option will be right for everyone who loves communication, wants to contribute to business growth, and has a creative spirit. Moreover, a job in digital marketing won't let you get bored. New marketing trends and approaches emerge every year, and it's quite challenging to keep up with them. To get started, take a few courses in online marketing, social media, and SEO. A degree in marketing is great but not required. However, you will need to interact with a marketing department, namely a marketing manager or a marketing team, on a regular basis. Curious which personal attributes the employers seek in people entering a new career path? Read here to find out: https://resumeperk.com/blog/watch-and-learn-top-15-qualities-of-the-ideal-employee

6. Recruiter

Do you enjoy working with people but the salesperson's job isn't challenging enough? Then, you might be interested in entering the field of recruitment. The great thing about this career is that it allows you certain flexibility: you can be self-employed, work in-house or an agency, full-time or part-time. You can work as a generalist or source people for a certain type of job. Recruitment job is rewarding because not only do you help people to get hired but also directly impact business efficiency by picking the right staff. It can be a promising new career for you if you enjoy working with people and have strong interpersonal skills.

7. Teacher/tutor

In a world where lifelong learning has become a norm, people need teachers, tutors, and instructors. The teaching field offers nearly limitless options depending on your background and interests. If you love children, you might find it fascinating to join the local school or to give private classes and help students catch up on subjects you are interested in. Have a Bachelor's degree or above and experience in a relevant field? Consider becoming a college teacher. Are you an expert in programming, guitar playing, or cooking? Give private lessons or create an online course anyone can take. Moreover, there is always an option of teaching English to people from abroad. And don't forget that teaching work is one of the most rewarding. If you are good with financial planning and not looking for a professional journey with a large corporation, this job is likely to appeal to you.

8. Realtor

The career of a realtor is similar to any salesperson's job, with the only difference being that you offer homes or commercial property for sale or rent. This career isn't one of the fastest-growing, but it definitely allows you to use initiative and hard work to earn the money you want. You might choose to work part-time and spend more time with the family or to work more hours and earn over $100,000 per year. To get started, you will need to take real estate education courses and pass the state exam.

9. Web content writer

Do you have a passion for writing and storytelling and want to make a career out of it? No problem – with the growing demand for authors for the web, you can create sales copies, blogs, news articles, and other forms of written web content. You might choose to be a freelancer who chooses which project to work on or an in-house writer working for a business or marketing agency. Businesses look for people specializing in digital communication to increase brand awareness. If you don't feel like becoming a commercial writer, check out how to start your own blog and start growing your audience or write for online magazines. Technical writers are highly-paid industry professionals!

10. Fitness trainer

If you are a fan of healthy living, enjoy working out, and made significant progress in it, why not make a living working as a fitness trainer or a yoga instructor? You'll particularly enjoy this change if you're tired of working in the office and always search for tips for getting away from routine. Not only do you have the opportunity to always stay in good shape, but also you'll help others to have better bodies and health. To enter this line of career, choose your specialty, take the training, and complete the AED/CPR exam.

11. Accountant/financial consultant

Accounting and finance aren't creative job types. They require attention to detail, an analytical mindset and aren't easy to start: most of the jobs in this field require a bachelor's degree. However, if you already have a degree and relevant experience, you can offer services to businesses on a freelance basis. People who don't feel like doing their own taxes will benefit from your help as well. If you want to become a finance specialist from the ground up and don't feel like getting another degree, a certificate or DEC in accounting is enough to apply for certain jobs. You can help with a financial planner development, serve the role of financial advisor, or even engage in preparing reports for business units. There are multiple professional opportunities when you are working with a financial institution, for example. Prior experience is a must!

12. Market research analyst

Market analysis is another rapidly growing job. These professionals work to understand buyer motivation and study local and national market conditions to determine the potential for sales of a new product. To transition to this career successfully, you'll need experience dealing with clients, curiosity, and an analytical mindset. Market research jobs are mostly available with big companies that can afford to conduct an in-depth evaluation. A bachelor's degree in any field is enough to get started. However, you will benefit from extra training in marketing management or consumer merchandising.

Changing a career is always a challenge. However, if your old job isn't fulfilling, this change always pays off. We hope that you find the career paths mentioned above will meet your personal interests and financial goals.

Need a resume for a successful career change?

It takes retraining and preparation to start a new career path, and your resume needs to undergo certain changes as well. If you don't know how to adapt your old resume to a new field, our experts can help you do exactly this. As one of the top resumes writing websites, we'll translate your experience for a new field and take care of the writing style and design of your new resume. We guarantee that you'll be satisfied with a new resume – otherwise, we'll revise it free of charge! Speaking about charges, we have one of the most affordable prices in the resume writing market. Check out our prices for resume services. The best jobs are waiting for you. All you need to do is to start working closely with our writer to get a perfect resume for your easy career change!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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