Write A Winning IT Resume: Tips From Resume Writing Website


Resume writing website

IT field offers challenging tasks, professional growth and highly competitive pay. That’s why it attracts the smartest people worldwide. Moreover, as the technology develops, the number of specialists wanted only grows. Our best resume services know the tricks that will help you win the job you want.

How to write a resume that stands out?

If you are seriously concerned about the quality of your resume, it means that you want to make a serious career move. The most attractive IT job openings receive hundreds of applications, and you’ll need to work hard on yours to stand out. The information technology requires ability to learn independently, extensive knowledge of technology chose and the ability to collaborate as a part of the team. So, usually resume writing websites recommend that you focus on the above strengths.

Also in this section:

You can create a resume free and increase its quality by using the below advice:

Tips for writing a competitive IT resume

  1. Include only up-to-dated skills
    If you aren’t new to IT, your resume probably contains the names of technologies and operating systems that are obsolete now. Windows XP or Ruby programming language are the history now; and you want to show your prospective employers what you can do for them in the future, not to focus entirely on your past. Moreover, using software names which are way too old can become a basis for age discrimination (to learn more about workplace discrimination and how to avoid it, click here https://resumeperk.com/blog/problems-of-gender-wage-gap-10-facts).
  2. Specify your skill level
    In the information technology, your resume needs to be skill-based. However, unlike the other industries, simply listing the skills is not enough. You need to specifically mention your level of proficiency in each technology, from a beginner to expert. This will help save your and your employer’s time. For instance, if the company needs someone with a proficiency in Python language and a basic level of C++, and you won’t specify that your level in Python is below average, you’ll likely end up in an interview for a job you aren’t the fit for. So, maintain clarity and always specify your level of proficiency.
  3. Categorize your lists of skills
    Your task is not only to make your resume informative, but also to make sure it’s easy to read and navigate the key information. If you possess an impressive skill set, consider breaking it into subsections, i.e. Programming languages, Operating systems, Software, etc. By doing so, you’ll make your resume much easier to read for a company representative.
  4. Put your education below
    Putting the Education section at the top of the list only works for recent graduates (if you are a graduate, you’ll benefit from these graduate resume tips: https://resumeperk.com/blog/help-making-a-resume-for-freshers-15-tips). In all other cases, resume writing sites recommend that you put the education after the experience and achievements. Show them your capabilities and results rather than your GPA.
  5. Focus on the results rather than responsibilities
    Of course, showing off your areas of responsibility is a must. Still, the hiring managers are more interested in your achievements and measurable results. You can list the achievements in a separate section under each job or put the most impressive ones in your Summary of qualifications. Result-oriented individuals get more attention than those who limited themselves to saying what they did.
  6. Include testimonials from past employers or clients
    During a job search, we usually rewrite our resumes in a way that shows us in the most favorable light. However, adding an unbiased opinion from a person who used to work with you is even more effective. Ask your employer, your former clients or managers for a feedback about your work – and include 1-2 most favorable ones as quotes in your resume . By demonstrating other people’s high opinion on your work, you add yourself value in the eyes of an employer.
  7. Use the language which non-IT people will understand
    It is great that you possess the impressive tech knowledge and are familiar with the industry jargon all IT people are aware of. Keep in mind, however, that your resume will first be read by non-IT specialists, i.e. HR manager assistant or secretary. Your task is to make a resume absolutely clear for everyone who might put their eye on it. When describing your responsibilities and achievements, make sure they contain as little jargon as possible. If you are not sure of the readability of your resume, send your resume for a free critique to our resume writing website.
  8. Make your career summary sound impressive
    Adding a career summary that sells your key strengths is crucial for any industry. If you don’t know where to start, here are a few hints on what should be included at the top of IT resume:
    • The position name you’re applying for
    • The number of years you’ve worked in the same or similar position
    • The size of the companies worked for
    • The names of key technology or programming language required
    • Any certifications/training/achievements relevant to the prospective job.

In other words, customize your summary for the job opening so that the reader would know at a glance that you’re an excellent fit for the position. However, only tell the truth – the lie is easy to reveal and it reflects negatively on your reputation.

  1. Be consistent with formatting
    IT field requires exceptional attention to detail and ability to structure the information. Use your resume as another way to communicate these qualities. How? Use the following formatting tips:
    • Use the same font size, indents and margins throughout the document
    • Remember that it’s not recommended to use more than 2 colors, including black
    • Break your resume into visible sections under such headings as ‘Professional History’, ‘Education’, ‘Projects’, etc.
    • Don’t overload the first page with text; if you have worked for 10 years or above, it’s okay to use the second (or even the third) page.
  2. Prioritize the information
    A high-quality IT resume must be focused both on your strengths and the needs of employer. That’s why it’s important to include only relevant and recent information on the resume. Leave out the outdated skills (as it has been recommended above), the duties and project which aren’t relevant for a job you’re applying for and any employment information which is older than 15 years. This will help you save the space and will focus the attention of the hiring manager on what makes you a great candidate.
  3. Proofread it carefully
    A grammatically correct, error-free resume is what best demonstrates you communication skills and attention to detail. Proofreading won’t take you long, and your prospective employer won’t have to go through your mistakes and think of whether you wrote a resume in a hurry or lack in English skills. Moreover, some employers don’t take resumes with lots of errors seriously.
  4. Consider getting professional resume help
    If despite all your efforts things don’t seem to work and your resume generates too little interview invitation, consider getting help from best resumes writing site. Our company specializes in writing resumes for the clients from the US and Canada and we staff experts in many fields including IT. A skilled resume expert will identify the problems with your resume and create an attractive copy that will generate you the interview calls you deserve.

IT resume must demonstrate your in-depth and versatile knowledge of technology and the ability to learn, as the field constantly develops. If you manage to demonstrate the above qualities in conjunction with your success in previous projects, you’ll be noticed by the company you’re excited about. And, don’t forget to mention the ability to function as a part of a cross-cultural team – in IT field the teamwork is always valued.

Want to get online resume help without paying a fortune?

Check our prices for resume help and choose the package which suits your needs. We respect deadlines and your documents will be created in strict accordance with the deadline you set. You’ll have the opportunity to directly talk to the writer and discuss your needs and career goals. For further assistance, contact us via live chat – we’re open 24/7!

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