12 Resume Tips From A Project Manager Resume Writing Service


Project managers embrace full responsibility for the direction and success of project assigned. They use their superpowers to organize processes and drive change, and build bridges between technical and non-technical project stakeholders. Project management is a promising career. Employment of computer systems managers is expected to grow 12% by 2026, and these specialists enjoy attractive salaries.

Both experienced and beginning project managers need to reflect their scope of skills on a resume to get noticed. In today's article we are going to explain how to compose a strong project management resume, and what details are absolute must-haves.

Too busy to learn the rules? Resumeperk.com offers the best project manager resume writing services. We have a team of 100+ experienced and certified resume writers who know exactly how to describe your ability to control budgets, organize human resources and make crucial project decisions. Each resume package includes custom design, adapting for an applicant tracking system, and a 2-week free revision guarantee.

Project manager resume writing tips

Hiring managers evaluate candidates for project management position thoroughly as the cost per hire is very high. Here's how to compose a resume and describe yourself as the right person for the organization:

Indicate your industry

Project managers are sought after in construction, financial services, IT sector and more. Yet, the scope of responsibility and required skills may vary between industries. When writing your project manager resume, emphasize the industry you specialize in. You can do it in a resume summary or in a short caption after the company name. If you've managed cross-industry projects, make sure that is clear from your resume, don't make the recruiters guess!

Show the scope of problems you solved

PMs may be compared to a Swiss army knife. They are hired to handle all sorts of problems which may arise on the project, from the lack of specialists to dishonest contractors and communication breakdowns. Describe the challenges you faced and the solutions you came up with to deliver the project on time and in line with the schedule. For example: "Initiated and managed Lean training project which resulted in cost reduction by 35% and improved efficiency by 20%".

Use accomplishments and metrics

Hiring managers look for achievements and results in the first place. They shortlist people who are capable of delivering excellent results and achieving expectations greatly. Review your experience and identify your successes that are worth bragging. Here's how your accomplishments may look like: "Reduced project costs by $18,000 by using cost-effective strategies while delivering projects on time for 2 consecutive years." Include a few accomplishments in your cover letter as well.

Start with a catchy introduction

Career summary is the first thing the reader notices about your resume. Experts of our resume writing services insist that you always write a summary to introduce your biggest strengths to the recruiter and engage them to read the document completely. So, what can you list here? Professional accomplishments, areas of expertise, certifications and awards, or a prestigious degree are good options. Specify how many years of experience you have - some companies want only experienced candidates!

Tailor your PM resume for a specific job

Since most big companies use ATS software, your resume has to be ATS optimized. This can be achieved through effective targeting for a particular job posting. Use the same language for skill names and qualifications that the job description uses, and mirror the writing style. A targeted project manager resume will bring you better results than a generic one. Targeting also means adjusting for the company's goals: think in this direction and address the company's biggest challenge.

Emphasize skills crucial for every project manager

Listing professional skills is important both for ATS optimization and for advertising your technology and soft skills to companies. When listing skills, focus on tech and hard skills in the first place and avoid obvious ones like MS Word or communication. Good examples of skills for a PM are: customer service, PM methodologies (Waterfall, Agile and PMI), data analysis, budget control, program management, development and testing.

List training and certifications

If you are a certified professional, be sure to showcase. Some employers only consider specialists with one ore several industry certifications. The most popular ones are Certified Project Director, Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) and Project Management Professional (PMP). Training and online courses should also be listed in the relevant section. Higher education information is a must to include, as some project manager jobs require a relevant Master's degree.

Include your work history selectively

To create successful project manager resumes, listing everything you have ever done isn't the best strategy. Our resume writer recommends being selective. Focus on results that are important for your target position. For example, if the target job mostly involves managing cross-functional teams, describe this type of experience in your professional resume. Limit yourself to 5-6 bullet points per job, as recruiters don't like lengthy job descriptions!

Hobbies and volunteering may be your asset

Associates and entry-level professionals may not have paid experience to write about. In this case, list your experience with voluntary organizations or community service. If you organized work of volunteers, did the fundraising or took part in the preparation of college events, this may count as experience in managing projects and people.

Choose the right layout

Project management resumes has to be attractive in order to compete effectively. The way information is presented also matters for getting your application noticed. Use a simple format with each section clearly separated. Opt for lists rather than long paragraphs and use enough white space. You may use colors and graphs, but make sure the formatting isn't messed up when you open the file on different devices.

2 pages are enough

Experts agree that a successful project manager resume should not exceed 2 pages. This length is enough to describe your credentials, skills and 4-5 most recent jobs. Entry-level professionals need to use a one-page resume. Longer resumes turn off the recruiters and thus you get a lower chance for an interview.

Edit and proofread

Both a resume and a cover letter should be error-free. Statistic shows that 59% of hiring managers will reject a resume with typos or grammar mistakes. So, read the text aloud to find incomplete sentences or tone issues. Use an online spell checker to find grammar, punctuation or spelling errors. Don't let the occassional typo reduce your chance for a job!

What is a good price for a project manager resume?

Busy project managers, especially at the executive level, seek professional help with their resumes. A professional resume writing service usually charges between $100 and $800+ per resume. And "expensive" doesn't necessarily mean "good". You can find a helpful resume service for cheaper, and get a helpful resume for your job search.

ResumePerk.com offers resume assistance starting at $87. This fee includes resume composition from scratch, one-on-one collaboration with your resume writer, and unlimited edits for 2 weeks. We also offer resume packages that include a cover letter, thank-you note and a LinkedIn profile with keywords. All new clients of our business get a 20% discount that is activated via our live chat.

Is it possible to get a project manager resume for free? No qualified resume expert will offer their help for free, as their time and effort should be fairly compensated for. However, our blog has plenty of career advice and resume tips that you can use absolutely for free.

Get personalized help of the best project manager resume writers

Our writers draft effective resumes for PMs across all industries. Each member of our team has 2+ years of experience with resumes and a college degree in some field of study. The writer will highlight your strengths, ability to problem solve and lead change. Contact us today to receive an impressive resume ASAP. We deliver all orders within 1-5 days and guarantee timely delivery so that you could start applying for the best jobs immediately.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech