Benefits of Certified Resume Writing Services


How to make sure that your resume gets noticed among the hundreds of other applications? First of all, it needs to be perfectly written with enough space devoted to your key competencies and accomplishments. Secondly, it has to have an appealing, eye-catching design that keeps and guides the hiring manager's attention. And finally, it must be targeted for a specific job posting so that the potential employer could see you as a solution to their business problem.

Struggling to write a resume that meets all the criteria? Then, collaboration with certified professional resume writers might help.

Why hire a certified resume writer?

There are several popular resume writing certifications (CPRW, PARW and others). All of them are created to distinguish the excellent quality of writing and resume expertise. Certified resume writers typically have a few years of experience and are well-versed to create resumes for all industries. A resume credential serves as a proof of writer's expertise and it is assumed that you'll get the best quality for your money.

Have any questions pertaining to resume writing? See the most popular questions answered by a resume expert:

At Resumeperk, we see client satisfaction as our top priority. We believe that the best resumes are created through direct collaboration with your writer. To get started, you'll be asked to fill out a questionnaire and answer the writer's questions to help them fully access your career background and strengths. Upon delivery of the finished product, you'll have two weeks to request a revision if necessary, and the writer will make changes free of charge.

Our professional resume service works around the clock – let us know your career concerns so we could craft a resume to help you achieve your goals.

Where to look for certified professional resume writers?

Many professional resume writers have relevant certifications that include:

  • CPRW (Certified professional resume writer)
  • NRWA (National resume writers association)
  • CARW (Certified advanced resume writer), etc.

Basically, a certification from a reputable organization means that a resume writer is trained in the standards of resume preparation and familiar with the rules of writing a strong resume for any type of job-seeker. But in fact, many resume writers choose not to get certified. If the writer has HR experience or 1+ year of experience with resume composition, they can compose a good resume even without a certification.

Unlike many resume writing services, at we carefully select professional writers who provide resume writing services to our clients. Each resume professional proves their proficiency in English and the ability to produce persuasive resumes for job applicants. We have a vigorous quality control system, so you can rest assured that the professionally written resume will beat your expectations!

How can an experienced resume writer help in your career?

During the pandemic, many job-seekers look for remote opportunities. Therefore, you have to compete with a larger number of qualified candidates than 2 years ago. In this job market, you just cannot avoid to have a weak resume. Hiring a resume writer for a reasonable Resume Writing Service Cost can secure you the following advantages:

Benefit from an industry insight

Experts of a resume writing service know for sure what is important for a hiring manager. Therefore, they present your career path, transferable skills and achievements in a way that compels the employers' attention. They use the most winning formatting, structure and high-impact language to help you get shortlisted.

Get a resume adapted for a specific job description

Modern resumes should be adjusted for a particular position, otherwise, they are tossed by an applicant tracking system. The best resume writers of our professional writing service will use the relevant keywords from the job opportunity. In this way, we kill two birds with one stone: keywords get you past the ATS software, and the language from the job listing helps the resume stand out for a recruiter.

Receive a resume that looks modern and trendy

The most obvious benefit of working with a good resume writer is that you get a document that looks modern. As mentioned earlier, recruiters scan each resume quickly, so it makes sense to give your resume a compelling, eye-catching look. Our writers will use colors, formatting and design elements that help present your career history in an engaging manner.

Get 100% equipped for your job search

A resume is far not enough for a successful job search. Our resume service also offers cover letters, attractive LinkedIn profiles, and follow-up notes, and the resume aligns with all these documents to highlight the same strengths. No matter if you look for a new job or want a promotion with the same company, with all documents at hand it's easier to reach career success.

Moreover, our blog offers career advice, resume templates and checklists from our great resume writers and career coaches. Also, you'll find the tricks on how to show off project management skills, cover employment gaps and build relationships in the workplace.

Not everyone can build a powerful resume on their own, and that's okay. Maybe, you are good at managing IT projects, treating patients with infectious diseases or selling jewelry. So, why not find a qualified professional to make your resume? This winter, every new customer gets a 15% off the first order – don't miss your chance! 

Also in this section:

Creating a winning resume strategy: professional tips

So, where do you go about creating a compelling resume? Unlike the common opinion, resume writing starts not with browsing job listings or checking out the resume samples on the internet. A good resume always begins with a strategy – understanding what you have to offer the employer and how to present your credentials in the most favorable light. Need some inspiration? We suggest that you do the following:

  1. Let the resume content dictate the length
    With the different opinions on how long your resume should be, job-seekers often forget the key rule that determines the optimal length. The rule is, your resume can be as long as it takes to effectively position your candidacy for the role. If you've changed 5 jobs in the last 10 years and attended multiple trainings and courses, obviously, one page is not enough to fit everything in. if you have only 3 years of professional experience, it's nonsense to stuff your resume with high school accomplishments and college jobs just to make it a bit longer. As long as your resume is relevant and optimized for the role, any length up to 3 pages is acceptable.
  2. Use the 10-second test
    Career experts claim that the busy hiring managers spend less than 10 second on the initial review of each resume. To make it to the next stage, yours needs to be truly impressive at first glance. After you've completed writing your resume, take a break and then give yourself only 10 seconds to screen the document. Is your formatting neat and professional? Is the summary statement catchy and informative? And finally, are your key selling points easy to notice at a glance?
    If you find it hard to evaluate your own resume, get a free resume critique from resume writers of our team. Need in-depth guidance on the effective resume formatting? See here:
  3. Show why your accomplishments mattered
    Everyone knows that the resume should present your biggest accomplishments to give a proof of your professional capabilities. However, simply listing the accomplishments doesn't work any longer when it comes to targeting your resume. Your task is to show the context for your accomplishment and explain why it mattered for the company's success. For instance, generating $1M of sales may come as no surprise for a big company, but if you managed to deliver such results for a small business, that's a complete game-changer.
  4. Address the potential ‘red flags'
    It's not only formatting, relevant experience and skill set that matters to a prospective employer. A few years' career gap, changing jobs every few months, moving from one industry to another or even an excess of grammar errors are seen as ‘red flags' by a hiring managers and can prevent you from getting interviews.
    Hiring managers are trained to read between the lines, so don't try to hide an elephant in your resume. Instead, if any of the above issues pertains to your resume, be sure to explain it either in your resume or in a cover letter. Great, if you manage to downplay this disadvantage and turn it into a part of your career story.
  5. Include keywords into your resume
    Given that corporate job postings typically attract around 400 resumes, it comes as no surprise that the companies look for the ways to optimize and streamline the resume screening process. That's why ATS are commonly used in most of the companies these days. If your resume isn't optimized for automated selection, you lose the chance for an interview.
    Certified resume writers recommend that you keep the job listing at hand when crafting your resume.  Describe your qualifications and skills in the same words used by an employer – the skills and attributes are often keywords. Search for the list of keywords used in your industry and add relevant ones. Check out our guide on resume keywording for more information.
  6. Be careful with formatting
    If you're not a graphic designer by trade, remember that it's better to be traditional and boring than to come across as odd and unprofessional. When it comes to formatting and designing your resume, use the popular font and classical structure (your summary, skills, work experience, education and then extras, if any). Avoid including graphical elements as they might not open correctly on the hiring manager's computer and don't use more than 2 colors. Use the standard typographical tricks to highlight the information such as italicizing and boldfacing text and giving the section names and company names in capitals.
    Don't forget to proofread your resume and run it through a spell checker. Lots of typos and errors are a big turn-off for the hiring managers.
  7. Don't exaggerate or lie
    A career strategy built on a lie won't lead you to a long-term success. Many candidates find it acceptable to exaggerate their accomplishments or to mention a degree they never received. However, during the background check the truth will be revealed and even if you manage to get that job, and the company will unlikely work with someone who has poor professional ethics. Losing a new job, time and credibility isn't obviously worth it. So, don't mislead the employer in the resume; and if you find that your real accomplishments sound weak, hire a professional writer to help strengthen your resume.
    If you are planning on leaving your old job, check the tips for quitting your job the right way to preserve your professional reputation.
  8. Customize your resume for each job
    When filling a job opening, an employer is looking for a particular problem to be solved. That's why it's important to come across as not the best qualified or the most experienced, but as the best fitting for a particular role. Resume targeting serves this goal: in your summary (or throughout the entire document, which is even better) you need to highlight your skills and expertise as they relate to the specific job. Are you stunned by the idea of getting your resume rewritten for each job posting? Then, you might want to reconsider the entire approach to job hunting.
    When it comes to applying for jobs, quality always beats quantity. Tailored resumes and cover letter generate more feedback and interview calls, while the one-size-fits-all ones often hit the resume black hole. Be very picky about the jobs you apply for and change your resume for every prospective role, and your job hunting will bring results faster.
  9. Let the rest of the resume support your summary statement
    Summary statements and career profiles are created to impress the hiring manager at a glance. However, the rest of your resume should serve as a proof of your loud statements. If you say you're an adept at new client acquisition, give specific examples where you succeeded at it and support your statement with figures. If you claim that you're a thought leader, proof how your vision and ideas helped the company to prosper. Without supporting facts, your summary statements are just buzzwords.
    If you have a phone interview scheduled, check out how to get prepared and pass phone interview.
  10. Add links to your online profiles
    Since potential employers are likely to look up for you online anyway, it's a good idea to provide the links to professional online pages that show you in a favorable light. If you have a professional blog, personal website or a LinkedIn profile, be sure to provide the links to them at the top of your resume in the contact section. Sharing links to personal Instagram or Facebook page isn't the best idea unless you're a social media manager looking to demonstrate your success in building a personal brand. 
    Before providing links to your professional websites, you might want to check them for inappropriate information and make sure that the online information about you complements the facts from your resume, not contradicts them.

Need an impressive brand new resume? We're here to help

Certified resume writing service is the primary point of contact for those seeking to take their job search to the next level. With a bad resume, you'll have no second chance to make the first impression. A well-written resume, in its turn, will open new amazing opportunities for your career.

Our company works with experienced professionals who understand your career needs. Whether you are a graduate, changing career or looking to get a management role, we will present you in the most favorable light. We understand that you're busy, that's why you can choose the deadline by yourself and the writer will deliver your new resume as soon as you need it without compromising the quality.

In addition to a resume, you can get your cover letter written and your LinkedIn profile completed by an expert.

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO