23 Unique Skills for Resume to Stand Out



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You have only one chance to impress the potential employers with your resume. So, when updating your resume to apply for jobs, make sure that it reflects your work experience, top achievements, and relevant skills.

Including resume skills is now more important than ever. According to the statistics, a whopping 91% of employers value resumes that list soft skills and competencies. Emphasizing technical skills and soft skills in your application also eases your way through applicant tracking system (ATS) screening.

Topics Details
1. Leadership and Teamwork Skills
1. Leadership Skills details...
2. Teamwork details...
3. Interpersonal Skills details...
4. Conflict Resolution details...
5. Active Listening Skills details...
2. Communication Skills
6. Written Communication details...
7. Public Speaking details...
8. Social Intelligence details...
3. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
9. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving details...
10. Data Analysis details...
11. Creativity details...
4. Organizational and Management Skills
12. Time Management details...
13. Project Management details...
14. Organizational Skills details...
5. Technical and Digital Skills
15. Digital Technology Proficiency details...
16. Virtual Collaboration details...
6. Personal Traits and Work Ethics
17. Honesty and Integrity details...
18. Flexibility and Adaptability details...
19. Attention to Detail details...
20. Work Ethic details...
21. Bias for Action details...
7. Cultural and Future-Oriented Skills
22. Cross-Cultural Competence details...
23. Futuristic Thinking details...

In this article, you will find the 25 most sought-after resume skills across a variety of industries. Put the most interesting and attractive skills on your resume and make your application shine!

How does the list work? We have grouped soft and hard skills by categories for your convenience. Click on the resume skill name to learn more about it and decide if it is helpful to add to your resume.

What are the hard and soft skills?

Hard skills are the abilities and competencies necessary to complete work. They are specific to your industry or a job, and you can acquire them through training or education programs. Hard skills are easy to access and measure. Examples of hard or technical skills are data analysis, project management skills, typing speed, basic computer skills, and foreign languages.

Soft skills are personal attributes and traits that show your approach to work and your ability to interact with others. They are often called transferable skills, as you can use them in any industry or profession. Solid soft skills are hard to measure, yet they are highly valued by employers. Examples of soft skills are critical thinking skills, negotiation skills, leadership, creativity, teamwork, and interpersonal communication.

Your resume should present both hard and soft skills to impress hiring managers and prove you qualify for the position. Let's look at the specific skills to add to your resume and what they mean.

Top 25 Unique Skills for Resume

1. Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Most people view leadership as someone that all managers have. Being a good leader includes delegating tasks, providing constructive feedback, and making sound decisions for business.

However, leadership is an invaluable skill at the workplace even if you're not in a management position. Listing this skill shows the hiring managers that you can take the initiative, run projects, inspire and guide others, and foster collaboration. If you trained new hires, took over your supervisor while they were away, or led a new initiative, you can confidently add this skill to your resume.

Teamwork is another valuable skill that describes your ability to work with others towards a common goal, communicate expectations, share ideas, and mitigate conflicts. Teamwork is essential for sales and customer service professionals, healthcare professionals, teachers, and consultants. However, even if you work remotely, it would be helpful to emphasize your ability to work as a part of a virtual team, exchange ideas, and contribute to a positive environment.

Interpersonal skills prove your ability to build strong relationships, effectively communicate, and be empathetic towards others. Even if you don't work in a customer-facing position, good interpersonal skills will help you build productive relations with coworkers and your boss, and therefore foster a positive environment. Interacting positively with others is one of the key skills in any industry, from tech, automotive and sales to education, arts, and administrative services.

Conflicts appear in any workplace, and knowing how to mediate and resolve them is one of the most important skills as very few people have it. All in all, conflict resolution critical thinking involves managing disagreements, controlling emotions, finding solutions, and reaching a peaceful ending of the conflict. This is an in-demand asset for managers and customer service professionals, however, showcasing it will benefit every professional.

Active listening is one of the top customer service skills. It means fully engaging in a conversation with the other person, understanding their message, and asking questions to ensure that you understand them clearly. Active listening skills are especially helpful when interacting with upset or frustrated clients, therefore you can find it in a job description of tech support and customer support specialists.

2. Communication Skills

39% of employers expect to see communication skills on your resume. Specifically, written communication skills mean your ability to effectively convey information through written documents, emails, reports, and other forms of writing. It shows the hiring manager that you can communicate complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way, express yourself clearly, and build relations with clients and vendors.

Public speaking means confidently articulating your thoughts to a group of people. It involves being calm in front of the crowd, using simple language, and adjusting your message to the audience. This resume skill is valuable in training, education, and customer service roles. Plus, since many job-seekers dread speaking in public, this unique skill will surely help you stand out.

Social intelligence combines problem-solving interpersonal skills. It refers to your ability to navigate challenging social situations, recognize non-verbal cues, build rapport, and adapt your communication style. This in-demand unique skill demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively, understand perspectives, and build strong relationships based on trust and respect. It is invaluable if you work with diverse individuals.

3. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

According to one survey, problem-solving skills are the most in-demand ones among employers. 37% of employers expect to see them on your resume. Problem-solving skills refer to resolving obstacles and issues at the workplace, using creative skills to evaluate potential solutions and choose the best one.

It means comprehensively evaluating information, facts, and underlying issues and making informed decisions. Problem-solving and critical thinking are essential for tech professionals but will be an asset in any industry.

Data analysis and data science skills mean being able to interpret and analyze data to turn it into actionable insights for business. These skills show your ability to extract meaningful information from data, identify opportunities, and make data-driven decisions. They are in demand among tech and research professionals in the first place.

Creative thinking is the sought-after resume skill not only for artists, writers, or designers. This skill refers to your ability to think outside the box, suggest new ideas, and discover innovative solutions of problems. Employers value job-seekers who can contribute original ideas, think differently, and aren't afraid to try new things and approaches.

4. Organizational and Management Skills

Time management is a must-have skill for leaders, executive assistants, and freelancers. However, it helps every working professional achieve their goals while maintaining a balanced life. This skill means effectively prioritizing tasks, allocating time and managing deadlines. If you can effectively handle multiple responsibilities and work productively without being overwhelmed, you can confidently add this skill to your resume.

Project management is the ability to plan, oversee, and implement projects, completing all tasks on time. They define goals and vision, manage resources, and balance workloads to achieve successful outcomes. Adding project management skills to your resume means that you are organized, can balance multiple responsibilities, and resolve any issues on time. This skill makes you a valuable team member in every organization.

Are you a PM looking for the next challenge in your career? Read our guide to writing a powerful project manager resume that gets you noticed.

In the job postings, you can often find requirements like "Project requires organizational skills". It proves that organizational skills are in great demand. This skill means your ability to maintain a structured work environment, keep everything in order, and manage any incoming information. However, it goes beyond performing secretary or office manager duties. Overall, organizational skills mean overseeing the process and keeping track of details so that everything in the organization works smoothly.

5. Technical and Digital Skills

Some jobs don't require much tech skills - even basic computer skills are enough. However, in most companies, proficiency with office software, remote cooperation tools, and internal software is important for a potential hire. Specific technology skills will depend on your industry and the role, but be sure to highlight your technical literacy and familiarity with the commonly used tools.

Effective virtual collaboration means that you can work with the team remotely, using technology to communicate and exchange information. If you have a remote job in mind, mention virtual skills early on your resume to let the employer know that you can thrive in a remote environment and don't need much training. Mention your familiarity with office software, video conferencing tools, project management tools, and chats.

6. Personal Traits and Work Ethics

Honesty and integrity are fundamental personal skills that employers wish to see in associates, experienced professionals, and managers. Adding them to your Skills section will show that you are reliable, ethical, eager to do the right things, and learn from your mistakes. Honesty and integrity are essential to build lasting relationships at work and nurturing transparency.

A modern workplace constantly evolves, so being flexible and adaptable is essential if you want to thrive at work and build a career. Demonstrating these traits on your resume shows that you can adjust to changing priorities, embrace challenges, and learn new tools and practices. Be sure to show your ability to master something unknown, resolve unexpected situations, and embrace the change. These skills are especially valuable in the tech field.

Attention to detail is an essential professional skill for accountants, proofreaders, software developers, and other professions where meticulousness is valued. Adding it to your resume will show that you are committed to accuracy, are reliable and focused, and can follow instructions to deliver error-free work. Mistakes are costly for business, so, showing that you are detail-driven can set you apart from other candidates.

A strong work ethic means that you are willing to put in extra effort to achieve results. As some job-seekers struggle to meet expectations, employers value professionals who are reliable, hard-working, and driven, as such employees eventually drive results for business. If you can give examples and highlight your ability to deliver exceptional work, contribute to a productive environment, and exceed expectations using self-motivation, you'll eventually impress the recruiters.

Bias for action is a unique skill you won't find in many resumes. It means that you are confident, ready to step up and take initiative, and don't need to be micro-managed. Emphasizing this skill will tell employers that you are result-oriented, willing to contribute to the company's success, and take ownership of tasks you complete.

7. Cultural and Future-Oriented Skills

Cross-cultural competence is the ability to understand and navigate different cultures, communicate respectfully, and build relationships. It is especially valuable if you plan to work in a company that celebrates diverse, multicultural workplace environment. This resume skill shows your sensitivity to cultural differences, ability to cooperate with people from diverse backgrounds, and commitment to inclusivity.

Futuristic thinking stands for the ability to envision future possibilities and trends, and use strategic thinking to build a brighter future for business. Adding this skill to your resume will show that you have a forward-thinking mindset, focus on new opportunities and challenges, and commitment to innovation.

The skills from the list above can set you apart from the competition. Be sure to adjust the list of skills to each specific job posting and use a combination of hard and soft skills. It is also important to stay honest and transparent. Only include skills you are proficient with, and can give examples of how you used each skill on a resume or during the job interview.

How to effectively list skills on your resume?

Use a limited number of skills

No need to list every skill you have under your belt. Choose between 6 and 15 relevant skills for your target job, and capitalize on them. If you use too many skills, the hiring manager will be confused as they won't understand what are your strongest skills.

Example: As a software developer, you want to include data analysis skills, programming skills, and engineering skills in the first place, followed by soft skills that help you succeed in the workplace. Focus on the must-have skills for the target role, and then insert the less important skills.

Create a dedicated Skills section

About 41% of hiring managers review the Skillls section of your resume first. So, use it to your advantage! Put your skills under the career summary, and format it as a bulleted list for readability. You may divide the skills into categories, which is a good idea for skill-based jobs. Yet, generally, it is completely fine to create a list that includes both hard and soft skills.

Give examples

Adding the list of skills is helpful, but not enough to wow the recruiters. You also want to give examples of how you used these skills in your previous jobs. It would help you build trust and credibility between you and the hiring manager.

Write how you used each skill in your Experience section. Add context and details so that they can better evaluate your skills. Here is how you can emphasize your skills as a project management managing IT projects:

  • Led a team of 5 software developers to implement an e-commerce platform, resulting in a 38% increase in website traffic
  • Developed a risk management plan, identifying and resolving 9 potential issues and saving project costs.
  • Managed 3 complex software development projects simultaneously, exceeding client expectations and delivering on-time.

Update your skills regularly

As we evolve in our careers, some of our skills lose relevance, and we learn something new. Revise your old resume and delete skills that you no longer use or that are not relevant for your next job. Include the skills you've recently acquired. This will help your resume look fresh and up-to-date.

Does your resume need a quality boost?

In this article, you've learned the brilliant, unique skills that can set you apart from the competition. However, it takes more than adding the right skills to create a successful resume. If you want to hear professional feedback about your resume, send it to us for a free review. A professional resume writer will evaluate your resume and respond with detailed tips and guidance. Try it today!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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