15 Most Popular Employee Benefits


In an attempt to attract and retain the top talent, employees offer not only a competitive salary, but also various benefits and perks. And the latter has increasing importance – according to the survey, 60% of people see benefits as a major factor for accepting a job offer. Although not all employers can afford the benefits similar to those offered by Google or Amazon, certain job flexibility and more days off are something that nearly any employer can provide.

If you actively look for a job, you’ll find today’s list of top employee benefits helpful. Whereas not all employers are willing to offer a higher salary, you can negotiate attractive perks instead. And our professional resume service will inform which benefits to ask for in the first place.

If you hardly ever make it to the interview stage, consider getting a professional opinion about your resume. At Resumeperk.com, you can have your resume checked for mistakes. One of our proficient resume writers will review it and point out at the strengths and weaknesses. This service is free of charge. 

15 top employee benefits you can negotiate during the interview

Although not all companies offer meals from an on-site chef or free massage, they typically offer a variety of perks to attract the best professionals. In particular, here are the top benefits for employees according to Forbes and Benefitnews.com. Check them out and prepare to negotiate during your next interview:

1. Repayment of student loans

Having graduated from the university, students receive not only the desired degree, but also have to deal with massive student debts. In this situation, employers who are willing to assist with debt repayment, instantly become the top consideration for young and promising professionals. However, the number of employers providing this benefit leaves much to be desired – only 4% of employers offer student loan repayment.

2. Paid parental leave

The number of employers who offer paid maternity and paternity leaves is constantly growing since it’s one of the most in-demand benefits. Depending on the company, new parents can receive from 1-2 months to 1 year to take care of the newborn child. Some companies also offer counseling to help the employee re-enter the workforce after a long break.
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3. Remote work opportunity

In the gig economy, remote working is no longer a luxury. That’s why an increasing number of employers offer the benefits of working remotely one day a week or more. This practice keeps the staff involved in the office life and allows work from a convenient place from time to time. If your type of job doesn’t require being in the office all the time, the employer will likely to provide you a few remote working days, especially considering that it won’t cost them any extra money.
Despite the popularity of remote work, some corporate offices look so stunning that you won’t want to leave them: https://resumeperk.com/blog/top-7-company-offices-in-america.

4. Flexible hours

Along with telecommuting, working flexible hours is gaining popularity. This advantage allows people to take care of personal matters during business hours. Thus, people can get other important things done which often results in increased productivity. Working flexible hours often goes hand in hand with telecommuting, although some companies allow a flexible schedule in the office.
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5. Professional development benefits

Like many other ambitious professionals, you most likely want a job that will help you advance professional skills. So, ask about professional development opportunities during the interview. Paid corporate training, language classes, compensation for professional certification or even a degree are beneficial not only for you as a professional but to the employer either as they get the increase of performance.

6. More vacation time

Most of the top valued employee perks have to do with time away from work. People strive for healthy work-life balance, so more and more employees would like to enjoy more time off. Some companies allow their employees to manage the vacation time on their own – surprisingly, this results in greater productivity. In other organization this benefit is provided in the form of the sabbatical leave after a few years in the company.

7. Gym membership

Membership in a gym or an onsite gym is a frequently offered benefit, and employees consider it important. For people who exercise, it helps minimize sports expenses. Employees who exercise regularly are healthier, prevent chronic illnesses and catch colds less frequently than those who don’t – so employers benefit from this perk as well. Thus, if you haven’t exercised before, it’s about time to begin.

8. Vision/dental insurance

Good health insurance is an important factor for accepting a job offer. If you don’t have to worry about the bills after seeing a doctor, you’ll likely work more productively and focus on work solely rather than seek the opportunities to earn some extra money. Some employers also offer insurance for kids or even pets, so it’s a good idea to ask about these options as well.

9. Paid day care services

Good daycare centers are costly. Thus, employers who offer to compensate for day care services in full or partially have every chance to attract employees with kids. If you’re a parent, raise this point when negotiating benefits and perks as it can potentially save you thousands of dollars. Moreover, employers might also offer other benefits related to children.

10. Relocation assistance

Professionals who are willing to relocate for a job often seek companies that provide relocation assistance. Indeed, moving house is both difficult and costly, so why not benefit from the help of an employer who has dealt with a similar situation many times? Relocation assistance typically includes covering travel expenses, temporary lodging, help with buying and selling a house and, if you are an international specialist, visa and work permit.
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11. Free meals and healthy snacks

Although this benefit itself is too insignificant to motivate the employee to choose a specific company, it definitely makes working there more pleasant. Free coffee, fresh meals, healthy snacks and sweets are considered as a must by many employees. The top companies treat their staff with versatile meals that many restaurants would envy.

12. Pet-friendly office

It’s a proven fact that animals make us happier, so many people seek the opportunities to bring their pets to the office. According to research, people have a stronger connection to employers with pet-friendly policy. And the employers respond to this trend by allowing employees bring their pets. Some companies offer office pets which positively affect the mood and productivity either.

13. Paid volunteer hours

It would be great to get paid for volunteering, wouldn’t it? Well, it’s a reality with some employers. Companies like Salesforce offer several paid days of volunteering time a year so you can help the organization of your choice. Some employers also offer a certain amount of money to donate for charity on your behalf.

14. Commuting benefits

Some people would also like to get transportation expenses covered in any form. Companies respond to this demand in the form of work transit, bicycling and parking expenses. Although this benefit isn’t a top consideration on its own, it definitely adds value for employees who find it expensive to get to work every day.

15. Travel stipend

This benefit quite rare, but employees who have love for traveling will find it fascinating. Companies like Airbnb offer travel stipend for accommodation, discounts for booking or travel expenses reimbursement. Some companies cover accommodation only whereas the others don’t have such limitations. And, given how much a good vacation can cost, this compensation is a serious incentive.

Get a resume which your career will benefit from

Do you feel inspired by this list and can’t wait to find an employer who offers all these lucrative perks? To compete for the job with the best companies, you’ll need a really shiny resume that is focused on your accomplishments. If your resume doesn’t land you many interviews, why not receive professional help?

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