7 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job


People are often dissatisfied with their jobs. Annoying colleagues, lack of resources for completing the project, demanding clients and arrogant boss don’t make our lives easier. However, there is a huge difference between having a bad day at work and actually considering making the move.

leave your job

Quite often, people stay on the old job even if they feel uncomfortable or unhappy there. Some are driven by financial reasons, some simply love stability and fear any changes. Nevertheless, staying in a hatred job is very costly for your career and well-being. Today, we will tell about the 7 signs that you should consider quitting the job the sooner the better.

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7 signs it’s time to leave your job

  1. You’ve been overlooked for promotion for over 3 years
    Every ambitious professional expects to get regular promotions and more responsibility. If you are good at what you do, these things happen naturally. However, what to do if despite your hard work and big contribution you were overlooked for promotions for over 3 years? If you care about your career and want to work your way up, the best decision would be to quit. By staying in the job that offers no career prospects you just slow down your professional development.
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  2. You don’t learn new things
    Career development goes hand on hand with learning and improving your skillset. If you’ve found yourself doing the same kind of work for months, this is a warning sign. Try taking initiative and asking for more responsibility, attending professional seminars or training or use other professional development resources offered by your company. However, if your initiative is not supported, it means that the company isn’t ready to invest in your training. It’s better to find an employer who will encourage your professional growth.
  3. You have toxic relationships at work
    The quality of workplace relationships determines our job satisfaction. If your colleagues or boss are toxic, you’ll unlikely have the chance to keep on a positive note. Do the people working next to you complain a lot about the work? Do you experience gossiping, sexual harassment, or over-demanding? Then, do yourself a favor and find a company with a psychologically comfortable environment. If there’s a healthy working environment in your office yet you struggle to get along with some of your colleagues, check out the tips to improve relationships with coworkers.
  4. You don’t get quality feedback
    To grow as a professional, you need informative feedback from your supervisor. If the only kind of praise you get in the office is “Great job”, you’ll find it hard to continue building your skills. The thing is, to develop your skillset, you need to know exactly what you’ve done well and what should be improved. Generic praise is hard to take action on, thus, you might find yourself not knowing what to do to get better results and advance your skills.
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  5. There is frequent restructuring or high turnover in a company
    It makes sense to leave your job if the situation in the company is unstable. Mergers, acquisitions, changes in the corporate structure or management may indicate a shaky strategic of financial situation. Moreover, chances are that a new director might want to bring his own team, so if you are in a leadership role, your position is probably under threat. High turnover should also alert you: if the working conditions are good, people stay with the company for years rather than put on their notice one by one. Noticing the signs of instability early and taking action can save you from being sacked later.
  6. The results of your work mean nothing to you
    Are you getting a high salary yet it doesn’t seem to make you happy? Do you feel uninspired with the outcomes of your work even though the boss says you did a good job? Or maybe, deep down you believe that the company is doing unethical or unnecessary things in the world? It’s hard to achieve a career progression and job satisfaction if the nature of work or the company values make you miserable. If you are not motivated by salary and benefits and your values contradict to what your company is doing, it’s a sign you’re in the wrong place.
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  7. You spend most of the day procrastinating
    Obviously, no people work every minute of their time in the office. While occasional procrastination is fine, it should warn you if you keep procrastinating most of your working time. It means that you find nothing engaging about your job and would rather read news websites or scroll Instagram feed to avoid working. If your procrastination continues day by day, it’s a clear sign that you should think if this job is right for you.  It can also indicate that you’ve mistaken when choosing a career. In either case, the current role isn’t a good fit so it’s better to search for new opportunities.

The fact that you are reading this article also subtly indicates that you are not happy with how things are going at work. People who are satisfied with their working conditions and the role don’t spend time wondering if their job is a good fit. They are so absorbed with project and activities that such an idea simply doesn’t cross their mind.

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