The Best Time for Resume Preparation and Job-Hunting


Best Time for Resume Preparation

If you’ve planned to find a new job when creating the New Year’s resolution for 2019, you have a plenty of time to think this decision over. However, be sure to take the timing into account. As you have probably heard, there are high and low seasons in hiring too, and knowing when it’s the best time to apply will help you land a new employment shortly. Curious when it’s the best time of the year to apply for a job and to schedule an interview? Read below.

Resume preparation services will get you covered all year long

At any time when you decide to start looking for a job, our resume agency is here to assist. Our writers specialize in creating quality written, attention-grabbing resumes for 60+ industries. We access your background and ask questions to help your resume stick out and increase your chances for an interview even more. Moreover, if for some reason you don’t like a newly written resume we’ve done, your writer will revise it free of charge. So, if you were looking for help me write a CV – you’ve come to the right place.

The best time of the year to look for a job

January and February

If you are in a position to choose, concentrate your job-hunting efforts in January and February since these are the two highest months in hiring. Companies receive new budgets, set strategic goals and plan their HR needs for the fulfillment of those goals. Moreover, many employees’ contracts expire at the end of the year, some are retired so the company will need a replacement for those roles, too. Do not apply early in January, though – wait until the middle of the months until the hiring team gets back on track after the holidays.

After the winter holidays, they post a whopping number of job vacancies to be filled.  Meanwhile, the employers are not in a hurry as they’re aimed at finding the perfect candidates to fill the openings. Therefore, the biggest amount of hires will happen in February. If you believe you’ve got what it takes, make sure the hiring managers see it too – add a plenty of keywords for resume to ensure your resume’s passing of the ATS.

March, April and May

Although the pace of hiring slows down in spring, it’s still a good time to apply for a job. In some organizations, especially those with multiple stages interviewing process, hiring and screening may extend to March. However, don’t wait for too long – key posts will be filled first. Hiring for the less promising roles will continue throughout the spring, so if you’re an entry- or mid-level specialist, your odds of getting an employment stay high.

In the mid-spring, businesses slowly start pouring into the summer season. Summer vacations are planned, preparations are made and urgent issues are dealt with. In May, the labor market activates for a while before the holidays – companies are looking to fill the open positions. Then, the key decision-makers might be away on holiday, so May is popular for last-moment hiring decisions. If you are proactive enough, you might be the one who gets a job in this hurry.

However, even if you want a new job urgently, don’t take an offer without making sure that the employer is right for you. Here is the set of questions for you to make sure:

June, July and August

The pace of work slows down, managers and leaders go for holidays, and there isn’t much recruitment or hiring activity throughout the three summer months. The only exception is entry-level jobs: companies actively hire students or graduates to assist with completing the workload of the professionals who are away. High are the odds to receive an internship as well.

The number of job openings posted is very low. So, it’s better to concentrate your efforts on other aspects of job-hunting: subscribe for the updates of your target companies, network, update your skill set and follow more recruiters on LinkedIn. Take care of your application documents in advance: for example, get a resume critique from professional resume preparation services. By the end of August, businesses activate, budgets are updated and the new job postings start appearing.

Summer is best for making long-term career plans. For example, you can reconsider your goals and make plans for achieving career success, and our short guide will help you with that:

September and October

In the two first autumn months another burst of business activity is concentrated. Companies post jobs and actively hire successful candidates. However, being aware of the upcoming holiday season, they want not only to hire new staff but also to onboard them before the holidays begin. Therefore, the hiring goes faster in autumn that it went in January or February.

Employers tend to fill most of the open position before the holiday season begins, and even the job is advertised in August, chances are that if you apply at that time your resume will get lost. It’s better to wait until September when the hiring manager really gets busy filling the role. How to get most out of this busy season and find a really great job? Here are the tips to help you land a new job faster.

November and December

The last two months of the year are the traditionally low season for job-seekers. According to the statistics, December is the slowest months of the year for hiring. Only a few jobs are advertised and filled during these two months. Why? Firstly, for both employees and recruiters holiday preparation takes over. Secondly, companies are running out of yearly budget so new positions aren’t created. And finally, the most lucrative openings have been filled during busy October. Nobody is going to train new hires in December – so, the hiring decisions are postponed until the next fiscal year.

What’s in it for you: If you plan to change job in the next year, these seasonal fluctuations of the job market definitely should be taken into account. So, you will prepare in advance and approach the high season in hiring with all your energy.

On the other hand, a low season doesn’t mean that you cannot get hired at all. It only assumes fewer job opportunities and slower hiring process. Pay attention to high and low seasons in your industry as well: applying a week or two in advance before the boost of business activity in your sector begins will increase your chances for a job.

The best time to apply for a job is when you’re 100% prepared for it. You’ll struggle landing interviews even on busy months if you have a poor resume and empty LinkedIn profile. So, take care of your application documents in advance – fill out a LinkedIn page, craft a cover letter and hire a professional to prepare my resume online if your current one isn’t impressive. Regardless of the season, the more effort and knowledge you put into creating a strong resume and cover letter and hunting for jobs, the better job you’ll eventually manage to get.

When it’s the best time to apply?

Multiple studies show that the earlier you apply after the job was posted the higher are your odds of getting an interview call. Actually, applying in a few days since the day of posting gives you maximum exposure. Candidates who waited for a week or two to apply are likely to get lost in the pile of applications. Most jobs are posted on Mondays – so, Monday through Thursday are the best days to apply. Sending your application on the weekend or Friday night can lead your resume to getting tossed.

What’s the best time for an interview?

Just like with job application, there is a right time for the interview, too. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to influence the time and date of the interview; however, try and get some flexibility from the interviewer. If possible, schedule an interview at one of the time frames below:

  1. Early in the morning. if possible, try and become the first candidate to be interviewed on that day. In this case, the interviewer will subconsciously compare the later candidates with you. And if you happen to be a strong candidate, those passing an interview after you are likely to get lower grades. Your candidacy, on the contrary, will stay top of mind;
  2. On Tuesday. Tuesday is the most productive day of the week which means that the hiring manager will be solely focused on the interviewing process. They won’t be distracted by menial tasks or urgent meetings – therefore, you’ll have every chance to impress them.
  3. The last meeting of the day. Although agreeing for a Friday evening isn’t the best idea, this works for any other business day. Some experts don’t recommend being the last candidate of the day, but think about this. If you’re interviewed last, you’ll be the first candidate the recruiter will think of in the evening and tomorrow morning.

Not-so-good interview timing:

  1. Monday morning – since the hiring person might be occupied with their personal issues or concerned with the new boss’s requirements and will be less focused
  2. Before the lunchtime – the interview is likely to be short and brief, as the interviewer will care more about their upcoming lunch than your qualifications
  3. Friday afternoon – reservations for weekends are being made and the hiring manager completes weekly tasks. They are unlikely to be concentrated on interviewing you.

All these rules work along with thorough preparation only. Learning more about the company, working on your body language and thoroughly picking what to wear for job interview will add points to the impression you make on the interviewer.

Picking the right timing isn’t a surefire recipe of career success. However, do keep your hand on the pulse of the labor market. In this case, choosing the right time to apply will increase the efficiency of your application as your resume will appear in front of decision makers exactly when it’s needed.

Key takeaways:

  1. January, February, September and October are the peak months to apply for jobs;
  2. The best day to send your resume is Tuesday afternoon;
  3. The most efficient timing for the interview is early in the morning with Tuesday being the best day

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech