25 Things to say instead of"Good job" + 15 Phrases of recognition


Verbal praise is tremendously important. A recognition of one's hard work, input, and contribution can increase self-esteem and inspire further achievements. On the other hand, if you use "Good job" or "great idea" every time, your praise will not be as efficient as it could be.

If you are a manager looking to encourage employees and recognize their own achievements, a teacher, or a parent seeking ways to praise children, keep reading. Below, you will find a list of 25 great alternatives to "good job" that you can use with kids, coworkers, and subordinates. I've also grouped the phrases by categories to eliminate repetition and enhance clarity.

Expressions of Gratitude

  1. Thank you for helping with…
  2. I really appreciate it when you…
  3. Thank you for your assistance with… we can now…
  4. Thank you for being so patient with...
  5. Thank you.

Sometimes a simple "Thank you" is worth a thousand words. These short phrases are good for parents and teachers who wish to praise a child for their efforts at school or home. You can also use these comments to compliment your coworkers or subordinates for their input and ideas. These phrases are ideal when you want someone to feel good without going into much detail.

Acknowledgment of Effort and Hard Work

  1. I am so proud of your effort and hard work.
  2. Your patience and perseverance paid off.
  3. You showed great determination to complete this project.
  4. Your excellent performance is an inspiration for us all.
  5. You crushed it.
  6. I am constantly impressed by your performance.
  7. You’ve been working hard on this marketing report today.
  8. You finished that in record time.
  9. I can see how much you have improved, well done!
  10. You went above and beyond.

If you notice that your kids worked hard on some task or project, be sure to acknowledge their work. Instead of "good job", use phrases above the emphasize the importance of making efforts even if something doesn't work out at the beginning. Thus, you will encourage them to keep trying and take action.

At work, you can use suggestions from this list to recognize effort and amazing results. It is important for people around you to feel valued, and if you recognize their efforts, it will help you improve relationships at work and increase your team's productivity.

Encouragement and Positive Feedback

  1. You’re doing great.
  2. You made a difference.
  3. Outstanding work.
  4. Remarkable.
  5. You’re a rock star.

Use this great list of short phrases to quickly tell your children they did a good job. Saying these words of encouragement won't take you much time, and the child will appreciate that you support them and recognize their feelings.

Celebrating Achievements

  1. You did X and then Y and worked it out.
  2. Your results on the X project look phenomenal.
  3. You finished your first book chapter!
  4. This “A” shows how much time and effort you put into this project.
  5. You've surpassed the X goal, demonstrating excellent skill and dedication.
  6. Your creative and innovative thinking is beyond comparison.

If someone in your team did a good job and achieved something, they will be happy to hear verbal praise that extends beyond "Great job!" For praising someone's progress, you need to be more specific. Mention why something is a good achievement, compliment the person's qualities such as attention to detail or resilience, and explain why this achievement is great for the company. This form of phrase will make your coworker feel excited and valued.

The same works with kids. If they helped a friend, got excellent grades, or completed some creative project, compliment their personal qualities and show that you care for their achievement.

Curious about how to present your achievements on resume? Read our guide to listing accomplishments effectively.

Recognition of Specific Actions or Traits

  1. I noticed how you took your time and did a thorough job.
  2. Your focus and concentration on this project were impressive.
  3. Your attention to detail took this project to the next level.
  4. You demonstrated excellent teamwork skills.
  5. Your active listening skills and empathy are truly inspiring.
  6. I like the way you approached the task with a positive attitude.
  7. You took the initiative and solved the problem independently.
  8. Your enthusiasm and passion are contagious.
  9. I appreciate your honesty and integrity.
  10. You demonstrated exceptional leadership skills.
  11. I am impressed by your resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks.
  12. Your determination to succeed and not give up is commendable.
  13. Your enthusiasm for developing your talent is truly inspiring.
  14. You demonstrated good sportsmanship tonight.
  15. You set a good example for the other students in the class.

Why is it essential to recognize and praise specific traits? It shows the person you praise, be it your children, a student, or a team member, what exact qualities you value about them. Moreover, it shows the person where exactly they did a good job. For example, "You did a great job" sounds too vague, whereas "Your patience and attention to detail helped us retain that upset client" highlights the person's contribution and the specific traits you value in them.

Now, you see countless alternatives to saying "Good job". The above phrases will help you effectively communicate with coworkers, subordinates, children, and more. In addition to praising their traits and achievements, you can ask questions to reflect on their achievements and contribute to their self-awareness.

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