Cover letter for manager position: Examples & Tips


Cover letter for manager position: Examples & Tips for 2024

Many job-seekers believe that cover letters are not necessary in 2024. However, hiring managers think the opposite. 60% of companies expect a cover letter along with your resume. Not sending a letter at all or submitting a poorly written one can result in squandered opportunities and can cost you an interview for your dream job.

At ResumePerk, we understand the frustration that most managers face when trying to write a catchy cover letter. You need to revise your experience and biggest accomplishments and think about the most relevant projects and skills, presenting them so that they align with your target employer's needs. Sounds like a lot of work, right?

In today's post, we will cover the essentials of writing a winning manager cover letter. Keep reading to find out:

  • How to write a manager cover letter that will impress the hiring manager
  • What skills to focus on to help your cover letter stand out, and
  • Great manager cover letter examples for your inspiration.

Get noticed faster with a professional cover letter

Are you too busy to master the art of cover letter writing? Outsource this task to our experts. At ResumePerk, we have 100+ resume and cover letter writers who know how the hiring process works. We can adapt your documents to the job posting to help you get shortlisted. Order today with unlimited revisions and direct communication with your writer.

Manager cover letter examples

Before we dive deeper into how to compose a letter, let's look at some good examples of manager cover letters:

Store Manager cover letter



Why is this a good cover letter?

  • This resume for the position of Store Manager uses the traditional structure and formatting. The job-seeker keeps the document to one page, which is a rule of thumb for cover letters.
  • The cover letter sample focuses on the candidate's team leadership, inventory management, and employee training skills. In the cover letter body, she also includes measurable achievements (such as reducing turnover from 30% to 15%).
  • The letter is well-written and neatly formatted. The candidate clearly adjusted it for the target job. It also ends with a compelling call to action and the suggestion to meet in person, and a professional sign-off.

Project Manager cover letter



Why is this a good cover letter?

  • This cover letter for a Technical Project Manager has a more creative format. It is shorter and uses a friendly, less formal tone.
  • The letter starts with a sharp opening paragraph and indicates the target job title. In the body paragraphs, this candidate lists project management skills and successes in achieving revenue goals, saving millions in costs, and leading teams.
  • The document is professionally structured with a header and bullets. This manager cover letter example also features numbers and percentages which is essential to prove your ability to deliver results and achieve goals.

8 Tips to write an excellent manager cover letter

Use a traditional cover letter structure

Your manager cover letter isn't the best place to get creative. Keep it concise (3-4 paragraphs are usually enough) and professional. Use such key elements as personalized salutation, introduction, letter body, and a conclusion with a call to action. See the infographic below for more details.



A great cover letter shouldn't sound like an essay. Your goal is to present relevant achievements to the hiring manager and show your cultural fit. To achieve this goal, present a few career highlights and explain why you'd like to work for this specific company.

Add a professional opening paragraph

Always use a personalized salutation in your cover letter for a job application. Do a quick LinkedIn research to learn the hiring manager's name. If you can't seem to locate their name, use Dear Hiring Manager.

The first paragraph should state your target role and the company's name. Avoid using any creative openers to grasp the hiring manager's attention. Such efforts often have the opposite result.

Show your value with figures

In the letter body, you need to showcase your managerial skills, and ability to deliver results and manage teams effectively. However, simply writing that you have extensive experience and skills in operations management, team leadership, and budgeting won't help you stand out.

You need to present tangible achievements with figures and context. Say, in a cover letter for a project management position, you can recall your successes in increasing revenue, improving business operations, and juggling multiple projects at a time.

Here are some examples:

  • Led the implementation of a cloud migration project, reducing operational costs by 35% and improving data security.
  • Directed the team in the development of a new CRM system, which helped increase sales efficiency by 25% and boost client retention.

Focus on the company's needs

To write a truly impactful cover letter, try looking at it from the employer's perspective. Before you write something, ask yourself "What's in it for the employer?" You needn't list all your professional achievements, recognition, and other successes. Only include those that show you in the best light for a particular role.

If the company is looking for a manager who can oversee multiple projects at once and coordinate with stakeholders, focus on these qualifications in your letter, or describe how you handled similar issues in the past.

Don't reiterate your resume

The biggest mistake managers make on cover letters is repeating resume content. A cover letter that adds anything new to recruiters are pointless. If you have decided to write the letter, think about projects, achievements, or experiences that make you especially well-suited for the position, and focus on these.

For example, if they are looking for someone with great training and leadership skills, tell them about the training program you implemented and how you created a positive work environment, which led to turnover reduction. Such a story will surely grasp the attention of the hiring manager!

Address any issues in your career

A cover letter also works great for explaining any issues in your resume that can confuse the reader. For example, if you had a nine-month career gap, you can write about what forced you to take a break and what you did during that time. Or, if you've worked before as a Director of Marketing but would like to get hired as a Marketing Manager, you can explain why you are enthusiastic about the role.

No matter the issue you had, keep your explanations positive and show that you are eager to go the extra mile if needed.

Always tailor it to the job posting

To get better results in your job search, send a personalized cover letter to every employer. Sure, it is time-consuming to edit your letter for a managerial position every time. But the truth is that generic letters get rejected in most cases. Hiring managers quickly spot letters that aren't personalized and move them to the "no" pile.

You needn't write each letter from scratch, but be sure to customize your key skills and some bullet points to address the requirements for a specific position.


Typos and poor grammar are deal-breakers for most recruiters. As a manager, you need to demonstrate excellent communication skills, so sending a letter with mistakes reduces your chances for an interview.

Take the time to read your letter multiple times. Use an online spell checker or ask a friend to proofread it for you. Remember that your writing style and formatting are just as important as the letter content.

Skills to emphasize on a manager's cover letter

As a manager, you are supposed to demonstrate a set of specific skills. Not all of these skills can be found in a job listing. However, mentioning them will significantly increase your chance of being shortlisted.

Here are some essential skills a manager should display:

  • Organizational skills
  • Team leadership experience
  • Operations management
  • Motivation and coaching
  • Industry knowledge
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Managing diverse teams
  • Business operations
  • Customer satisfaction

For each skill, remember that copying it in your letter won't make the cut. Use concrete examples of when and how you used each skill. Don't try to squeeze all of these skills into your cover letter. Focus on 3-4 which are the most important for your target managerial role.

You may give examples of your soft skills too. Capitalize on your interpersonal skills, empathy, and ability to manage expectations and negotiate.

Need a compelling cover letter to land your next job?

If you need a letter that will spark the interest of potential employers, our team is ready to assist. Our experts will write a targeted letter for your position, optimize it with keywords, and feature accomplishments. Contact us on chat to order your letter with a 15% discount!

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