Just Follow These Tips To Become Popular Blogger


How to become a popular blogger

Making money blogging is like a dream come true for many these days. You are your own boss, you can work from anywhere and write only about what is interesting for you, isn’t that perfect? However, to really make a living blogging, you need to be popular.

Our resume service knows a lot about writing in general and blogging in particular. Today we are going to explain why some blogs grow instantly while the others struggle getting visitors and coverage they deserve. Read below for killer tips on how to make your blog popular!

  1. Understand your audience
    When it comes to blogging, understanding those you are addressing to determines the success or failure of your blog. To make the readers like your blog and wait for more articles from you, you need to make your writing interesting, relevant and helpful for them. And it’s only possible if you understand who you address.
    Don’t hesitate to invest some time into doing a research of your target audience. Blogs with no target audience determined never become popular.

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  1. Make your message highly focused
    At an early stage you should decide what your key message is – and stick to it. Do you write a blog to share an expertise or promote your services as a web designer or healthy living expert? Or, maybe, you write short creative stories to inspire people to find their labor or love (you can find tips on finding your calling here: https://resumeperk.com/blog/discover-your-true-calling-tips-from-resume-services-online). Anyway, your focus is what makes you unique and what will encourage people to become your regular readers.
  2. Be consistent with your writing
    This piece of advice is especially helpful for newbies who are still discovering their unique voice. Consistency is all about making your posts on the subject you’ve originally chosen and writing them in a similar way. Consistency also means that you should write regularly – if you decided on posting 3 times a week, stick to this schedule. Moreover, consistency is far more important than frequency of posting.
    If you lack ideas to release 5 posts per week, you can post only two; but do make sure these two go out without any delay.
  3. Read other bloggers
    You can’t master blogging without having an example to follow. Find at least three bloggers whose writing style you admire, and read them on a regular basis. How will it help you?
    First, you’re going to discover what makes those people unique. You’ll understand what in them and their writing makes the readers come back for more.
    Second, you’ll learn writing or promo techniques that may work for your own blog.
  4. Become a guest blogger
    Guest blogging is a time-proven way to find new audience for your blog.  Most popular blogs give the owners of beginning (or simply not very popular) blogs the opportunity to submit their guest post. And even if this opportunity is paid, it’s definitely worth it. You’ll get the attention of thousands – or even millions – of unique visitors of this blog, and if you’re truly good at writing, your own audience will increase dramatically.
  5. Focus your efforts on one social media
    Social media are extremely important if you want to spread the word about your blog. However, trying to promote the blog using all social media channels out there is a waste of time. It’s much more effective to focus one social media platform (the one which is most loved by your target audience) and use its advantages in full. Being focused on one social media, you’ll promote your brand much faster. 
  6. Learn throughout the way
    There are so many sources of information about writing blog posts effectively (check our hints on https://resumeperk.com/blog/content-writing-tips-for-beginners, generating leads, SEO, social media promotion that it’s easy to get lost. However, it’s only through constant learning that you can develop as a writer and a blogger. So, choose the most convenient way of learning and don’t give it up. It can be a book, e-course, online training – anything that can help you with strengthening the skills which are crucial for the blogging. As you expand your knowledge, you’ll be able to write faster and build your blogging strategy more effectively.
  7. Use a unique and reader-friendly template of your blog
    Although content is a king, the visual appearance of your blog matters a lot – nobody is going to read poorly-designed, non-structured blogs that are hard to navigate. Create your own blog scheme or use an existing one which you personally enjoy using. Make sure your blog posts go with quality pictures or infographics, are easy to find through hashtags and the font is pleasant to read. All these little things contribute to user experience with your blog – and its popularity.
  8. Give away free stuff
    Another great way to increase the visitors’ loyalty is to give something valuable for free. It doesn’t have to be your main product; still, it must add value to your readers. For example, it can be an e-book or a free webinar. People love free things and will likely come back for new updates from you; you can also ask them to provide their email before the download so they could receive updates from you right in their inbox.
  9. Vary the types of content you post
    As the interned is flooded with videos and images, it’s silly not to take advantage of them. Make your content as visual as possible. Post step-by-step video instructions and infographics and don’t rely solely on the text. People are more willing to consume visual information these days, so make sure to use attractive, unique images.
    Make sure the types of articles you post vary as well. There are lots of popular types of blog content: how-to’s, lists of something, reviews, checklists, interviews, posts on controversial subjects, etc. Vary the types of content to keep your readers engaged.
  10. Network with other bloggers and within blogging communities
    At the very beginning when you have very little audience blogging communities can really help with promoting it to potential readers. However, it depends a lot on your efforts. If you active within your community, i.e. you comment on other popular bloggers, participate in discussions, and make acquaintances with bloggers within your niche, you’ll find your audience much faster.
  11. Write in good English
    Good grammar and correct punctuation won’t do you any harm. It’s much more pleasant to read the text which has been carefully edited and proofread than a rough draft. So, double check your post before publishing it – and our resume proofreading tips will give you a hint on the most helpful proofreading techniques.

Are you ready to make your blog a success?

Promoting your blog takes a lot of time and effort. Sometimes it takes bloggers months or even years before they can finally generate the income from their blogs. So, make sure to use the above expert approved tips – and you’ll find it easier to increase the number of visitors and the number of your loyal readers. If you need an expert assistance with writing of any kind, get in touch with our team of established writing professionals.

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