Discover Your True Calling: Tips From Resume Services Online


Are you one of those guys who wake up in the morning overwhelmed by the obsessive “Am I on the right track?” Are you daunted by the necessity of looking for a new job in a field that you don’t find enjoyable and the field which doesn’t empower you every day? Are you, after all, still asking yourself “What I want to become when I grow up?”

People contact our online resume service not only for the purpose of getting their resume done professionally.  Some job seekers ask the painful questions like: “I’m not sure that current career direction is right for me. How do I find my true calling?”

Although there is a plenty of advice on finding your path in life out there, we’ve decided to share the methods that really work and help people discover the career they’re passionate about.

So, instead of updating your resume with the help of online resume writing services focus on determining the career of your dream. As, when you love your job, you feel energized in the morning and you’ll climb up that career ladder much faster than if you did something you internally disapprove.

#1. Find out what about the job makes you feel miserable

This isn’t the step leading directly to understanding of your inner desires. However, it can prepare your mind for an effective search. Try and analyze what exactly of the current state of things makes you unhappy. Is it the profession you have pursued or the job you’re holding right now? Does the dissatisfaction lie in daily duties you have to fulfill or in the relationship with boss and colleagues? Or, maybe, the company produces something that you personally don’t believe and don’t feel the connection with and that evokes the feeling you're in the wrong place?
It’s critically important to ask you that because many believe that they’ve chosen the wrong profession. However, when they obtained the similar position with another organization, they felt relaxed and fulfilled.

#2. Research and explore what’s around

Since you’ve decided that it’s time to find yourself, commit yourself to that search. You’ll never know if the type of activity is right for you unless you try it out. It’s time for you to research the industry you’ve been interested in for a plenty of time or explore the opportunities to volunteer in the country you are dreaming of. It’s the best opportunity to pursue the unusual hobby or take the lessons to learn a new skill. It’s the period of trying and failing, but if you are persistent enough, your patience will be rewarded.

#3. Say “Yes” to unusual opportunities

The proven way to speed up the process of finding yourself is to step out of your comfort zone. Forget your daily routine, circle of friends and the things you do on a regular basis. recommends you saying ‘yes’ to things that intrigue you, even if they seem strange or odd. Volunteer in the organization you’ve never heard about, visit the music or sports event you’ve never been to, or even go hitchhiking – you never know who you meet and what you discover about yourself!

#4. Use the journal method

One of the most popular methods is writing out the answers to the question “What is my true calling?” Do not think too much and don’t edit, just focus on writing things that first come to your head. Don’t stop until you write at least 100 answers. If you have a plenty of time, you can do this exercise daily for one week. Then, every day you have to write out 10-20 answers on a separate sheet. Do not read the previous answers until the week expires; then, read all possible solutions and your calling will probably become quite obvious to you.

#5. Don’t try to meet someone else’s expectations

Although a piece of advice from the side can be helpful, avoid being heavily reliant on someone else’s opinion. Forget that the parents insisted on your training to be a lawyer and your friends told you that you had all it takes to become an actress. There’s only one person whose expectations you should meet – and this is you. So, focus solely on understanding and realizing your own inner potential.

#6. Understand the unique blend of skills you possess

The calling is not always something different to what you actually did in your last job. Very often, you already possess the skills and have the access to opportunities that can be your ‘dream job’. So, open a word processor and list the skills you’ve mastered and those you’re actually learning, and your personality traits and attitude to work. Think of where these skills and expertise might be helpful.

#7. Learn more about the path or career field you’ve discovered

Once you’ve stopped by something that evoked the instant thought “this might be it”, try learning as much as possible about it. If that’s a brand new professional field, seek volunteering opportunities, visit professional conferences and try to communicate with people involved in it. If you are considering starting a business or moving abroad, again, contact the people who has already done so and surf the internet and libraries for more information. However, don’t try to speed up things! You need to make certain this is something you’re looking for before you contact resume writing services online to help you in a job search.

#8. Don’t get stuck

Maybe, you don’t feel that your job is a totally wrong thing but don’t feel it’s rewarding and fulfilling either. This often applies to easy and non-demanding jobs. When you choose an easiest path to earn your living, this can close doors for you in the future. So, if you feel you’re stuck and are not moving anywhere, it’s time to reconsider your long-term goals and finally start looking your calling.

#9. Think how you can bring value
Your calling is not just about finding a perfect job for yourself. It’s always about doing something for the others and being willing to help and  recommends thinking over how you could be helpful for the people around you. What kind of assistance, care or expertise you would be glad to provide? If you have troubles thinking of something related to your professional competences, start with helping your family, friends and neighbors with small favors. Maybe, in the process you’ll stumble upon something you’d like to transform into a source of income, or you’ll meet helpful professional contacts.

#10. Don’t be scared to start it all over

It can turn out that you come across something that resonates with you and what you truly enjoy doing. However, at this step you might find yourself discouraged by the fear of letting a major change come into your life. Some think “I think I’m too old to enter a new field” or “My friends might think I’m crazy” Don’t let the thoughts of hesitation prevent you from following your calling. Remember that a five years from now you will regret you hadn’t done it today.

If you take the advantage of the above advice, you’ll find it easier to put your thoughts in order and find your true calling better. And then, you can contact resume writing services online to get a support in the form of a well-written resume that will facilitate your job search.

Also, make sure you’ve cleaned up that social media, as today it’s not a secret that the employers will scan your presence in the Internet. So, remove the inappropriate postings and pictures to look professional and improve your chances for interview.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech