10 Skills For Career Success From CV Proofreading Service


CV proofreading service

How to build a successful career? How to become an in-demand employee for any organization in your field? Nearly every job-seeker is looking for the answers to the above questions.

There’s a common opinion that the career growth success depends directly on your professionalism and the hard skills you’ve mastered. However, best resume writers insist that it isn’t always the case. We always know the situations when highly experienced professional struggles getting a promotion, while the less qualified one climbs up the corporate ladder rapidly. So, what is their secret?

Today, more and more companies pay attention not only to your ‘hard skills’ which means your professional knowledge but also to ‘soft skills’. Soft skills are behavioral competencies, i.e. they mean the way you communicate with other people and react to unexpected or unpleasant circumstances. And, to succeed in a fast-paced environment, soft skills are more critical.

So, our CV/resume proofreading service offers you to review a list of most in-demand soft skills and develop them if you feel you lack in them,

Also in this section:

  1. Communication skills
    The ability to interact with co-workers and customers matters a lot: 98% of employees find communication skills essential for any position. Sometimes, it’s your communication skills that determine whether you’ll get the job or not!
    In general, excellent communication skill means that you can build rapport with your interlocutor and get your message across without misunderstanding. It includes conveying your message both verbally and in written, maintaining eye contact, active listening, and choosing appropriate language depending on the audience you connect with.
    Misunderstanding and poor communication can cost businesses a lot. So, if you feel that communication is your weak point, consider taking part in discussion clubs to hone your interpersonal skills.
    Despite the importance of workplace communication, some topics are better not to discuss with your coworkers. See which subjects to avoid here: https://resumeperk.com/blog/top-taboo-topics-you-should-never-discuss-with-colleagues
  2. Positive attitude to work
    Stressful situations happen here and there in any job. A rude client, problems with bi-annual report, drop in sales… However, to succeed both during the interview and at work, you need to focus on solutions rather than problems and demonstrate positive attitude even during the tough times.
    Moreover, positive mood is infectious. So, your positive mood will have a good impact on the overall productivity of your team.
  3. Accepting criticism
    If you are a recent graduate or just new to the job, you’ll likely do a lot of things wrong and face the criticism from co-workers and your boss. It can be unpleasant – and sometimes offensive – to be pointed out all your shortcomings. However, it is only through criticism and correcting your own mistakes that you become a better specialist and develop your both hard and soft skills.
    Actually, those who criticize your work or attitude do you a favor in the long term. By identifying your shortcomings and improving them, you grow both personally and professionally.
  4. Flexibility
    The world around us changes rapidly because of technology and globalization. And it affects the workplace too – now it’s not enough to get a specialization and use this knowledge in work for 20-30 years.  In the modern world, to succeed, you need to constantly develop your skills and think on your feet to respond to unexpected situations. Adaptability is the king, so you need to develop the ability to change and act in a fast-paced environment.
    Moreover, in the modern world an average employee changes jobs once in 3 years, so the ability to adapt for a new company culture, colleagues and leadership style of the new boss can significantly determine your success.
  5. Critical thinking skills
    Effective decision making in any business is based on the ability to gather reliable information, analyze it and select the most appropriate solutions for the situation.
    Critical thinking skills are helpful in any position; however, the analytical jobs and those requiring extensive communication with clients demand them most. They help identify the problems fast and find the effective resolution, thus saving time and money for the employer. Moreover, critical thinkers are able to optimize everyday tasks and find new perspectives for the employers.
    If you feel that the above is not about you, keep in mind that critical thinking can be developed. There are multiple techniques that can help you apply this skill in everyday life and train it.
  6. Professional ethic
    Ethics determine effective collaboration at the workplace. It’s even more important in the world of globalization as we have to deal with people from multiple cultural backgrounds, religious views, etc. Again, it’s a necessary trait for those who interact with clients or stakeholders on a daily basis.
  7. Presentation skills
    Effective presentation skills are required for any field in the modern work world. However, the presentation skills are not limited by the ability to create and delivery PowerPoint presentations. In general, they mean that you can research, analyze information and present the findings during the meeting, in conversation with a colleague or during the negotiation with vendors. This may include presenting information from the annual report, business plans or notes. Moreover, to get your ideas heard and taken into consideration, you have to be a good presenter.
    A job interview is a kind of self-presentation. If you lack confidence during the interview and can’t present your skills and experience effectively, check how to handle interview with brilliance: https://resumeperk.com/blog/what-to-wear-for-a-winning-job-interview
  8. Leadership abilities
    Leadership in general means the ability to drive or motivate others towards the meeting of the company goals. Ability to listen to ideas of employees, respect others’ opinions, and choose appropriate leadership style to reach corporate goals faster are highly important for a successful leader.
    Nevertheless, despite the common idea, leadership is in-demand not only for senior management roles. When hiring an average professional, employers will prefer those with the leadership abilities. Why? Leadership doesn’t always mean traditional management, it also involves training new employees, taking initiative in the project and coordinating the work of the entire team.
  9. Basic IT skills
    Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Outlook do not impress the employers any longer. Nowadays ‘computer literacy’ means more diverse skills. Even if you don’t work in IT, familiarity with basic programming, industry-specific software and various operating systems can increase your professional value.
    As world of work goes more and more digital, familiarity with the respective software means that you can perform your job faster and in better quality than those who don’t. Moreover, it often means that you can handle tasks outside of your traditional range of duties. Both of the above are in-demand for modern employers.
  10. Time management
    The discipline and ability to plan your time effectively are not taught in the universities. Nevertheless, time management is what determines whether the job will be done on time and in accordance with all requirements. Many underestimate the time required to complete the project or fail to break it into short, manageable tasks and set the time frame for its completion. Some cannot prioritize their own tasks which results in missed deadlines and late nights in the office. If you can handle one of the above with ease (and can prove it with the results), you’re already one step ahead of the job applicants who don’t.
    There are lots of time management trainings and smartphone applications. You can start using them to become more organized.

All of the above skills are in-demand in the world of work these days. If you master at least some of them, you’ll become a valuable employee even if you lack in hard skills. It’s the personality traits that determine your professional success, so focus on developing them and you’ll manage to find a dream job faster.

The ability to write a resume that can win you an interview is also a skill. You can spend weeks developing it and learning which action verbs to use, how to avoid words to destroy resume and how to choose an eye-catching design.  

Writing a resume that effectively highlights your skills

However, why not focus on improving your skills essential for the career progression and leaving writing your resume to professionals? Our career experts with 9+ years of experience can provide the assistance with writing or professional CV proofreading. If you’re not happy how your resume reflects your skills or personality, then you will benefit a lot from collaboration with an expert.

The writer will highlight your skills and relevant experience which makes you a valuable asset for the prospective employer. So, your leadership abilities, problem solving skills and ability to manage stress will be obvious for the hiring manager. Moreover, it isn’t expensive: check our prices to find out how affordable they are!

Some additional talents for your career accomplishments

Apart from evident skills, you might require supplementary features too. One can rarely see a  job posting where the following requirements are mentioned. Still, these talents will come in handy for all contemporary job seekers, including private individuals.  

Perfect spelling and grammar

Convey information correctly

Your potential employer and colleagues will often communicate with you with the help of written documents, emails, messages, etc. Error-free words and correctly built sentences ensure mutual understanding. Any dialogue or discussion becomes clearer and more effective if its members do not make grammar mistakes and errors in professional vocabulary.

Let the applicant tracking software notice your career documents

Please, avoid grammar mistakes in keywords of headings and text of your resume. Otherwise, the applicant tracking software can skip your document. So do not ignore spell check in this case.

Maintain a reputation of an intelligent person

Excellent knowledge of the English language contributes to the positive image of any employee. It is a sign of attentiveness, good education, and erudition.

Helpful tip from our expert: You must not be a professional editor to attentively proofread every word and catch errors. Install grammar check applications, such as Grammarly, for instance. It is a good alternative to an online proofreading service. It is easy to edit cover letters, job applications, and other documents with its help. The only thing is to adjust the parameters correctly.

The talent to express thoughts and describe ideas        

Awkward phrases in resumes, business documents, emails can spoil the whole impression. Poor writing, tricky explanations, tautologies result in chaotic texts. Learn to convey your thoughts, and you’ll get more chances to succeed in your profession. These tips are useful for all subject matter experts and employees since the contemporary world is about communication. 

Use the power of words

Word choices are crucial in the business sphere. Whether you are writing a cover letter, describing your work history, or composing an email for a business partner, please, use suitable words and avoid slang. Proofreading services can help you avoid wrong phrases.

Short and to the point

Of course, it all depends on the format of your document. Still, the contemporary trends are mostly about conciseness and clarity. Do not overload your readers and listeners with as much detail as possible. Try to analyze information and pick only the most crucial facts.

Systemize data

Every document looks better when its text is perfectly organized. Be it a job application, business report, or content for a blog, a good structure is a must.

Here are some instruments of how to systemize information:

  • a heading and subheading,
  • a list and a bullet point,
  • a table,
  • infographics, etc.

As a student, you might have used a colored pen to highlight the crucial information in your notes. And when it deals with serious documents, you can apply bolding or different fonts. Yet do not overdo it with visual appearance. Bright or non-standard design loud calls attention to your text.

CV editing services: Why you need them

If your writing skills are not perfect enough, you can always turn to our experts. We’ll help you write, edit, and proofread your resume, CV, cover letter, or any other paper related to your professional career.

Due to extensive experience in the proofreading and editing business, our company offers constructive solutions. If it is your first or second file with a serious document and you lack the practical background of how to do it, we are ready to help you with that and review everything.

Receive objective feedback from our experts. A perfectly written or edited CV and resume boost your chances to win a dream job.

Have you ever had the experience of collaborating with a resume writer?

If you’re not sure if a professional resume writing service can be helpful for you, contact us for a free resume critique. The writer will provide in-depth feedback on your current resume and show where it needs improvements or rewriting. So, you’ll know for sure if your resume requires rewriting and choose the appropriate service to fit your specific needs.

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