Amazing Resume Words For Leadership


Attention-grabbing resume words for leadership

According to a survey by Gallup, 10% of the human population are natural leaders. Another 20% can become strong leaders with the right guidance and appropriate training. If you are a one-of-a-kind leader with a track record of inspiring and managing others, or you want to get hired for your first leadership role, your resume needs to prove that you have the right skills.

In this article, we will share leadership words you can use to describe your responsibilities and achievements, plus hands-on tips to strengthen your resume.

Need a strong leadership resume that will help you stand out from the crowd? At ResumePerk, we prepare custom resumes for every leadership position, from mid-level management to C-suite. Our expert will work one-on-one with you, emphasizing your experience in developing teams, overseeing processes in the organization, budget accountability, and the ability to inspire others. 100% satisfaction is guaranteed - we keep working on your resume until you are happy!

The best leadership words that will boost your resume

Hiring managers review each resume for less than 30 seconds. So, when it comes to securing an interview, words matter. Simply stating that you have leadership skills or you managed a team will not impress anyone. You need to prove the results of your leadership in the past jobs using metrics and specific examples. Specific action verbs will help you convey leadership skills better and highlight your contribution.

Here are the powerful words for your resume that the best leaders use:

  1. Accelerated
  2. Administered
  3. Budgeted
  4. Consolidated
  5. Delegated
  6. Directed
  7. Enhanced
  8. Exceeded
  9. Facilitated
  10. Guided
  11. Implemented
  12. Initiated
  13. Launched
  14. Optimized
  15. Piloted
  16. Streamlined
  17. Supervised
  18. Trained
  19. Transformed
  20. Won

Use these words to show your ability to manage teams, implement strategies, direct projects, execute business plans, and boost profitability. When you apply for a management position, it is important to strike the right tone. By using transformed and directed instead of managed, you highlight your proactivity, impact and ability to take initiative, which are crucial for any leadership role.

5 expert tips to list your leadership skills effectively

Adapt your skills for a job posting

If you aim for a C-level leadership role or want to become one of just Astute financial managers, no need to list all the responsibilities and duties you've had in your career. This is especially important for leaders with 20+ years of experience. Listing all your jobs and responsibilities will make your resume unnecessarily long.

Read the job posting carefully and prioritize the information that your target employer is looking for. If they are looking for someone to create a department from scratch, focus on your ability to hire individuals, train, and organize the work of others. If the company wants to cut costs, make sure that your resume has examples of your cost reduction initiatives. Such an approach will help you land an interview faster.

Start each bullet with a strong action verb

Use the above leadership words at the beginning of each bullet point. In this case, a strong word at the beginning of the sentence will draw the eye of the reader. Many experienced managers use weak words on their resumes, which makes their responsibilities and achievements sound unconvincing in virtually all instances.

Of course, adding powerful verbs alone is not enough to create an interview-winning resume. But this simple step will transform the tone of voice of your document, make you sound confident for a hiring manager and direct customers, and help the resume stand out.

Speak through examples

To prove your leadership abilities share specific examples of business areas and situations where you applied those skills. Don't just say "I'm a self-motivated, effective leader". Give context to your professional experience by writing detailed bullets about what your responsibilities involved and how you helped the company succeed.

Here are the examples:

Bad: Improved process efficiency in the organization XYZ.

Good: Identified inefficient operations and led cross-functional teams in implementing lean methodology to streamline workflows across three departments.

As you see, the latter examples position you as a strong leader and give the recruiter an immediate hint about your specialization and strengths.

Add accomplishments

Every leader has performance metrics tied to the results of their work. Whether it's quota accountability, business growth targets, or human resources metrics, as a leader, you are expected to surpass targets and set the standards of great performance. For this reason, it is essential for C-level leaders to include achievements in each role they had.

Add figures, percentages, and metrics - most organizations will want to know the difference you made for a previous employer. Make sure that the remarkable things you've achieved pop on your resume. Put them at the beginning of the job description or create a dedicated section for achievements. Use powerful leadership words to illustrate your impact.

Here are the examples of accomplishments:

  • Oversaw and inspired a team of 10 individuals, implementing cutting-edge team development strategies and setting goals in line with IDPs, which resulted in a 25% productivity increase and a 12% staff turnover reduction.
  • Consolidated efforts of multiple departments to expand into new market and develop innovative products, resulting in a 37% sales increase within ten months and surpassing revenue targets.

Focus on your ability to lead others

Not every leadership role requires directly managing others. Yet, if the job will involve inspiring and guiding others, make this a key aspect of your resume. Specify how many subordinates, both direct and indirect, you had, what was the team size, and what results the team achieved under your supervision. Use action verbs and phrases that'll draw attention, such as advised, guided, and coordinated.

How to describe your leadership style on a resume?

There are several leadership styles, each of which works best in certain circumstances. For example, an autocratic leader has full control and decision-making authority, and doesn't need any input from other team members. This style is efficient when it's necessary to make quick decisions. A democratic leader, on the other hand, involves collaboration and encourages team members' participation. It promotes creativity and teamwork.

A charismatic leader uses strong communication skills to influence employees and third parties, inspiring them to move in the right direction. Laissez-faire leaders offer little guidance and control, thus, the team member make their own decisions and take responsibility. This style works best for innovative companies. And finally, transformational leaders motivate the subordinates to exceed their own expectations and lead by example, sharing their vision with the team.

It is hardly possible to reflect your leadership style on a resume, yet, you can do it during a job interview. There is no right or wrong leadership style, as you need to choose the efficient one for the given job. You can tell about the challenge you faced, what actions you've taken and what leadership style you used to achieve the goals set. Be sure to learn about the company's culture and leadership style they use to prove that you'll be a good fit.

How to improve your resume in general?

Use keywords from the job description

About 98% of Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems. These software weed out irrelevant resumes before the hiring managers see them. Study the job posting carefully and include the same words and phrases in your resume so that it looks relevant. Look for industry keywords online. Use keywords naturally in all sections of the document, avoiding the so-called 'keyword staffing' (copying and pasting keywords in the document so that they look meaningless).

Keep it to 2 pages

Managers and executives should submit a resume that is no longer than 2 pages. Hiring managers are busy, so they will hardly read a multi-page document. If your resume is longer than two pages, consider removing positions you had over 15 years ago, irrelevant roles, and outdated skills. Use effective formatting so that all the important information is on the first page.

Format and proofread carefully

Bulky formatting and grammar issues can instantly spoil the first impression. A leadership resume should be perfect in each aspect. Here is what to do before sending a resume:

  • check grammar and spelling. About a half of hiring managers can reject a resume because of a typo or a grammar issue. Proofread your resume several times until you are sure that everything is spelled accurately and there are no incomplete sentences.
  • work on formatting. Use a readable font that is big enough (10-12 pts). The font type and size should be the same throughout the document. Add color and format the headings to structure the document.
  • polish the writing style. Do not repeat leadership words in the same job description. Avoid sland of your current employer in the resume, as other people might not understand it. Spell out all abbreviations to avoid misunderstanding.

Attach a personalized cover letter

In addition to a resume, employers expect you to attach a cover letter explaining your cultural fit and motivation to apply for a role. In a leadership cover letter, you should also expand on your key projects, achievements, and show off your business acumen. Keep it informative, but don't be unnecessarily detailed - ideally, your letter should be shorter than one page.

The letter is your chance to connect with the hiring manager on a personal level, tell your unique story and stand out even before they see your resume. So, learn more about the company before writing it to make a great impression.

Powerful leadership words can strengthen your resume and communicate initiative, confidence, and ability to generate results for the business. Use them at the beginning of bullet points and in your Summary section to add value to your experience and achievements. And don't forget to update other sections in your resume as well so that everything looks perfect!

Get expert help with your resume

A weak resume can cost you weeks of unemployment. If you're not sure how to show off your achievements properly or how to make your resume more appealing to recruiters, we are here to answer all your questions. Verified experts of ResumePerk can give your resume a quality update or create a brand-new document. Energize your job search with us - contact us and impress the employers with your skills!

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