10 Ways to Improve Your Resume in 30 Minutes


When it comes to the success of your resume, it's the tiny details that make all the difference. A couple of grammar mistakes can disqualify you from the competition whereas a few minor improvements can get your resume liked by recruiters. In today's entry, top resume writers of our team are sharing the ten small improvements you can make to your resume tonight to boost your interview chances.

If your resume needs in-depth changes or you don't have a resume at all, rely on our professional help. Our talented resume writer will create a high-impact resume written as per current standards and reflecting the expectations of employers. 

10 game-changing ideas for resume improvement

1. Add a resume headline

A perfect headline makes it clear at a glance who you are and what kind of job you're after. Your resume's headline can sound like the title of the advertised job (i.e. Marketing Associate) or capture a few areas of expertise (i.e. Marketing Director – Sales Strategies – Market Expansion). In addition to making your resume goal clear to the hiring manager, adding a title serves as a subtle form of personal branding. Your resume will not be sorted out by applicant tracking systems if your job title is clearly stated!

Take a look at how hiring managers read resumes to help your key information get noticed: https://resumeperk.com/blog/resume-heat-map-how-employers-see-your-resume-in-2019

2. Replace an objective with a career summary that matches the job description

Objectives are obsolete, focused on your needs rather than your employer's, and don't explain how the company will benefit from hiring you. On the other hand, a career summary introduces your core professional competencies to the reader and persuades them to give you closer consideration. Pro tip: make the summary employer-centered and focus on strengths that meet the needs of a company. Thus, you will land your dream job and leave other job seekers behind.

3. Add a bunch of keywords and relevant skills

Proper resume keywording takes hours (and requires special knowledge). Since this article is focused on quick tips, here's what you can do: highlight 5-7 key qualifications in the job listing (such as planning marketing initiatives, BA in Marketing, or mobile marketing) and insert them in your summary section or the skill list. This step alone will make your resume more visible for ATS. Be sure to add only the most relevant skills and use bullet points to make your resume easier to navigate for a potential employer.

4. Insert numbers and percentages where possible

Firstly, numbers and percentages naturally stop the eye as the person is skimming through your resume. Secondly, it shows your focus on delivering results rather than just doing whatever task you were assigned. And finally, it serves as a proof of your professionalism. Compare ‘Managed company Facebook page' vs ‘Grew the number of Facebook followers by 250%'. Which candidate would you like to interview? You can insert a link to an online portfolio, especially if you are a graphic designer, and add live links to other important information (publications, projects, etc.). There is no recipe for a perfect resume, but your document should be impressive and rich in information despite the short space you have to use.

5. Remove old or irrelevant information

To make your resume more focused, remove the career information which is irrelevant to your current career goals. If you used to work as a bank teller seven years ago and pursued a career in marketing since then, omit this experience. Candidates with over 15 years of professional experience can either remove the earlier jobs at all or only keep the company names and job titles. Hint: removing early jobs will help you avoid age discrimination. Focus on your work history, the new skills you earned during the previous roles, accomplishments, education, etc.

6. Format consistently

Use the same formatting, type of font (it's better to use Arial or Calibri for a modern finish), and font attributes throughout the resume. Capitalize the subheadings (EDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE) and boldface company names (Apple Inc., MGM Resorts). Check the margins and indents for consistency. Sometimes formatting a resume neatly and consistently is enough to make your resume look neat and polished. Use Times New Roman font type and at least size 11. Use a bullet list where appropriate but not oo excessively (only for the most important things that are required for the position you are applying for).

7. Add enough white space (as on fancy resume examples)

Adding white space improves skimmability and makes the document visually attractive to read. To let the content of your resume breathe, use short paragraphs (no more than 3 lines) and short sentences. Bulleted lists help structure the content as well, but make sure each point takes no more than 2 lines. Add extra space between the subsections to guide the reader's eye. If you write a resume on your own, get rid of writing habits to write clearly and efficiently. It is a great idea to find a resume example you like and try creating something similar.

8. Make sure it opens correctly on mobile

Busy recruiters often view candidates' resumes from their smartphones. Try opening a written resume from your mobile – the document formatting and structure should remain the same, no sections should overlap and it should be convenient to read from the small screen.  If your resume looks like a mess, simplify the formatting and remove graphs, charts, and other fancy elements.

9. Remove ‘References available upon request'

This statement looks like the past century. It is assumed that references will be provided upon request. Your employer knows when to ask for references. You also shouldn't list the references at the end of the resume. Create a separate list of references to send to prospective employers when necessary or bring for an interview. 

10. Proofread to eliminate errors

Typos and grammar errors can send the wrong signals to the hiring manager. To correct your writing, run the resume text through an online spell checker to fix obvious errors. Then, read it word by word and sentence by sentence to spot wrong word choice, homophones, and awkward phrases. It's even better if you can have someone to proofread it with a fresh eye. Ideally, find a professional editor who could also give you some suggestions to improve your resume writing. Use action verbs in describing your work experience, demonstrate your credentials, and describe yourself professionally.

Using the above-listed suggestions, you can brush up your resume quickly and remove the obvious mistakes. With an updated resume you'll find it easier to catch the recruiter's attention.

Want a state-of-the-art resume? Use resume improvement services

If you believe that your resume doesn't present you effectively and could be improved further, contact us and say, “I need help writing my resume!” We will build a resume that reflects your current career goals, presents your strengths in the right place, and impresses you with your individual style. The writer will also add keywords and adapt it for a particular job posting if necessary.

Check out our CV improvement sample

To see the examples of our previous work, go to the Samples section. For new clients, we offer resumes for sale with 15% off – start a chat to get your code. They will also pleasantly surprise you, so don't miss a chance to receive a professionally-looking resume. Most people believe they can cope with resume writing. However, your recruiter will definitely appreciate a neat, properly formatted, and job-tailored resume. Get your CV, resume, or a cover letter at our website!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO