10 Top Funny LinkedIn Titles


10 Top Funny LinkedIn Titles

People on the internet make the first impression about you based on your social media, and this is true for your professional life as well. Recruiters will perceive your professional image based on your LinkedIn profile info, picture, posts you share and comments you leave on other pages and in groups. And since 87% of recruiters hire through LinkedIn, it's not surprising that many candidates go above and beyond trying to catch their attention.

However, as candidates try to draw attention of recruitment professionals, they often go overboard and start looking ridiculous, not witty or creative. In today's article, ResumePerk.com experts have collected the most bizzare or simply funny examples of LinkedIn headers drawn from candidates' profiles. Take a look at them - and don't try this at home!

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10 examples of hilarious LinkedIn titles

Candidates often try so hard to get a job faster and forget that LInkedIn is a business social network. Either by occassion or simply for fun, they post profile headlines and job descriptions that sound as follows:

Over-creative job titles

• Digital Marketing Wizard 

• B2B Sales Evangelist 

• Accounting Jedi

• Chief Bisquit Dunker 

• Executive Thought Provoker 

Each example above reflects the desire of a bored applicant to impress the company using a "creative" title instead of the common one. Yet, not every recruiter will appreciate your sense of humor and personality. While a "SMM Hero" can make them smile, a title like "Executive Thought Provoker" can provoke a serious confusion - what do you actually do for living?

Boastful self-descriptions

• I am a real sales champion and you're gonna hear me roar! 

• The coolest PR manager in NY - Google to see it yourself

• Men want to be me, women want to be with me and consulting companies want to hire me

Such descriptions sound like they've been copied from a teenager's Twitter profile. Candidates could have written them for engagement and to liven up the "boring" profile. However, such statements in a business profile are a sign of unprofessionalism and will not likely result in an interview. Not only they don't tell anything specific to a company, but also sound too funny or arrogant.

Unfortunate typos

• Excellant copywriter with a gift for proofreading 

• Revolved customer problems and inquiries

Everyone can make an occassional typo, but in some cases typos distort the meaning of word, making the entire sentence sound hilarious or odd. These examples posted by job-seekers months ago weren't likely to have helped their careers. To avoid such situations, proofread everything you are about to post for several times to ensure error-free writing.

Whether you like it or not, 70% of companies will search for your online profiles. And what they find there often determines your chance for an interview. To create a positive impression, you need to be super attentive with profile info and posts you share in your account. Below, we'll show how to make the right impression on a hiring person.

The right ways to getting creative on your LinkedIn profile

Want to impress the target employers or customers with creativity and out-of-box thinking? Then, be sure to follow these tips:

Use traditional job titles

If the company recruiter wants to find a professional, they will look for "Marketing manager", not the "Marketing wizard". Recruiters use job titles as keywords, and not including these keywords in your profile often means not getting found by great opportunities.

Share long-form, original posts

The best way to display your creative thinking is through posts, not the profile content. You may share a long post discussing the recent events in your industry, make predictions for the future, research the local or global trends and tell about them. If you're a member of professional community, you can also join a group discussion - employers love initiative professionals.

Publish samples of your work on the platform

If you work in a creative industry (a copywriter, graphic designer, web developer, or a screenwriter), follow the rule "show, don't tell". Publish a link to a portfolio with samples of your previous work so that the hiring manager could evaluate your real creative abilities, not the attempts to be creative in job titles.

Tell about your creativity in past jobs

If creative skills matter for your target job, make sure your job descriptions reflect this skill sufficiently. Tell the employers how and when you leveraged creative thinking to come up with fresh design concepts, retain customers, increase the revenue or use human resources effectively. Facts work better than the arrogant or fluffy descriptions.

Did you know that your LinkedIn profile works effectively only if all its sections are 100% complete? If you have a half-empty profile or aren't sure what to write in some parts of it, rely on our experts. A professional writer of ResumePerk.com will prepare a strong profile data for you, adjusting it for a specific job if necessary. In this way, you will avoid the situation when you look bizzarre in the employer's eyes.

Can you joke in your professional social media page?

If you want to share a post or a story to make your subscribers laugh, think twice.

• Post on professional subjects. If you want to share an icon or a GIF with a funny panda, the best place to do it is your private Facebook or Instagram profile, not a business LinkedIn page. The same goes for personal jokes or a video that some can find inappropriate.

• Look at the influencers in your industry. Different industries and states have varying perceptions about what is appropriate when it comes to jokes and humor. Look at how others in your industry act, what they joke about and follow the example.

• Share funny posts on professional topics. LinkedIn isn't meant to be 100% serious, but it's best to joke on topics associated with your industry or professional community. Sharing such posts can help you find the likeminded individuals!

• Omit the controversial topics. Avoid joking on sensitive or private subjects that can hurt someone's feelings. Not only this can turn off recruiters, but also other users can report offensive posts.

• Know what kind of humor to use. Experts say that satirical posts and wordplay make a good impression on the bored internet users. Also, you might want to write about little things that everybody know to be true and can touch the hearts of many, for example, an autoritative boss, pain in the neck in Zoom conferences, annoying clients, etc.

When polishing your LinkedIn page, don't forget about other social media platforms. Make sure that your Facebook, Instagram and other social media pages look appropriate and have a professional image. Delete or hide private pictures or inappropriate comments.

Get your resume created by an expert

Some say that LinkedIn is going to replace traditional resumes, but in real life, this isn't happening so far. If you want to get hired faster, start with getting your resume improved by a professional. Our website has 100+ writers who specialize in different industries. They can prepare a resume in line with the modern standards and your career goals. You can order a full package including a resume, cover letter, LinkedIn and thank-you note and save over 20%!

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