Boost Your Medical Career with Professional Medical Resume Writers


Looking for the best healthcare resume services?

As an experienced physician, you know the ins and outs of the healthcare industry and can treat a variety of conditions. Now, it’s time to create a resume that reflects your superpowers well. Everyone knows that a good resume can put your best foot forward and skyrocket the number of interview calls you receive. But how do you write an impressive resume like this?

A good healthcare resume should be flawless in all regards. Firstly, it has to be written persuasively, with your achievements and relevant experience highlighted. Secondly, you need to take care of the formatting and keywording. And finally, you need to highlight the set of medical skills and soft skills. Our professional resume maker who specializes in medical resumes will guide you through the process of writing your best possible resume.

Hire a physician executive resume writing company

Working with a savvy resume expert will help push your career forward. Firstly, you’ll save time on resume writing and rewriting – a resume creator will do everything for you. Our talented resume copywriters will pour the years of expertise with medical resumes to create a truly impressive one.

A quality resume that highlights your key competencies will help you find a job faster or secure a promotion. Thanks to the high-quality content, professional writing style and neat appearance, your resume fixed by a Physician Resume Writer will definitely get noticed.

How should a high-quality doctor resume look?

A good doctor’s resume should reflect the key milestones of your medical career, professional accomplishments, skills and expertise. If you are doing a resume makeover on your own, make sure to follow the principles below:

  1. Understand if you need a CV or a resume. The CV is used to list the comprehensive history of your education, work experience and research. It’s not limited in length. The resume is a short document that reflects the job-relevant experience only. If the employer asks for a CV, here’s how to write an academic CV.
  2. Relevance to the job posting. Your resume should reflect the exact qualifications that the hospital or clinic asks for in the job posting. Use the same language that the job posting uses, and put the required skills and expertise above the fold.
  3. Focus on accomplishments and results. The best way to create an image of a competent physician is to highlight professional accomplishments. If you support these statements with figures, that’s even better.
  4. The list of relevant skills. An effective doctor’s resume is meant to display a bunch of medical skills in a visible place. The skills are listed to persuade the employer that you’ve got all it takes to succeed in a role. The examples of such skills are: diagnosis and treatment, patient education, radiology, etc.
  5. Neat and clear structure. The first impression can make or break the success of your resume. Using the readable font, adding enough white space and using shorter sentences will make the document easier and more convenient to read. 

A winning resume should also be free from any kind of mistakes, exaggerations, and awkward writing. If you struggle to compose a concise and compelling resume to land the next employment, a resume creator can solve all your writing troubles.

How to start your own medical practice?

Are you an experienced and accomplishment physician who is ready to take a step forward in your career? Does your current employment offer no personal development at work? If this sounds like you, then why not open a private practice? Being your boss opens limitless opportunities for professional growth and maximizing your earnings. Moreover, you no longer will have to write resumes and pass stressful interviews.

The process of setting up a private practice, however, might seem daunting. To make your enterprise a success, be sure to take these tips into account:

1. Obtain a loan to cover the startup costs

Creating any kind of small business starts with writing a business plan and obtaining financing. Private practice is not an exception. Consider the costs of real estate, equipment, medical record software, computers, etc. and calculate the projected profits. While writing a business plan, think of the opportunities for saving – for instance, sharing the space with another doctor or mental health practitioner. If you struggle to draft a realistic pro forma on your own, consider hiring a consultant to create a realistic loan request.

2. Get the necessary credentials

To get started with your practice, you’ll need a license from the respective organization in your state. Most physicians will need a state license, a national provider identifier and a DEA registration. Also, you’ll need to choose a legal structure to pay taxes. If creating legal documents seems petrifying, there’s an option of hiring an attorney (by the way, you should include these expenses into the business plan). The process of licensing and obtaining credentials can take you months, so it makes sense to start early on.

3. Formulate your unique selling proposition

To make your business successful, you need to work out the way to stand out from the competition. Think about what makes the services you offer unique, and why patients should prefer you over other practitioners. For instance, you might offer state-of-the-art equipment or methods of diagnosis, offer additional services for patient’s convenience, etc. A strong selling proposition that clearly differentiates you from others will help you run a private practice successfully.
Feeling unmotivated to get busy with business-related tasks? Learn productive ways to regain work motivation.

4. Gain new skills

As you run a business, you’ll need to do a lot of things besides your direct responsibilities as a practitioner. Meeting and greeting clients, delegating tasks to subordinates, promoting your practice to public both online and offline are just a few examples of things you’ll have to do as a private physician. How well you do those tasks will determine the success of your business. So, you might want to give a boost to your communication, public speaking, leadership and other skills.

5. Find staff for your clinic

Even if you have an idea of a small clinic in mind, it’s likely that you need a receptionist and a certified nurse. So, you’ll need to create the job descriptions and post them online – or to invite the healthcare professionals you know in person to work for you. Since you are starting from scratch, you’ll need experienced professionals. Also, make sure that people you hire share your values and feel comfortable working in accordance with the rules that you define.

6. Build an online presence

As a business owner, you’ll need to coordinate the marketing efforts. The simplest way to popularize your practice is through setting up a website and creating social media profiles. Be sure to update these profiles regularly, or hire a marketer to tackle these tasks for you. People tend to look up for reviews before buying something or hiring a specialist. Thus, a strong web presence, active Facebook profile and positive reviews will go a long way for promoting your business online.
Having an active and complete LinkedIn page can do you a lot of good as well. Learn how to fill out your profile effectively:

7. Stay positive and persistent

Running your business differs dramatically from being an employee. In the process of setting up and running a business, you will encounter multiple challenges that you have never dealt with before. Under these circumstances, it’s important to remain persistent and focused on the positive results. Don’t let the downsides put you down. Keep your big goal of helping people while being your own boss in mind. By the way, here’s how positive thinking can push your career forward:

Get your medical resume professionally done

Think that you need more experience before you can open your own clinic? In this case, a professionally written resume can go a long way for you. If you are looking for the best creative resumes from pro company, you’ve come to the right place. Our consultants produce state-of-the-art practitioner resumes, helping your best qualifications shine and getting the hiring managers interested. You’ll also be pleasantly surprised by our pricing policy.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech