Professional Executive Resumes: Habits Of Successful People


Professional executive resumes

Achieving professional success takes years and decades of hard work. First, you need to build a career plan and strategy for reaching your goals (see our guide to career planning here: Then, it’s necessary to constantly improve your skills and use a creative resume to get hired for new jobs and get extra responsibility. However, all of the above it’s not enough. It’s not a surprise that our everyday habits eventually determine all aspects of our life, including career success. That’s why, to get closer to your career goals, it makes sense to reconsider your habits and replace the non-productive ones with those habits successful people have. By changing your routine, you’ll change your approach to work and the results you get.

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This is especially true for C-level managers. You had a long way to go, and by incorporating the proven practices from even more wealthy and successful individuals, you’ll find the new ways to enhance your career and boost the income. A professional resume paper writer has prepared a list of highly successful habits everyone can start doing.

  1. They read every day
    The world’s most successful people are keen readers. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are said to devote time to reading every day. According to one survey, 88% of wealthy people read a lot. Billionaires prefer non-fiction: biographies, self-help, history books, etc.
    What’s in it for you? Reading expands our horizons, educates us in the unknown fields of knowledge and tells the story of other people’s way to success. It doesn’t mean that you need to limit yourself by the above genres, though; if you love reading fiction, it will help as well. If you weren’t an avid reader before, start with a few pages every day.
  2. They speak to themselves
    Although it isn’t something you should practice in public, talking to yourself holds a number of unexpected benefits. Professional sportspeople take their time on perfecting their inner dialogue before the important match or competition, and this is what determines their final success.
    Moreover, talking to yourself is a great way to organize your thought, and is a great habit to motivate yourself or even deal with stressful experiences. So, in any tough situation try using this technique and you’ll feel more confident and focused. Maybe, you’ll find a few ideas for your creative resumes as well.
  3. They wake up early
    Some of the world’s richest people have the habit of getting up around 5 am, which is at least 3 hours earlier than their working day starts. They use this time to read, meditate, handle personal projects or exercise. It is stated that we are more productive in the morning hours; so if you get up early, you’ll have several things done before your working day actually starts.
    However, if you aren’t productive in the morning, you needn’t follow their example. You can plan the above activities during the day or evening hours.
  4. They follow their genuine passion
    It’s hard to imagine a billionaire doing something he is unconcerned of or something he secretly hates. Still, it’s the common attitude to work that we see every day.
    If you want to achieve success, you’ll need to start with defining what your genuine calling is. Not sure you’re in the right place? See how to discover your true calling here: When you follow your inner goal, not someone else’s, you’ll become one of those individuals who are obsessed with their work. And this is the only way to a long-term success.
    Don’t fulfill someone else’s purpose and don’t just “make money”. Create an expert resume and set yourself up to success you deserve.
  5. They are great communicators
    Effective managers know that the way to success leads through other people. That’s why they excel in communication of all kinds. The ability to convey their idea to any audience, using appropriate tone, body language, and speaking to the point.
    If communication isn’t your advantage, consider taking your time on improving your skills. Practicing the speech in front of the mirror, join the speaking club or take the necessary training to enhance your methods of communication.
    E-mail communication matters in the digital world, too. Professional executive resumes writers recommend improving your email writing skills to ensure effective online communication.
  6. They meditate or practice focused thinking
    To achieve professional success and wealth, you need to gain full control of your mind and emotions. Nothing helps with this better than some time alone every morning or evening. During this period, successful people usually meditate (as it has been proven, meditation makes multiple positive effects on our body and mind), or simply reflect in silence, analyzing their goals and recent events. Control over their thoughts helps them gain control over all other areas of life.
  7. They spend more time with positive, motivated individuals
    The influence of contacts on our life is hard to overestimate. The people we communicate with most often shape our goals, self-esteem and attitude to life. So, if you are surrounded by people who inspire you for growth, you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand, try to limit contacts with negative people.
  8. They keep in shape
    Regular exercise keeps your body fit and helps you stay motivated for achieving your goals. Moreover, the kind of activity can be anything that is interesting for you – be it jogging, yoga, biking or even walking. The main idea is to keep your mind organized and body healthy.
  9. They are persistent in pursuing their goals
    Determination and persistence are the top habits of any successful individual. Outstanding success is rarely achieved at the first attempt. To get what you want, you virtually have to try and fail until you discover the right way or solution. Persistence helps you become the best version of yourself. If you lack in this quality, search for the source of motivation outside – but never give up.
  10. They delegate responsibility
    To successfully manage multiple project, an executive manager needs to master delegation of tasks. Perfectionism or uncertainty in your employees won’t take you anywhere. Delegation is about entrusting the tasks to those who do them better than you, and to focus your own tasks while directing others to success.
    For instance, on a senior management level, it makes sense to invest in a professionally written resume to sell your skills most effectively without distracting from your primary career goals. By delegating writing your resume to the established resume writing company, you’ll get result without the necessity to spend your time and effort on it. Learning resume techniques and winning resume hints takes a plenty of time, so it’s wise to assign this task to someone who is highly experienced at it.

To succeed in a competitive modern business world, you’ll need to get the most out of your professionalism and dedication. However, adopting the habits of wealthy and successful people will do you any harm. Improving your routine will positively reflect on the results you get.

Good habits to widen your career opportunities

Moving up the career ladder is a challenging process, and positive habits will help you with it.


Our most crucial career advice is about analytical work. Representatives of the human resources department claim that this skill comes to the fore in the contemporary world. Practically every job description includes this requirement. Train critical thinking skills, and you’ll soon appear among highly successful people.

Study more information

New knowledge builds new neural pathways. Thus, you’ll become a promising candidate for any industry and get good chances to earn big bucks. It is good when a specialist manages to develop professional knowledge on his or her job. Plus, new skills and information are also helpful.

The more you know, the better problem solver you become. It is because you see numerous variants of how to solve the issue and see an avoidable mistake in advance. Besides, good erudition makes you sound professional.

Talk to people

Do not ignore real communication. Even if you are an introvert, try to step out of your comfort zone. Such skills will help you climb the corporate ladder. Whatever position you have, you still need to discuss work moments and opportunities for your career growth, as well as understand company policies and instructions that your boss asks you to implement. Better relationships with your co-workers and managers contribute to your success.

Psychological self-care

It is a really good habit to care about your psychological state. Learn to find a balance between a too negative and positive attitude to life. The best thing is to remain neutral. Consider your dreams when choosing the future profession. Otherwise, you can become terribly disappointed by the work duties and routine. Do not focus on the income only, personal satisfaction and job satisfaction also matter.

Make plans and set goals

Find time to set strategies and aims. For instance, you can fix thoughts about your dream employer, visualize a new job, plan other episodes of your life, etc.

Alongside the above recommendations, you can develop other habits depending on your professional sphere and workplace (beware of the passive attitude to life).

Daily habits eventually turn into a lifestyle and shape the mindset. All this, in turn, makes a positive effect on the real situation.

A successful career is, above all, a matter of hard work and enthusiasm. Plus, it is a result of your wise decisions, and getting rid of bad habits is among them.

Common habits destroying your career

Social media addiction

Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc. are a big distraction. Today many young adults feel the negative impacts of this harmful habit. Employers rarely appreciate people who constantly check their messengers.

Too much talking

Do not discuss personal problems during working time. Experienced professionals appreciate their time and do not waste them on such discussions.

Silly question

When something is not clear to you, firstly, try to find answers. Sometimes, it is enough to reread the question attentively to understand everything. If you do not want to feel foolish, try to think over your problems before asking your colleagues for help.

An inappropriate language

Rude phrases are offensive. They are unacceptable for the work atmosphere and business environment. Your colleagues, managers, partners, and customers expect to hear polite speech. When it deals with necessarily criticizing or someone’s wrong answer, try to pick proper words.


Extensively talking is useless if you do not act. Fight laziness and desire to postpone crucial things. As a rule, a boss assigns active people to work on interesting and profitable projects.

Looking for a new job to ensure your professional growth? Learn the benefits of personal vs online interview and use all of the advantages of the chosen interview type. And make sure to make your resume solid – if your resume and cover letter don’t look strong, consider hiring a resume professional at an affordable price. Our online agency is willing to provide a perfect resume or a good CV for you. Whether you need a career document for a full-time or summer job, we’ll do it with skill. Due to our professional help, thousands of people have turned their dreams into reality. Shorten the commuting time of the job search process — order our resume writing services!

Do you have any of those habits that successful people have?

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