Build A Powerful LinkedIn Profile: 11 Tips From LinkedIn Resume Writers


LinkedIn is considered the most trusted social network in the US, so it's not a surprise that most professionals use it in their job search. The site is used by 55 million companies and has 14+ million open jobs across many industries. However, simply having a profile won't take you anywhere. To be competitive on this online job market and get found by human resources managers, you need to advertise your strengths to potential employers. In today's article, our experts will share actionable tips for effective LinkedIn profile makeover.

Looking for resume writers near me?

Resume and LinkedIn profile work better teamwise. A professional resume writer from can write both documents so that they complement each other and tell the same career story, effectively positioning you for the job you want. Your executive resume writer is always in touch online so that you could discuss the project anytime using our messaging system or 24/7 live chat. Our resume writing service includes custom writing, keywording, and resume design at a single fee.

11 LinkedIn profile tips from our executive resume writing services

Start with a catchy headline

Aside from the profile picture, a headlline is the first thing a recruiter sees. Your job title is not enough to convince them. Remember that LinkedIn has 450+ million users, so the chances of finding thousands of professionals with the same job title is high. Our LinkedIn profile writing experts recommend that you stick to this formula:

Position + Company | Your core skills (keywords) | Key selling points (something that sets you apart from other candidates)

Good: Web Developer at Facebook | JavaScript, Python, PHP, HTML/CSS | Agile Evangelist, blogger

Bad: Web Developer at Facebook

Introduce yourself in About section

Write a 3-5 paragraph introduction that would present both your professional strengths and personality. Avoid the phrases like "team player", "experienced with ... (technology)", "communication skills", and "can work under pressure". They do not carry any semantic meaning. Instead, fill this section with appropriate keywords. Brag your biggest accomplishments, share some figures, tell what drives and inspires you. If you want to emphasize culture fit with a desired company, do it here.

Share additional resources

If you have a personal website, online portfolio, professional blog or other resources which may be helpful for recruiters, add them to your LinkedIn profile next to the contact details. Similarly, add a live link to LinkedIn page in your resume so that the hiring managers could review it and make sure you're the right person for the job.

Write in the first person

Many job-seekers still have doubts about this advice. While using first person writing is not acceptable on a resume, our resume writer advises that you use it on LinkedIn because it is a social platform. Write as if you were talking to a friend, but keep the tone professional. Let your personality shine. No loud words needed, but proper grammar and spelling are a must.

Show people what you love about your job or business and share a piece of your life outside of work. Again, you are not writing a resume. You are creating a profile on a professional network, so it's okay to be a bit more casual.

Choose a good LinkedIn profile picture

Having a photo leads to much more connection requests and increases views by 21x, according to a LinkedIn article on All-Star profiles. Your photo is important for the first impression about you, so don't hurry. Our resume writing service insists that you invest in professional photos if possible. Don't be afraid to take a creative photo if that's acceptable in your industry. Make sure that the photo was taken recently and that you are in a close-up perspective.

Add a background photo

There's a possibility to upload a background or cover photo to your LinkedIn profile. This is the same as what you see on Twitter or Facebook, with one exception that users expect to see professional or work-themed background images rather than selfies. Here are some ideas to present your professional brand:

• Your business logo

• Event banner where you were a speaker

• Your photo as a speaker at a conference or seminar

However, not everyone has examples of photos listed. In this case, try to take a photo of yourself at work. This is a great option for those types of work where you are not always at the computer, and your work is understandable from a photograph, for example, if you are an architect, chef, photographer, or engineer.

Complete a LinkedIn profile work experience

Creating an interview-winning profile takes more than just listing companies and job titles. For each position, focus on results, not the responsibilities you had. Our professional resume writing services advises that you do this in a bulleted list format. Use active verbs (reduced, developed, improved, facilitaed, etc.). If possible, support your words with the corresponding numbers.

Remember that all sections of your profile should be complete and contain relevant keywords. This is especially true for the sections "Work experience", "Education", and "Skills and endorsements".

Use accomplishments

When browsing LinkedIn profiles, human resource managers pay more attention to achievements rather that routine responsibilities. Here are some examples:

• Led a team of 12 call center agents for 4 years with a 92% success rate.

• Identified and resolved a process bottleneck that reduced downtime by 20% while ensuring completion of 95% projects on time.

This is particularly important in writing an executive resume and LinkedIn profile since you need to showcase your leadership and impact.

Mention courses and certifications

Training and certifications show that you are proactive in your job search and capable of learning and developing your skills on your own. If you have completed relevant courses, mention them, especially if you are just taking your first steps in your industry. If you switched fields, our resume writing service recommends that you list relevant courses only so as not to confuse recruiters.

Personalize your LinkedIn profile URL

Personalized addresses look better on resumes, business cards and make a professional impression. Whenever possible, use a combination of your first and last name:



Ask for recommendations

Endorsements are meant to validate your skills, but they are not enough to make you recognizable. For that, recommendations work better. A referral from another LinkedIn user will tell a story about your work, how well use certain skills, how you handle tasks, and what others think about working with you. Recommendations make your profile more vivid and serve as a social proof.

Just like with endorsements, you can give someone a recommendation to get a recommendation in return. You can ask for a recommendation from a client or colleague after they have praised you for the work done. Don't be afraid to ask for detailed recommendations as superficial comments like "Great job!!!" don't work.

Resume writer tip: If you are looking to relocate for a job, try changing your location to city you would like to move to. This will draw the attention of local recruiters. Moreover, you can combine your job search with tourism. If you're having a vacation in a place you'd like to move to, try and attend a couple of job interviews.

At, we encourage all professionals and executives to use LinkedIn to build their personal brand and expand career opportunities. The above guide offers a full instruction for marketing yourself on LinkedIn and get a dream job offer faster. If you need further help improving your profile or a complementing resume, our team is always online to assist!

Why hire our executive resume writing services?

Having your resume and a cover letter completed by an executive resume writer can boost your interview chances. You needn't to look for the best resume writing services any longer as you've come to the right place! Here's what our team can offer:

• Complete resume packages that include resumes, LinkedIn profile writing, cover letter and even interview tips for a smoother job search;

• Our experienced and certified professional resume writers have 2+ years of experience and university degrees, and we will assign writer who is competent in your industry;

• Adapting the resume for applicant tracking system is inlcuded in your resume package - just send us a link to your target job posting;

• Our resume writing services offer 2 weeks of free revisions, and the resume writer updates and edits the document until you're satisfied;

• Support team is on chat 24/7 to consult job-seekers or answer any questions you may have;

• We guarantee timely delivery of each order, otherwise, you can claim your money back.

Advance your career with an executive resume writer

Hiring trusted resume writing services is absolutely worth it as pro writers understand what recruiters pay attention to. Our writers work one-on-one with you to emphasize the most valuable skills and credentials that help you get shortlisted!

Whether you're in need of a targeted resume or a LinkedIn profile makeover, contact us anytime. We offer 20% off to every new client. Talk to us on chat to activate your discount.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech