Why Are You Failing At Interviews? Top Mistakes Job-seekers Make


Failing at interviews can be disheartening, especially when you've been trying to find a new job for a while. Moreover, not all hiring managers are willing to provide interview feedback and tell you what exactly you did wrong. But worry not - in today's article, we will throw light on the most popular reasons why people fail job interviews.

90% of candidates fail interviews for many reasons, from nerves to showing up late and poor preparation. Below, our career coach will recommend how to be in the lucky 10% who nail their interviews. Keep reading to polish your interview skills and go through the interview process with confidence.

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14 Common reasons why job seekers fail job interviews

1. Not researching the company in advance

Researching a company is as easy as pie. However, the impressive 47% of job-seekers come to an interview knowing little or nothing about the business. And when asked what you know about the company, mumbling and telling something vague like “Well… your company is the state's biggest shoe retailer…and…” is the last thing you want to do.

Spend at least 15 minutes browsing the company website and looking through the news about the company and industry in general. This will allow you to speak to the interviewer on an equal footing. If you can discuss the company's future prospects and industry situation, it will definitely impress the person interviewing you.

2. Giving weak, vague answers

Whatever question you hear, answer firmly, positively, and with confidence. Avoid mumbling, making long pauses, and stumbling upon your words. It can make an impression that you are unprepared or unorganized. If they ask you something general like "Tell me about a time when you successfully managed a project" and you answer like "Um...there was one project...I don't remember the details actually..." it definitely sends the wrong signal.

So, what do you do? If you don't know how to answer a specific, technical question, it's best to answer no. To answer general or behavioral questions well, find a list of such questions online and practice mock interviews at home. When you know what exactly to answer, you'll feel less nervous and act more confidently during the actual interview.

3. Not showing evidence and results

According to the former Amazon recruiter, not providing specific examples in your answer is the #1 interview mistake. It shows that you don't know how your work impacts the company and undermines trust. Of course, it is challenging to remember the numbers right away, so prepare them at home. Reflect on your past experience and write down your achievements, results, and performance review details with numbers and percentages.

For example, when asked about your project management skills, you can say how many people you managed, the key metrics of the project, how you resolved setbacks, and how it helped the client achieve their business goals. Giving details and numbers builds trust, plus they help prove that you have strong professional competencies in your area.

4. Coming across as over qualified

If you're overqualified for the role, it is a red flag for employers. For example, when you have managerial experience but are applying for a junior-level position. Not everyone is ready to hire such a candidate, as hiring managers believe that you will leave when you find a job that better matches your skills.

If that's the case with you, reassure the employer that you want to take this job intentionally and are ready to commit in the long run. Give reason, if possible - for example, your two kids go to school nearby and you are ready to take a lower pay to spend more time with them. Try to downplay your qualifications and boast less about your achievements.

5. Showing bad manners or poor etiquette

Did you bring a cup of coffee to go for an interview, take a seat before they had offered, or yawn like you hadn't had enough sleep? Or maybe, your phone rang in the middle of the interview and you excused yourself to take a call?

Good manners aren't everything, yet they force the interviewer to assume a lot of negative things about you. They think you aren't organized, don't know even the basics of business etiquette, or simply don't bother. Neither of these assumptions will help you get the job. Talking negatively is a huge red flag! Want to know which exact manners turn the hiring managers off?

6. Weak body language

Since people perceive most of the information non-verbally, the interviewer is likely to form the impression about you before you start answering their questions. One of the huge deal-breakers for job-seekers is body language. Bad posture, weak handshake, and sitting in a closed or too casual position can spoil all the attempts to look confident.

Before you enter the office for an interview, practice confident body language: give a firm handshake, smile, and maintain eye contact. Avoid crossing your legs and arms. Speak positively and confidently. The right body language along with appropriate attire can make a great impression even before the interview starts. Even if you have a good answer to every question during interviews, you still need to build rapport and show you are a good fit with corporate culture!

7. Not selling yourself

Being too modest isn't the best interview tactic. The interviewer actually expects you to show off your previous contributions and accomplishments. Otherwise, they'll assume that you haven't done anything impressive or significant. On the other hand, avoid meaningless bragging like “I was the best software engineer in my previous company and the boss was happy with my work”. Instead, say “My students get high SAT scores and enter the Ivy League schools” or “I identified a software bug prior to release, saving thousands of dollars in product-replacement costs”.

Whatever you are proud of in your career, brag about it – but give the recruiter facts rather than interpretations. If you don't plan your career, it's high time you started – check out the benefits of career planning. Just keep in mind that you still need to be honest and explain any gaps or inconsistencies in your resume.

Most people are not selling themselves to recruiters. When you realize your worth, conduct research on the industry, and have a clear story to tell, you have all the chances of getting a good job! The best self during interviews!

8. Forgetting to ask questions during a job interview

As they say, an interview is a two-way street. So, when they ask if you have any questions in mind, avoid saying no or inquiring about salary and perks. A candidate who doesn't have any questions is seen as unmotivated and uninterested in a position. This isn't the impression you are looking to make, so prepare the list of questions in advance. You can find common interview questions to ask at the end of the conversation in this article. Passive candidates who show enthusiasm and don't ask questions get more rejections than proactive and well-prepared people!

9. Speaking about personal issues

Personal problems and issues don't belong to an interview. If you are going through a divorce or urgently need money to pay the bills, keep these conversations for friends and family. Also, avoid washing dirty linen in public when it comes to talking about relationships in the previous company. Even if you had a fight with the boss or the colleagues were toxic, avoid bringing it up in the interview. If the interviewer asks why you left the previous company, keep calm and answer on a positive note. Don't mention any misunderstanding and don't badmouth the previous employer.

10. Dressing unprofessionally

Like it or not, people in professional settings make impressions about us based on what we wear. Some studies have shown that it takes about seven seconds to make an initial impression and it is hard to change it afterwards. Without putting things aside, take the time to plan your interview outfit the night before.

Inappropriate interview attire signals that a person knows little about professional etiquette or isn't a cultural fit. So, no short tops, flip-flops, or massive jewelry. Research the appropriate dress code for your target industry and company, and stick to it. For example, if you apply for a construction or finance company, dress on a conservative side. The right outfit increases the chance of successful interview outcome! If still not sure what to wear to your dream job interview, read our definitive guide on how to dress up for a successful interview.

11. Running late

Whether you have an in-person or online job interview, being late always ruins the first impression. It shows that you are not organized, irresponsible, or not much interested in the role. Plus, when you rush to be in time for an interview, you'll find it harder to concentrate and impress the hiring manager.

If you interview in person, arrive far in advance so that you have extra time just in case. If your conversation is online, join the interview 5-10 minutes early to check everything. Don't let something as minor as being five minutes late spoil the initial impression about you!

12. Being underqualified

In the interview process, coming across as under qualified is just as bad as being too qualified. The recruiter might reasonably assume that your skills are not enough to meet the job requirements and deliver results.

If you are confident in your skills, give examples of unpaid relevant experience, such as university projects, voluntary work, community engagement, and more. If you were taking courses and received positive constructive feedback from professors, mention it too. Use any opportunity to prove that you've got what it takes to deliver results and contribute from day one.

13. Badmouthing your former employer

Maybe, your previous boss was a real disaster and he actually forced you to quit. Maybe, you had a toxic team who were ready to cut each other's throat to get promoted. Yet, under any circumstances you shouldn't tell negative things about your ex-boss, coworkers, or workplace.

If asked about the reason to leave, give a neutral answer, such as that you felt the need to move on and learn new skills, or that you and your boss had different attitudes towards your role in a project. Never bring up negative things, as the hiring manager cannot hear the other side of the story and can associate the negativity with you.

14. Not sending a thank-you note after a job interview

To stay top of mind for an interviewer, send a follow-up reiterating the main points of the interview and repeat once again why you make a good candidate. Send it the same day as soon as you get home or in the evening. Keep the note short – 2-3 paragraphs would be sufficient. This simple courtesy will also set you apart from other people interviewed for the same position. Did you know that 90% of candidates don't bother to send a thank-you email? So, if you do, it will immediately increase your chances of getting a job offer.

The above-mentioned reasons lead to failed interviews quite often, so now you know what to avoid in the next interview to pass it with brilliance. Last but not least: keep the interview on a positive note. Show enthusiasm in a company, position, and the conversation with the interviewer. Keeping confident and motivated always makes a great impression. Hopefully, these tips will help you become more skillful in interacting with interviewers!

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