Ease Your Job Search With Our Resume Polishing Service


When it comes to drafting an effective resume, the tiniest details are important. A typo here and there, missed comma or unprofessional font can ruin the positive impression. Moreover, it can be tough to understand the shortcomings of your CV if you're not a former HR. With 59% of hiring managers rejecting resumes with errors, you won't have the second chance to impress them!

Even if you prefer writing a resume on your own, consider sending it to resume polishing services for review. At ResumePerk.com, we have 100+ resume writers and editors from English-speaking countries. Editing is performed by an industry expert who will polish your resume and improve the content. We will also make sure your resume complies with the modern standards of resume writing.

Resume editing service: what will you get?

If you send the resume to us for editing, you are sure to receive the following:

• Resume content free from grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax errors;

• Direct communication with your editor so you could discuss any alterations and suggest improvements;

• Concise Summary of qualifications which is tailored for your target position;

• Formatting and design of the document are included in your fee;

• Resume and cover letter plus LinkedIn profile editing are available at small extra charge.

If you have no resume at all, you are welcome to use our resume writing services. We will connect you with a writer specializing in your industry. A pro writer will describe your work history and skills focusing on accomplishments to attract the attention of the best employers.

Is a resume polishing service expensive?

At ResumePerk.com, we offer cost-effective resume editing. While some of our competitors charge hundreds of dollars for editing, our prices start at $45 per resume. At the same time, we guarantee that the work will be performed by in-house resume experts, not freelancers. Every editor has a college degree and 2+ years of experience with resumes. We charge the same fee for editing executive resumes and entry-level student resumes.

To make our resume writing service even more affordable, we offer a 20% discount to every new customer! To claim your discount, contact us on chat.

19 professional tips to polish a resume on your own

Want to give it a try and improve a resume by yourself? Then, be sure to follow these tips:

Change the document name

Use a professional resume name, for example, "Meredith Fay-Executive Support Associate-resume". If you do so, it will be easier for a recruiter to find your application on their computer, let alone to distinguish you from job-seekers who didn't bother to do so.

Choose the right file format

Generally, the best file types for resumes are PDF and DOCX. They open correctly on most devices and are compatible with applicant tracking systems. Choose the file format depending on what the job posting asks for.

Tweak the resume address if you plan to relocate

If you want to apply for jobs in another city, remove your home address. In many cases, hiring managers only consider local applicants. If possible, use a local address (for example, address of your friends or relatives).

Add links to your professional social media

"Professional" is a key word here. Don't add links to your personal Facebook or Twitter account. You may only do so if you're looking for a job in social media or digital, and the personal profile reflects your skills. Our resume writing service recommends adding link to a LinkedIn page, but make sure the profile is complete and up-to-date.

Remove resume buzzwords

Resume cliches like hardworking, go-getter, proactive, team player, or enthusiastic add no value and simply take up the space. As you polish your resume, replace these vague statements with specific examples of how you used these qualities.

Focus on accomplishments over job duties

There's nothing easier than simply listing your day-to-day tasks, yet this approach is unlikely to distinguish you from other candidates. Instead of saying "Managed 5 office employees" you can write "Supervised 5 employees and increased productivity by 15% by implementing training initiatives".

Remove unprofessional details

Personal details like date of birth, marital status, religious views or ethnicity won't help you land an interview. On the contrary, most companies reject resumes with personal information to avoid discrimination claims.

Delete graduation year and college details

If you graduated over 5 years ago, you may remove year of graduation. Academic coursework and related activities may be skipped as well. When hiring experienced professionals, companies look at career history in the first place. If you attended college, remove high school details either.

Locate employment history and education correctly

An experienced job-seeker need to put professional history above education. On the flip side, students with no paid experience (or part-time jobs only) need to be super detailed about coursework, academic award and extracurricular activities. In this case, education is placde closer to the top of the resume.

Update the skills section

Your professional skills aren't set in stone. Some skills become obsolete (for example, Windows 2000), some are not relevant for your new field of work (you can omit QuickBooks when applying for a designer role). At the same time, you aqcuire new skills and competencies, so don't forget to inform your target employers about it.

Add relevant keywords

Keywords help your resume pass the ATS and be seen by a human hiring manager. 98% of Fortune 500 company use ATS, so take keywording seriously. The easiest way to add keywords is to scan the job posting and insert the required skills and credentials to your resume, mirroring the language of an employer.

Correct the formatting

Use headings, lists, and bullet characters consistently to keep the resume content tidy. Keep the font size between 10 and 12 pts for better readability. You may use bold font and color to highlight the most important details on a resume, but be careful and keep the formatting professional.

Get rid of jargon and contractions

Your resume may be reviewed by a recruiter who is not familiar with your industry. So, make sure the written resume is easy to understand even for those outside of your field. Decipher the abbreviations and limit the use of slang and jargon so that everyone could understand what your job entails.

Start with a catchy summary

Summary is the first thing a recruiters sees, so concentrate your biggest accomplishments, important credentials and skills there. Keep it concise - 3-4 sentences will b enough to tell your brief career story and highlight your brand. Your task is to catch the reader's attention, so think of qualifications that will surely interest this employer.

Remove the old jobs

Senior job-seekers often make a mistake of listing every job they had since graduation. Career experts recommend that you go back 15 years only. Feel free to delete older jobs or keep company names and titles only. This will save resume space while making the document more focused.

2 pages are a limit

Entry-level professionals should use a one-page resume. Those with 10+ years of experience can use the second page. Longer resumes may turn off business recruiters and thus won't help in your job search.

Write numbers in digits, not words

As you polish the resume, instead of "led a team of ten employees in call center for three years", write "Led a team of 10 employees in call center for 3+ years". Digits are easier to read than words, plus they save resume space.

Correct writing mistakes

Fixing errors is the final stage of resume polishing. Use an online spell checker to fix minor issues in writing, including missed commas, periods, and typos. To spot issues in writing style and syntax, read the resume text aloud. Thus, you will easily spoot incomplete sentences and phrases that sound unprofessional. Ask a friend to review the document as well or find a business editor who will fix writing issues professionally.

Attach a matching cover letter

Even the best resume may be rejected if it isn't accompanied by a cover letter targeted for the company. Use a cover letter to address any issues in your career, such as job-hopping or a career gap. Executive writers of our resume service also recommend that you show motivation for joining the company.

Hire the best resume polishing services

Of course, you may try and update a resume on your own. But to get a resume that is actively marketing you for the role and highlights your strengths, it's better to find a resume polishing service. ResumePerk.com resume polishing team offers in-depth editing that involves not only correction of erros, but also the improvement of writing style, flow, structure and resume design. As a result, you receive a resume of an exceptional quality and can start applying for jobs immediately!

Do you need resume writing services?

If you haven't update a resume for 3+ years, we recommend that you use a resume writing service instead of editing. We offer a smooth writing process: a writer works one-on-one with you to create the best resume and tailor it for a job to win more interviews. Satisfaction is guaranteed: we give you 2 weeks of unlimited revisions and a money back guarantee. Your dream job is waiting - contact our resume polishing service today and get a 20% off!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech