Hire Resume Writer to Ease Your Job Search


resume writing servicesFinding your next job seems time-consuming and frustrating? As the experts say, job-hunting can take you somewhere from 3 to 6 months (for senior level managers, up to a year). The final result of your job search depends on your strategy and the effort you put into it. Your application documents matter as well – a weak resume can sabotage the job search and leave you wondering why you’re not being invited for interviews.

Get help from expert resume writer

If you want to find a new job faster, it’s a good idea to hire resume writer. A professional writer will point out at mistakes and discrepancies of your resume at a glance and help you present yourself in most favorable light. We offer personalized assistance – the resume will be original and crafted with your career goals in mind. In just 1-3 days, you’ll get a professionally written resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile created in full accordance with your requirements and wishes. Moreover, if you decide to hire someone to write resume, you’ll get an attractive discount – contact us to get the code.

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9 Tips to simplify your job search

Job hunting which is not organized properly usually takes more time and brings worse results than if you had systematized your efforts towards a specific goal. Whether you’ve quit job in the right way or browsing new opportunities while on the job, there are a few tricks which can make the job search process inevitably easier and more efficient for you. In addition to pay to have resume done, our career experts recommend that you take the following steps:

  1. Set up a clear, measurable goal
    Smart goal setting is everything in any sort of your professional activity. It should also become the first step of your job searching process. Even before you start sending in your resumes, access your professional capabilities and skills and set a ‘dream job’ target. Write out in detail what sort of job you’d like to get ideally in terms of salary, benefits, range of responsibilities, etc. Your target should be realistic; otherwise, you’re bound to aim at nothing. With a clear understanding of the kind of job you’re after and self-awareness you’ll find it much easier to weed out what’s irrelevant and get more chances to find that ‘dream job’ eventually.
    Perfect if your job search goal is aligned with your career plan. Don’t have one? Here’s why you should create it: https://resumeperk.com/blog/planning-a-future-career-are-you-for-or-against.
  2. Make up your career story
    Little of us have perfect career histories. With all those middle-age career changes, short-time jobs, career gaps and lack of consistent career progression it can be a challenge to send a holistic personal brand message to a potential employer. If you apply for mid- or senior-level jobs, established brand is a must as it immediately differentiates you from the competition and makes your value proposition clear.
    So, you should start with developing a career story just for yourself. Organize all those diverse, non-structured bricks of your career history into a big picture that portrays you as an impactful professional in your field. As soon as you make it clear for yourself, it will be a lot easier to deliver your message to a professional audience.
  3. Network with everyone, everywhere
    Despite the fact that online applications have become a routine (and this is one of the reasons why you need a resume writer), face-to-face interaction and recommendations are still the king when it comes to actually getting a job. That’s why career experts encourage you to go out and attend all sorts of professional events to meet the new people who potentially could connect you with the dream job. However, it’s possible to go beyond that – see every public place as a platform for networking. Your kid’s sports section, friends’ party or socializing in your community –it’s acceptable that you bring up the subject that you’re job hunting, and the odds are you’ll meet the right person outside of your accustomed professional environment.
  4. Develop a job search routine and stick to it
    If you have followed the step 1, you probably already have an idea of what and how to look for. To go further and make the whole process more effective, create a job search routine you will follow until the day you get a job offer. Which websites to browse, how many cold calls to make, who to follow, when to prepare for interviews – all these and more actions should be repeated every day. As they say, treat the job search like a job itself. A routine, in its turn, won’t allow you to waste time figuring out where to get started and what to do first.
    Want to incorporate the power of social media to find a job faster? Read here: https://resumeperk.com/blog/top-hashtags-to-find-your-next-job
  5. Lack accomplishments? Become a top performer
    This may sound weird as it’s barely ever possible to combine a hard work and searching for a new job on the side. However, if your job hunting is not urgent, this approach can go you a long way. First, awareness of your expectations from the next role will help you to develop the necessary skills while you’re on the present job. Second, if you lack career accomplishments, it’s high time that you gained them by working smart and increased the value of your resume accordingly. Third, if you cultivate positive attitude and hardworking approach to everything that you do, chances are your efforts will get noticed and the job itself will find you. Sounds attractive, doesn’t it?
  6. Maintain consistency in your materials
    In the digital era, a recruiter has lots of sources to gather information about you, and your resume isn’t the primary one any longer. With the increasing importance of soft skills, cultural fit and online visibility, even your online profiles will be scanned to evaluate your personality type. Everyone knows that party pictures and controversial postings should be cleaned up; but simply neat profile isn’t enough to impress the employers any longer.
    Ideally, you should update all the printed and online information so that it conveyed the same professional image and message. In other words, if you portray yourself as a motivating leader and a good negotiator, make sure your online materials – even personal ones! – support this image as well. However, don’t go to the extremes to make all of your posts work-related as they may read as signs of workaholism which isn’t positive either.
  7. Apply even you aren’t 100% fit
    Have you ever had that feeling when you open a great job posting from a reputable company just to find out you don’t fully meet the requirements? Although this can be frustrating, you shouldn’t be overly modest about yourself as well. It’s totally okay to apply for a job if you are not 100% match – provided that you meet eligibility requirements.
    Companies look for staff to perform a certain range of duties, that’s true. But they are also interested in hiring talent who will take their business to the new heights. If you have a successful track record in your career and only lack in 1-2 skills or competencies, don’t hesitate to apply.  New skills can be learned, and if your personality type matches the nature of work and their corporate culture perfectly, they’ll be happy to have you onboard.
    Online job application process has its peculiarities – learning the ways how to submit resume online can make that job search a lot more effective.
  8. Connect with hiring managers on a personal level
    As mentioned above, supporting your online job hunting efforts with offline activities results in landing a job faster. The principle “It’s important not what you know but who you know” still works, so use it to your advantage. To become top of consideration for hiring managers, you need to be more than just a couple of words on a paper sheet.
    Introducing yourself to a hiring manager at an industry event or job fair might work, but if it’s a corporate job that you’re aiming for, you’ll have to compete with other candidates doing the same. Try finding a connection working for your dream company and ask them to put in a word for you. This does not guarantee that you’ll get a job eventually, but will undoubtedly motivate the hiring manager to spend more time reviewing your credentials.
    If you are applying for the company where your best friend works, remember that working for a friend has its peculiarities.
  9. Make sure your resume is perfect
    From high-impact statements to resume keywording, you need to invest a lot of effort into your resume before it gets strong enough to represent you for a prospective employer. Some might insist that it takes somewhat 2-3 hours to write a resume, and this is true. However, creating a winning, effective resume that will distinguish you from other candidates at a glance can take you days, if not weeks. Being aware of hiring trends, resume writing practices and honing your writing skills can turn out to be more difficult than you expect.
    Are you already thinking “I need someone to write my resume”? Even if you already have a written document, it’s a good idea to have a professional evaluate its efficiencyand improve it if necessary.

Landing a new job takes a lot of time and nerve. Getting your documents prepared by a professional will reduce your job search stress and help you land more interviews. Taking smart steps during job hunting itself, in its turn, will make the entire process more efficient, resulting in your getting a quality offer. Use the above insights to transform the way you approach your job search, and the result will be forthcoming. You’ll also benefit from more advice on how to find a job quickly with resumeperk.com.

Hire resume writing service – it’s your door to success

An effective job-hunting embraces lots of tactics andapproaches but always starts with creating an effective resume. If you doubt that yours represents you at your best, consider getting assistance from our seasoned resume experts. With a deep understanding of hiring process and employers’ expectations, we will update your resume in accordance with the modern rules and tailor it for your dream job posting if necessary. Pricing system is affordable and flexible – check our charges and range of services provided. We are always at your disposal – feel free to contact our services anytime, from anywhere.

How long did it take you to land your most recent job? Did you manage to get a type of position you were aiming for?

Hire our professional resume writer for efficient job search

One can spend about half a year to find a good job. What if we say that this period can be minimized? All you need is to know the secrets of professionally written resumes.

As successful representatives of resume writing services, we can say from experience that a strong resume increases your chances to get an invitation to the desired interview.

You can spend hours or even days to study the nuances of the resume writing process. And we offer a more pleasant alternative. Please, hire our resume writing expert, and we’ll do everything for you.

A personalized resume

A good resume writer knows that your resume must be a one-of-a-kind text presenting your specific strengths. We always carefully analyze your job description and other requirements of the company to build a powerful spot-on resume and cover letter. We’ll make your resume stand out among documents of other job seekers by highlighting your accomplishments and experiences.

Our team never uses resume templates, so you can always count on a unique resume meeting expectations of your future employer.

Become noticed for applicant tracking systems

Our certified professional resume writer knows how the applicant tracking system works. Your existing resume will be adapted to modern ATS algorithms. Thus, most recruiters of contemporary companies will quickly detect your files on the web.

Professional resume writing and design

A professionally written resume conveys all the necessary information to a recruiter. And nice modern design contributes to the image of the job seeker and makes the first impression. Alongside experienced resume writers, we also have designers on our team. So your resume formatting and visual appearance will be awesome. 

Career advice from the experienced resume writer

Career coaching and preparation for job interviews are also part of our job. Professional resume writers are ready to share recommendations and, thus, contribute to your professional growth. A professional resume and tips on your self-presentation will help you find the job in the shortest terms.

Gain confidence in your resume

When writing resumes for our dear clients, we apply professional knowledge and experience. That is why you always receive a resume written precisely for your situation. Representatives of our resume services guarantee good results, and you have nothing to worry about. Your calmness and confidence are evidence of professionalism. We are sure recruiters will appreciate both your resume and self-assurance.

Hire a resume writer. It is affordable

Choose your right resume writer here and do not overpay for it. We are glad to offer various resume packages for every budget. One can purchase only a resume service or add cover letter writing, recommendations for interviews, a professionally written LinkedIn profile, etc. Our professional writers also work with urgent orders. Besides, a free resume review service is also available.

Is resume writing service worth paying?

Hiring a resume writer is always a good idea. In fact, it can be a perfect investment in your future career success. The price is not very high, and you receive an efficient solution to your issue. It is a much better variant in comparison with using a standard quality resume template or resume builder.

The only thing is to choose a trustworthy professional resume writing service, and our agency is a good variant.

Your best resume is only one click away, please, order here!

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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