How to Use Social Proof in Your Job Search


Job-hunting is an exhausting process with so many things to take care of. Writing a resume, applying to new job postings every day and preparing to answer popular interview questions are its essential elements. However, what candidates often overlook is using social proof to highlight their professional value.

job search

What does the term ‘social proof’ stand for?

Social proof in general means getting your knowledge and qualifications endorsed by other professionals and supervisors. We’ve all seen fluffy resumes where people exaggerate their skills and knowledge just to get an interview. In this regard, social proof builds credibility – it shows that your professionalism was recognized by other people and organizations.

The term social proof is also used pertaining to your internet activities, both in professional and personal social media. And when the employer will look up for your online profiles (and nearly 100% of them will these days), they’ll search for clues that you are the kind of professional you claim to be in that resume. Our qualified resumes writers pro have prepared a few simple ways to use social proof for your job search. 

The experts of can make a professional resume for you according to the most recent resume standards. The writer will focus on your strengths, show off the accomplishments and help you stand out from the competition – all that at a very reasonable fee.

7 ways you can use social proof during the job search

As we’ve mentioned above, social proof is about getting recognized for your professional achievements, skills and values. Here are plenty of ways you can try right now:

  1. Complete your LinkedIn profile
    I know, you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But, in all honesty, are you using this social networking platform to its maximum? Is your profile as detailed and thoroughly completed, with hundreds of connections, as those of the top players in your field? If not, it’s about time for a change. If you don’t know where to get started, study this guide from our LinkedIn expert.
  2. Get endorsed by other professionals on LinkedIn
    As part of your LinkedIn profile makeover, get skill endorsements and recommendations from your connections. This is the simplest form of social proof you can get. Start endorsing skills other professionals you know personally – chances are that some of them will endorse your back. Ask your supervisor or coworker for the recommendation – profiles with recommendations look more trustworthy.
  3. Establish a strong social media presence
    If the necessity to give your online profiles a professional appeal freaks you out and you’d rather delete them for the period of job hunting, think twice. 47% of employers are less likely to interview a candidate they haven’t found online. Social proof here is about updating your personal pages in a way that would communicate your best personal and professional qualities. If you don’t know where to get started, here are a few hints: reposts from professional groups, industry-related news, your opinion on recent events or trends, photos from professional events, video lectures are good ways to go.
  4. But don’t go overboard trying to look ‘professional’ 
    Avoid cleaning everything personal from your Instagram and Facebook. Near-empty profiles won’t help you build social proof. A rule of thumb is to avoid sharing controversial, inappropriate or unprofessional content. Replace it with travel pictures, pet videos, photos of you participating in community activities or doing sports. Anything that proves the good things you’ve already written in a resume will go you a long way in making a good impression.
  5. Use testimonials on your resume
    This trick is rarely used yet extremely helpful. Add 2-3 quotes about your professional and personal qualities in your resume directly. You can extract these quotes from LinkedIn, letters of recommendations or ask people you work with to write a brief feedback about your work. Mind though that “Megan is highly competent and a pleasure to work with” won’t work. Seek something more to the point and appealing to specific professional characteristics of yours.
    Testimonials from former clients are especially important for freelancers. If you are only considering freelancing career, check out our tips on how to start freelancing.
  6. Focus on achievements and awards
    The measurable and specific results in your resume are a form of social proof, too. Accomplishments with figures show that you understand the value of your work and that this value was recognized by your former supervisor and employer. Students and professional awards indicate that your outstanding performance was recognized by a reputable organization. Both work perfectly as a social proof and help you stand out from the pile of similarly qualified candidates.
  7. Align the messages across different domains  
    As you’ve added social proofs to your LinkedIn page, resume and polished an online presence in general, you’re already one step ahead of many job-seekers who haven’t. However, ideally, all your profiles and job search documents should tell the same story. The facts from social media should complement your resume information, not contradict it. For instance, if you apply to a green company, posting pictures from eco-friendly activities is a great tactic for getting noticed.

The above-mentioned methods have one goal in mind: to show that your professionalism was recognized by others and to demonstrate your personality. If the prospective employer has looked through your online profile and liked what they’ve found there, your interview chances skyrocket.

Get a resume that effectively markets you for the job

If you don’t know which qualifications to highlight on your resume and how to put the achievements into the spotlight, consider hiring a resume expert. At Resumeperk com, we staff experienced resume writers specializing in many industries and career levels. The writer will directly communicate with you to find out your expectations and work on the paper until you are satisfied. Got a written resume? Our expert can polish it, fixing any shortcomings and mistakes to make your writing shine.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech