10 Useful Tips To Speed Up Job Search


Tips to speed up job search

Applying for a few jobs and getting interview offers on the spot sounds like fantasy. In today’s highly competitive job market it’s nearly impossible to find a job fast. According to career experts, it takes the job seeker months to find a new employment.

Is there any way to speed up this process and get more responses fast? Fortunately, there is. However, simply posting your resume online isn’t enough to get rapid results. Follow our tips below to facilitate your job search and make it more effective:

  1. Apply for a lot (really, A LOT!) of jobs
    Here’s the question: how many jobs do you apply for every week? Is it 10 or 20 jobs? Nevertheless, to facilitate the job search process, you should apply for around fifty jobs – or more. You don’t have to be a 100% match in qualifications (however, you should only apply if you fit into minimum requirements).
  2. Apply early
    Don’t wait for days before applying for a job that evoked your interest. Over 50% of new hires applied for job within the first week of posting an ad. So, it basically means that the sooner you apply, the higher are your odds of getting an interview invitation. If you apply late, the recruiter can hire someone else before he even sees your resume – even if you’re a perfect candidate for the position.
  3. Don’t focus only on your industry
    It’s a common mistake of job seekers to apply for jobs (either on job boards or in LinkedIn) only within their industry. Nevertheless, you can’t even imagine how many opportunities you miss out just because the field is outside of your comfort zone. If you’re an interpreter, in addition to browsing jobs in translation field, you should check what’s out there in business, tourism or nonprofit organizations. Who knows – maybe, such a risk will help you discover your true calling (here are more tips on how to do that: https://resumeperk.com/blog/discover-your-true-calling-tips-from-resume-services-online?
  4. Update your social media - It goes without saying that your Facebook profile shouldn’t look like the one of a teenager. However, there’s something more than that – you need to make it job-search friendly. Depending on your industry, consider doing the following:
    • Write a job-search post with a list of your key qualifications and achievements and ask your friends to spread it – the odds are the hiring manager sees it;
    • Use – both when creating a self-promoting post and searching for relevant opportunities;
    • Upload the samples of your work (this is most effective for those in creative industries).
      Let your community know that you’re job-hunting. Even if the social media itself doesn’t help you with getting a job, the odds are that a friend of yours can recommend you to one of his acquaintances.
  5. Use a professionally looking profile picture
    You shouldn’t use a headshot in your resume – but for your LinkedIn, profile picture can really make the difference. Make sure the one you’ve uploaded captures your professional image well. Moreover, people can forget your name, but will remember your visual appearance.
  6. Keep a cover letter at hand
    Although not every employer requires to apply with a cover letter, we recommend attaching one when applying for positions which are of particular interest for you. Many people don’t realize the importance of a properly written cover letter. It shouldn’t be a paraphrase of your resume; just on the contrary, the cover letter is to be written under different angle. It’s your chance to give emphasis on your personality and relevance to the employer’s needs.
  7. Respond timely
    Check your email every day (the more often is better) and find time for any incoming calls. Follow up in timely manner – hiring managers are busy fellows and won’t be waiting for days until you get back to them. Remember that proactivity is the sign of your interest and it increases your chances of getting hired.
  8. Create a portfolio, professional website, or upload the samples of your work
    Writing about how good you are in a job is okay, but why not let your work speak for itself? If you write articles, develop websites, photograph or create interior design, show how well you do it! Create a website where you can post samples of your previous work. If you’re outside of creative industries, http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/ways-speed-up-job-search/ suggests that you start a professional blog. You can share the advice with readers or post any type of professionally relevant content you might find interesting.
  9. Practice interviewing
    Not many of us feel confident, concentrated and relaxed (just like with best friends) during interviews. However, when a perfect opportunity comes by, you need to be 100% ready to effectively sell yourself during the interview.
    As you know, practice makes perfect. This works with interviews as well. Find the interview questions on the web and practice in front of the mirror or with a friend. Don’t reject interview offers even if you aren’t much interested in a position – use it as an opportunity to practice interviewing and maybe make a new professional connection. The more interviews you pass, the sooner you’ll ace in them.
  10. Expand your professional network
    If you’re actively searching for a job, you do need a wide professional network. Expand your connections, both on LinkedIn and face-to-face during professional events. If one of your friend or former coworkers works for your dream company, don’t hesitate to ask them to recommend your candidacy for a job opening. Have your resume, cover letter and portfolio ready to go if you occasionally meet someone important in your field. 
  11. Get help from recruiters
    If all your job hunting efforts don’t seem to be effective, think about getting professional help. Recruiters can discover new opportunities from the places you’ve never considered – moreover, they usually have rich professional connections. Professionals can also correct your act and give useful advice on your career development.

Are you starting career in a new field?

If you are going to make career change, you should be aware that it takes career changers longer to find an employment. Before you leave an old job, access the main risks of starting a new career. It will help you find a job fast even if you’re entering a new field.

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