Top Weirdest Jobs You'll Be Curious To Discover


Top weirdest jobs

Ever complained about your job being dull and monotonous? Wondered if there are unusual jobs beyond offices, calculations, and negotiations? If you've planned a radical career change and want to know about unusual, non-typical jobs that the world has to offer, you'll find them on our list. After creating a professional resume, you'll be able to apply for every job in every industry. However, what if you aren't totally sure of the prospective career path? The below list of professions will significantly expand your knowledge of the world of work – we bet you didn't know at least the half of jobs from the list. And, if you're not looking to change jobs right now, you'll find it curious to learn more about how people earn their living. Golf ball divers, professional mourners, chief listening officer, a human statue, professional cuddler, ethical hackers, or intimacy coordinator - these are the examples of the weirdest jobs that will make your ordinary job look way too normal!

The Weirdest Jobs in the World

Professional sleeper

Are you a sleepyhead who always complains that 8 hours of sleep is not enough? Well, somewhere in Finland you can get paid for sleeping. One of the hotels in this country has hired a ‘professional sleeper' to test the comfort of their beds. The person's responsibility was to sleep in each of the hotel beds and then write a review about his impressions and evaluate their comfort. This unusual job has a rater positive impact on our mental health, doesn't it?

Netflix viewer

Another dream job for lazybones, as it assumes that you're being paid for actually watching TV. The job of one lucky individual involved watching Netflix shows all day long and assigning tags to each program. Thus, he enabled the Netflix users to find the TV shows/movies by genre and other keywords, making the user experience better. Documentaries, romantic comedies, movies based on classical literature, and many more can be found due to this kind of job. This kind of unusual jobs are usually listed under advertising or marketing departments. If you are interested in turning your hobby into a profession, check it out!

Snake milker

If you only associate milking with farms and cows, you'll be curious to discover this job. The duty of snake milkers is to collect venom from the world's most poisoned snakes (rattlesnakes, cobras, etc.). The extracted venom is crucial for use in medicine and laboratories, i.e. to create antivenom. Its price reaches up to $1,000. You need to be brave enough to even consider this type of job, though. That would be a rather interesting point to add to your career in food science or traditional chinese medicine!

Professional bridesmaid

Are you a bride looking to make your wedding and bachelorette party unforgettable? Then, some professional services won't do you any harm. They typically include assistance with wedding parties and all aspects of preparation for it. You can turn this job into your own business but this position is definition one of the odd jobs!

Dog food tester

Ever wondered about the taste and quality of food your cat or dog eats? Major dog food companies hire food tasters to evaluate the quality of their products, including taste, flavor, texture, etc. However, they rarely eat it – the food is usually spat out after the taste is evaluated. So, someone can actually confirm that the dog food got tastier! I would rather be China giant panda protection expert!

Train pusher

Do you use the underground every day to get to work and think it's too crowded? Then, you'll be curious to know that the Japanese have a specific profession to get as many people into the underground train as possible. They are called ‘train pushers' and they literally cram people into the cab until the doors close. If you Google these trains, you might reconsider what you call a crowded underground. It can be seen as a form of a physical therapy too!

Odour judge

Odour judges are hired to test the quality and effectiveness of the brand-new products of cosmetic companies. They evaluate volunteers' breath, feet, and armpits. Sounds really weird, and it's probably not the kind of job everyone is willing to take. However, companies take this really seriously, and the judges get their taste of smell tested every month. Companies pay surprisingly well for this weirdest job!

Scuba diving pizza delivery

The fact of underwater pizza delivery itself sounds fascinating. Nevertheless, there's an underwater hotel in Florida where such a delivery type exists and is popular. A person responsible for pizza delivery carries it in a special waterproof case through the sea. This job is offered at private events and the average income per day can match that of a monthly salary!

Ayurveda healer

What is Ayurveda? An ancient type of traditional Indian medicine it has a thousand years of history. And, with the emerging popularity of Eastern practices such as yoga, meditation, and many others, Ayurveda gained recognition as well. Basically, cures of Ayurveda have a natural origin and are mostly made of plants. Moreover, it has a philosophy based on balancing energies in the human body through nutrition and multiple remedies. Thus, the knowledge of Ayurveda is now in great demand in the US. It can be a good addition to career pathes, despite being one of the strangest jobs in the world!

Body painter

This type of work is a real outlet for creative individuals. If painting and arts are your second nature, you can try them yourself during various festivals, concerts, and other events. Children adore face painting, while adults prefer temporary tattoos or sophisticated body art. Thus, you have lots of opportunities to incorporate your artistic skills – what is more, most body painters are freelancers or work flexi-time. Some jobs will need the most of your creativity: learn how to boost your creativity.

Feng shui consultant

While Ayurveda is aimed at healing the human body, Feng Shui explains how our homes should be organized to ensure our health, vitality, and success in various spheres of life. As a Feng Shui expert, you will need to take into account color, materials, lighting, and organization of space at home and in the office. By balancing the above elements, a flow of vital energy must be achieved and it is believed that this energy can improve the life of people living or working there. To become a consultant, you might need some certification or relevant training.

Fragrance chemist

This job is extremely interesting yet complex and requires a high-level degree in chemistry. As a part of their daily routine, fragrance chemists study odor molecules and formulate perfumes and scents for various toiletries. They usually work for major cosmetics companies and the results of their work are present in our daily lives in the form of perfume, body lotion, soap,  shampoo, etc.

Online reviewer

Online reviews of products and services have become an essential part of our lives. Before purchasing something, we often browse feedback from other buyers to grasp the quality, attributes of the product/service, and their level of satisfaction. However, with the possibility to create multiple accounts and write anonymously, fake online reviews have become a powerful tool for manipulating consumer behavior, which forms the demands of paid online reviews. If hired to do this job, you'll need to write a product review that has little to do with reality and promotes a specific opinion.

Professional line stander

In today's busy world, few of us have time to stand in the long lines, which still exist in our line. New iPhone launch, Harry Potter book release, and Black Friday sale – all events of this kind require hours (or days!) of standing in line to be one of the first to buy the product. So, all you need to do is to stand in a line instead of someone else's and get money for it.

Face feeler

Face feelers are in demand in the cosmetics industry. They test new skin products and then analyze how their skin feels after this. Literally, they just apply products on their face and feel the skin. So, now you know that there's grounding behind the statements that, for example, a new night cream makes the skin even softer.

Waterslide tester

Ever dreamt of a job that looks like a never-ending holiday? Well, for waterslide testers it looks exactly like this. Basically, they have to slip down the water slides and then report their feedback. We bet this is the most positive and exciting among the list of non-typical jobs.

Weird Jobs and Unusual Jobs are Everywhere

As you see, the world of work isn't limited to purchasing, selling, negotiating, manufacturing, and consulting. There are plenty of opportunities outside of your office space that you'll be extremely curious to learn about and maybe try out to get out of your comfort zone. If you are still looking for your true calling, maybe, one of the above jobs is worth consideration. (You'll also benefit from tips prepared by our experienced resume writers on finding your genuine calling here:

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