Get A Professional Resume: Hiring Trends of 2018


In the technology-driven world, all aspects of life continue to change and the hiring process is not an exception. Today, companies use the opportunities that the Internet and technology offers to hire the best talent. If you are looking to get a new job in 2018, take a note of the list of trends in hiring and employment below. Knowing what to expect from the screening and interviewing process will help you prepare effectively and stay ahead of the competition.

Get a resume written by a pro

To make your job search a success, it’s a good idea to contact a professional resume service. The matter is that your resume will be run through by specific software before the hiring manager gets their hands to it. This software called ATS checks your resume for relevant keywords and rates it based on now many keywords it has. Resumes with low ratings go to “No” pile.

Our resume writing process includes keyword optimization as well. The writer will not only take care of the quality writing, but also adds relevant keywords to make sure your resume passes the machine selection. Therefore, you’ll get much more chances to get noticed.

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8 hiring trends you should take into account

In addition to get professional resume, there are so many aspects of the modern application and interviewing process that should be taken into account. Here are the most important highlights of what to expect from the hiring process and how to get ready for it:

  1. Artificial intelligence will be used in the hiring process
    AI, or artificial intelligence is the next big thing and its use is on the rise. This technology helps hiring managers to make smarter decisions when finding the right person for the opening. Automating the certain parts of applicant screening processes helps the companies save time and resources.
  2. New resume types will remain popular
    You are probably aware of the traditional resume pros and cons. However, a resume today is something more than the black text on the white sheet. Modern resume types such as infographic resume, video resume and a personal website continue gaining popularity among the job-seekers.
    Multimedia resumes have a huge advantage over the traditional text one: it can show your personality which is sometimes much more important than the responsibilities and credentials. Video resumes can also demonstrate your communication style and personal attributes. If you feel like getting creative about your job hunting and are ready to impress the prospective employer with a non-traditional resume, be sure to give it a shot. Nevertheless, don’t forget to supplement your creative resume with a traditional one.
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  3. Video interviewing becomes a routine
    With the growing number of remote workers, companies are looking for the ways to save money on screening and interviewing process and video interviews is one of those ways. Virtually, Skype interviews are beneficial for both job-seeker and the company as they require less time and resources from each side. Learn more about Skype interview benefits.
    Companies looking to hire a full-time employee often use it to determine the candidate fit before organizing a face-to-face interview. Remote interview doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get prepared, though – talking to a hiring representative from the kitchen while wearing pajamas is the surefire way to miss an opportunity. Get ready just as if you did for the ‘real’ interview – and since you’re home, you can use a cheat sheet with answers if you get nervous.
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  4. Companies focus on candidate experience
    Organizations that are looking to build the reputation of top employers get more and more important to make candidate experience during job application positive. In other words, the employers try to get away from sophisticated application instruction and long hiring process. It was proven that candidates with positive experience will likely recommend the employer to their friends and acquaintances – even if they weren’t hired.
  5. Diversity is encouraged
    Today’s top employers support employee diversity to adapt to diversifying communities. Moreover, supporting the diversity creates companies a positive public image. Globalization helps concentrate the world’s most talented specialists in several areas, and the companies who are willing to hire diverse employees will only win.
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  6. Working remotely continues being popular
    Today billions of people work remotely and this trend is here to stay. The companies which have adapted their hiring process and company culture to make this collaboration comfortable for both sides will likely be the top employers for those who value flexibility and work-life balance. Moreover, some companies hire remote workers specifically, and if you get resume done, you can apply for remote jobs even if you’re outside of the US. All the arrangements can be made via video conferencing.
  7. Companies pay attention to employee wellness
    It’s been proven that employees who are stressed, burnt out and concerned with financial issues have lower productivity. In its turn, it reflects on the company’s financial results. Due to this, more and more companies see employees’ well-being as their priority. Yoga and fitness classes, mental health counseling, training benefits – this is only a brief list of what companies offer to cover to maximize productivity. It’s a good idea to wonder about the non-monetary perks during the interview and negotiate one of the above.
  8. The workforce is aging
    Today, older candidates are recommended to disguise their age on resumes to avoid age discrimination (for instance, by removing early jobs and graduation dates). However, this practice is bound to go away as the number of senior candidates will grow year by year. Some companies predict this trend and prepare additional bonuses for older candidates, such as retiring and healthcare benefits.

New trends in hiring and employment predict that the world of work will get more open to diverse candidates, older job-seekers and the tendency of working globally will preserve. With the flexibility the modern world of work offers, job-seekers can negotiate the pace of work and benefits they find comfortable.

Get resume done professionally for an efficient job search

Resume writing isn’t only about writing down your responsibilities, skills and accomplishments to send in to an employer. It’s about understanding the demands of modern world of work and anticipating how the hiring managers see a perfect candidate and creating application documents according to them.

We staff resume writing experts with 1+ years of experience in resume writing and understanding of the modern rules of resume writing. At a reasonable price, you can get your resume updated or written from scratch in full accordance with your requirements. Moreover, it’s you who chooses the deadline – your resume and other application documents will be delivered to you right on time. To improve your online presence, you can also get your LinkedIn profile updated by a professional.

Are you continuing your current career path or want to start it over because of career crisis? Our career experts know how a perfect resume should look like. Don’t hesitate to get in touch – we are open 24/7.

Have you already experienced any of the above hiring trends when looking for jobs?

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech