7 Surprising Tips to Find a Job Faster


Job-hunting is often a time-consuming, tedious process. You have to send resumes, fill out online forms, make cold calls, and attend interviews multiple times. Most likely, your actions and effort won’t bring the desired results soon, leaving you discouraged and anxious. Toxic boss, long period of unemployment and other circumstances add up to the urge of the searching process.

How soon you’ll find a job depends on many factors: the state of the job market in your area, your skills and competencies, and your ability to sell yourself during an interview. However, most importantly, it depends on the effort you put in the job search process. Today, a professional resume writer from our company will recommend the exact steps you need to take to land employment ASAP.

7 Tips to find a job fast

As we’ve all heard, insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results. To get better results in your job-search, try using the combination of the following methods:

1. Update the resume in line with your current goals

Adding a few lines about the most recent job is not enough to update your resume effectively. A good resume should reflect your current career goals. Let’s say you worked as an accountant, but would like to go to the managerial side of things and apply for accounting manager roles. Thus, the resume should be focused on this career goal and reflect the appropriate hard and soft skills.
If you understand the importance of a well-written resume for a job search, consider working with a resume creator of Resumeperk com. We staff experienced American writers who can improve your resume’s writing style, throw light on your accomplishments and update it focusing on your current career goals to help you stand out.

2. Treat job-hunting like a full-time job

Most job-seekers only devote a couple of hours to job-search. They send a few resumes, schedule interviews time after time, and the entire process is as slow as molasses. If you want quick results, this isn’t the strategy you want to follow.
If you are unemployed, how about spending 8 hours a day on searching for job openings, reaching out to your network, interviewing, answering e-mail and other activities? Treat looking for a job as a job. If you are now employed, simply dedicate as many hours as possible. As the expert says, you need to put six months of effort into six days. By using all available resources and working as hard as you can, you’ll manage to attend more interviews and eventually get hired faster.

3. Leverage the power of social media

More and more companies hire through social media, so why not use it to your advantage? Update the LinkedIn profile like a pro (here are some pro tips on doing it efficiently: https://resumeperk.com/blog/tips--tricks-for-professional-linkedin-profile-writing) and let everyone know you’re open for opportunities. You can do it either in a profile summary or a headline.
As for other social media, consider creating a job-hunting post that throws light on your qualifications and experience, or even attaching your resume. Thus, you’ll let people in your network know you’re searching for a next gig. And don’t just wait for your phone to ring: use hashtags (such as #marketingjobs or #chicagojob) and professional groups on social media to browse the open positions.

4. Use the help of a staffing agency

Working with a staffing company is often overlooked by job-seekers. Yet, complementing your efforts by the collaboration with a recruiter from this agency can work wonders on your job-hunting. So, why work with them? Firstly, some companies never advertise their openings and prefer hiring through references or agencies. Thus, you’ll get an access to a ‘hidden job market’. Secondly, professionals of such agencies are aware which companies are hiring and can give you some helpful tips, as well as recommend how to prepare for an interview. And finally, it’s free to use their services as it’s the company who pays them for filling a position.  Don’t rely on them completely, but do use them as an additional helpful resource.

5. Reach out to your target companies directly

Sitting days and nights on job boards is fine, but that’s what everyone else is doing. To set yourself apart from other candidates, consider contacting the company directly on LinkedIn or Careers section of their website. Make a list of companies you’d like to work for and try to get in touch with their hiring decision-maker with a highly targeted application. Of course, it will require you to do research about the company and find new sources of inspiration to craft catchy cover letters.
If you can’t get in touch with the hiring person directly, look for mutual contacts or someone from that company who could put in a word for you and pass your application. This approach takes more time and effort, yet it is far more efficient for landing an interview.

6. Take the interview preparation seriously

To make the difference to the interviewing process, always prepare thoroughly. The tiniest details such as too casual outfit, poor body language or not answering the tricky questions can break the interview’s success. Moreover, you’d be surprised by how many people show up for interviews without even researching the company!
Show up dressed as a successful person in your profession.  Practice answering the most popular interview questions so you could act naturally instead of panicking and trying to make up what are your biggest strengths. Avoid getting negative about the previous employers or colleagues and don’t forget about the classic interview etiquette. Investing time into preparation will positively distinguish you from other candidates.

7. Consider finding a part-time gig or volunteering

If you have been unemployed for a few months already, it’s getting harder to pay your bills. However, it’s not the only problem. During the interview you’ll certainly be asked about what you have been doing and how you keep your skills current. To address both of these challenges, consider finding a part-time position in your field – even if this is something you are overqualified for. You might also want to tap into freelancing. Learn the freelance yes or no to make the most out of this type of employment.
It’s also a good idea to do voluntary work in your industry. Volunteering contributes to your sense of meaning and, moreover, allows you to meet new people who might help you with landing full-time employment.

Bonus tip: Take care of the references

The employer will ask you to provide professional references, so there are a few rules of thumb for doing it. Firstly, reach out to the people you are planning to include to make sure they are comfortable with it. Secondly, choose only those past alumni or coworkers who can provide an honest and positive opinion about you. Focus on providing professional references only. Personal references are not needed until the employer states otherwise.

Last but not least, cultivate the right mindset. Avoid looking desperate even if you really need the job – that sends the wrong vibe to an interviewer. Stay calm and confident in your professionalism. Maximize your efforts – do twice or three times more of what you typically do to find a job every day, and the success will be inevitable.

Make a breakthrough in your job search with a new resume

A well-written resume is a turning point of a successful job search. If you struggle getting interviews, why not receive professional help with CV paper? We staff British and American resume makers who are aware of resume formats, effective writing techniques and keywording. If you already got a resume, or PhD editor can take it to the next level by eliminating writing issues, fixing punctuation and applying the customized design. Check out the list of services and prices or reach out to us via chat to get a discount code for 15% off. Our expert will go to great length to make your resume look impressive! 

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech